*Chapter 12*

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The next day I came to the college. Instead of staying back at home and thinking the worst scenarios of what could happen, I decided it was better to learn and spend time with my friends. Also, I had to tell Aira and Rania everything that happened yesterday. 

I know they couldn't do anything but at least I will feel light by sharing it with my best friends.

So here am I, in the business class, waiting for the clock to strike 10 so I could bolt out of here.

"Hey," Rania nudged me to which I raised an eyebrow. "Where were you yesterday? I called you so many times."

Oh. I didn't check my phone after reaching back home. The moment I stepped in my room, I performed my prayers and then collapsed on the bed. I had no energy to do anything else nor did I want to replay the scene in my head again and again and get more worried and scared than I already was.

"Long story. I'll tell you both later." I replied. She nodded and went back to her doodling. Yeah, that is what she does most of the time in this class.


It was lunch time now and we were seated on our table. 

"So what happened?" Rania asked. It was time.

Taking a deep breath, I narrated the whole incident to them. From the kidnapping to the meeting of Ammaar Arif Khan and then me running like crazy to get back home.

When I finished, both Aira and Rania's eyes were wide as saucer. I almost let out a laugh seeing their reactions.

"How can Ahad--I can't believe it!" Aira exclaimed.

"Are you sure it was really Ahad? I mean-"

"Of course I'm sure. I literally kneed him in the stomach!" I expressed interrupting Rania.

"It's so hard to believe it. I never thought he could be like that." She chided.

"You know, I feel a little bit bad for him." I mumbled.

"Why?" They both asked, confused.

"He did receive a few punches from Ammaar. And they were so strong. It nearly knocked the guy out." I stated.

"Yeah, but he did do something bad." Aira rebuked.

"And what about the Ammaar guy? About everything he said, especially the last sentence."

I really didn't want to think about that. I don't know what he will do and when. I still wish that this all is a prank and nothing else. If he is planning on pulling the same stunt as Ahad then what is gonna happen? My parents, my friends, what will happen to them?

"I don't know yaar. I have no idea what will happen."

"You could tell your parents." Rania suggested.

"No. They'll get so worried. Even now, my mom is saying to come back home and they'll find me another nearby college. If they come to know this, they'll never let me back here." I explained. "I need to complete this year at one place. And besides, it's almost the end. The graduation ceremony is coming near."

"Yeah. You're right." Aira agreed.

"There are only one and a half month left. The exams are almost here." I added. They both nodded in understanding.

If it was another situation or if everything was normal, then we would have created a fuss about the exams on our tails. One would have been so stressful, one nervous and scared as hell and one the calmest as if no care in the world. The first one would have been Rania, the second me and the last one would have been Aira.

I really don't understand how she could be so calm about exams as if they are a piece of cake. And that too the final exams of the last year of college. How can anyone not freak out? But this is Aira we're talking about. She takes them calmly. I mean, she is serious in her studies but does not react like me and Rania. We react like as if the world is coming to an end.

I guess that way is better. Nervousness and stress can ruin our exams and whatever we had studied for it. But still I can't help feeling that.

"What about the police?" Aira ventured.

"Don't you remember his threat and warning?" I reminded her.

"Oh yeah." She muttered.


Right now we were at my hostel room. We as in me, Rania and Aira. Talking about anything we could.

"Wait, I forgot to tell you the main reason why I came here." Aira suddenly announced.

"What?" I asked.

"I found information on your handsome stalker." She said smugly. I glared at her because of how she addressed that stranger.

"Spill it." Rania urged.

"So basically, his dad is the owner of our college. They are ridiculously rich. Like really. Multimillionaire type. So because of that no one in college, not even the principal let alone the teachers, can say anything to him. He has a lot of power in his hands as the only son and because he very close to his father so therefore is feared by many." She paused to take a breathe then continued, 

"No one dares to cross path with Ammaar. He has anger issues but can be kind whenever he wants. He comes to college whenever he feels. He gets what he wants, one way or another. He is 20 years old. Very strong and muscular. His father's company is so big and they have the power to control the police,etc. So, he can get away with anything. Also, Ammaar also works in his father's company. Well, now it is kind of his company as well. He can be dangerous, well he is, kind of. Overall, he is someone no one wants to mess with." She finished.

"Woah." Rania and I simultaneously commented as a cold shiver ran down my spine.

"How did you get all that?" Rania asked impressed.

"I have my sources." Aira replied, proudly.

"What will we do now?" Rania wondered worriedly. We all were worried after listening to this scary information about him.

"We hope and pray for the best." I sighed.

That's all we can do.

Ya Allah.


Assalam u alaikum. Hope you all are doing absolutely fine. For those who waited, I'm so so sorry for the late update. My CIE's near and mocks were going on. Besides the fact that I was lazy. I just wanted to say thank you all for reading my book and to those who voted. It really means a lot to me than you guys could ever imagine.

And the silent readers(if there are any) thank you so much. But please if you really enjoy it, do vote. It's a source of motivation.

Moving on, information about Ammaar is revealed. In the upcoming chapters, he will be seen. And their college life is coming to an end.

So like always, if you like this chapter, do vote, comment and share.

May Allah bless you all.

Till next time, 

Allah Hafiz.

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