⭐Chapter 20⭐

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A few days passed, me being locked in the room, unable to go anywhere else. Amaan would come most of the times with dinner or breakfast, trying to talk to me but I kept my mouth shut and never answered or spoke a single word.

Then, his face would turn distorted and regretful making my heart almost melt. Almost.

Thankfully, he always leaves the room without forcing me to speak. I think he admits that whatever he did was wrong and unjustified. But what's done is done. If, by any chance, he is feeling remorse, he should've thought about that before threatening me with my friends' name.

That was really low.

I also have started to eat less and sometimes nothing at all. The food he brings, I hide it in a small secret place. I know that this is wrong but I have lost my appetite to eat. And if I give them to the maid or him, he'll just force it down into my throat.

I have bags underneath my eyes and my eyes have swollen from all the crying I do every night. I noticed that I have also gotten weaker and thinner and I know that has got something to do with the skipping of meals and having a lot on my mind.

How on earth has my life turned from a cheery, happy and fun filled one to this depressed, sad and broken one?

It's like I'm a completely different person. I have lost and forgotten what I used to be.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my everlasting thoughts. Seconds later, it opened revealing Amaan. At the sight of him, a weird feeling settled in my stomach.

I rolled my eyes. Quit the dramatics, will you? I said to myself.

As he walked to my bed and sat down, I turned away from him looking anywhere but there.

"Please, love." He begged. "Talk to me. I... I know you're mad at me. I know you," he swallowed hard, "you hate me. But I'm sorry. So sorry."

I don't give two damns about your sorry. Now get lost!

"It's just that I can't even think of losing you. So whenever you try to escape, I just lose it." He further justified his actions.

Do I look like I care?

"Just stop with the ignoring. Please." He went to touch my hands leading me to finally snap.

"Don't you dare touch me, you heartless jerk!" I seethed.


"Don't call me that!"


"You have no right to say my name!"

"What should I call you then?!" He looked so confused and lost with my behaviour, I seriously wanted to burst out laughing. But thankfully I controlled my emotions.

The thought of what he did made me angry again.

Sure he was apologizing now, but he still meant what he said even now. He is apologizing for shouting at me. Not for threatening me with my dear ones. he message is clear.

"Nothing." I replied.

"You can't ignore me forever, love." He stated with a deep voice.

"Are you done?" I countered back.

"No. Why do you look so weak day by day?" He suddenly asked, concern taking over his beaut- simple features.

Snap out of it!

That's when I finally registered what he had asked. The hairs on my back stood up.

Okay, Adeena. Don't give yourself away. Keep a straight face. Don't let him know.

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