*Chapter 9*

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"Are you okay?" Aira asked me as we walked through the hallways to our first class.

Am I really okay?

"Why what's wrong?" Ahad asked looking confused.

Right, he was absent when I told them about that psycho guy.

"Nothing, I was just not feeling well yesterday so..." I dragged lying.

I decided to not tell anything to him now because what if that guy does something to him? Or what if Ahad tries to do anything? I can't risk him.

"By the way, where were you?" I asked.

"Uh.. I was sick." He answered.

"Oh, are you okay now?" Rania asked.

"Yup, much better."

We entered and took our usual seats.

"You are not going to tell him?" Rania asked whispering.

"Not now." I said and she nodded.


Finally, the first two classes went by to which I sighed in relief. The time took forever to pass.

"So, you prepared for the test, Ahad?" I asked.

"Huh?" He asked, lost.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "The math test. It's today. You ready for it?"

"What test?! I can't remember. What am I going to do now?" He shrieked out. I rolled my eyes.

"Relax, you are so good at math. You'll do good. Besides, I can always help you." I assured smiling.

"Thanks, and what mentioning only math? I'm a genius in all the subject." He said cockily with a smirk.

"Oh really? That's rich coming out from you. Who was the one who just passed the previous Economics test? Huh?" Aira revealed. "You don't get to talk."

Just like that the smirk fell off his face and an embarrassed look took over.

"Really?!" Rania and I shouted simultaneously.

"You were not supposed to tell anyone!" Ahad gritted. We burst out laughing.

"I still passed." He muttered frowning.

"Come on yaar! We are just messing around. It's not like it didn't happen to us. And Aira, she even f-"

"Shut up Dina! Don't sa-"

"Failed! And that too few days ago before you joined!" I ignored her attempt on stopping me from spilling her dirty little secrets.

"Dina! I'm gonna strangle you to death!" She yelled holding both her palms in my direction. Ahad and Rania started laughing.

Ahad cleared his throat and said, "That's rich coming out from you. You don't get to talk too," mimicking Aira's voice.

"Please, I don't have that high pitched irritating and screeching voice."She retorted flipping her hair.

"Okay, that's enough." Rania piped in and just then the bell rang.


There were 20 minutes left for the Math class to start. Walking out of the restroom I made my way to the lockers to get my stuff as Ahad would probably be in there already.

As I turned the corner, out of nowhere a hand grabbed me, the grip was tight but not painful. Yet.

Before I could digest this, it pulled me in an small empty classroom. By the hand, I figured out it was a guy.

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