*Chapter 3*

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The school was finally over and I was heading towards the bus station after bidding my friends goodbyes.

The bus came after two minutes and quickly I got in.

Taking out my earphones out of my bag, I tucked it in my ears and played soft music.

My stop arrived and I made my way to my room.

After performing my usual stuff, I decided to finish my homework. It was not much but still who likes to do?

Lazily, I took out my Accounts book and notebook.

I didn't want to face the wrath of my Accounts Sir.

Yes, he is all chill and cool but he really hates it when students don't complete their homework.

As I was turning the pages of my notebook to start, a small note caught my eye.

Frowning, I took it out.

With shaky hands I read,

'It is I, the one who loves you with all his might.'


My hands started shaking more than before. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

Another note?

Who can it be?

Should I talk to Aira and Rania about this?

I really had no idea what to do, who to ask.

But what if this is not a prank and there is actually someone-a stranger-who is doing this?

What will I do then?

Wiping off the sweat, I held my head in my hands.

All this nonsense shot a very painful headache.

Knowing that I can do nothing about this now, I threw the note away and continued doing my work.


There were five minutes for the first class to start and the hallway was so crowded, I could barely walk without getting pushed around.

Last night after I completed my homework, I immediately went to sleep.

It was a miracle as to how I completed my work with so much distraction and an awful headache.

I was still debating on talking about this matter to my friends and still I couldn't decide on what to do.

After meeting up with my friends we went to our Business class and soon the lesson began.


The bell rang indicating the end of Business.

Me and Rania then moved in the direction of the Accounts class while Aira went on her way to Economics.

The class started after five minutes.

"Hey, I messaged you last night. You didn't reply." Rania whispered to me.

"Oh, I slept early yesterday. What was it about anyway?" I said.

"Just a question of Accounts I couldn't understand but I got it later. By the way you don't sleep that early. Any reason behind it?" She asked.

Should I tell her?

No, not now.

"It was nothing, just a little headache, that's it." It wasn't exactly a lie. So it's okay. In my opinion.

"Oh okay." She said.

It was almost the end of the class and after copying down the notes from the board, I was slowly packing all my stuff.

When I was taking out the books from under the desk, I saw something unexpected.

At least at this time.

Not again, please.

Another note.

I opened it whilst holding it under the desk so that Rania doesn't find out.

'What a beauty you are, inside out.'


At this, I decided I will talk to my friends about this today.

This is going far.

And I need to know if it's a prank or not.

After the bell rang, we moved out and headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Hey guys!" Aira greeted while we were sitting and sat with us.

"Hi!" Rania and I said unison. We started filling our stomachs then.

Should I?

Or not?

I mean I will tell ask them but is right now right?

Yes it is, come on now.

"Umm guys?" They both looked up at me. "You guys said a two to three days back that you'll get revenge on me for.. you know... surprising you."

"Yes of course we will get it. Be sure to keep your eyes open. That's anther thing we haven't decided anything yet. But still watch out." Rania warned.


"So you guys still didn't think of anything yet?" I asked t o confirm it again.

"No not yet but we will soon. You know how not smart and clever Rania is right? So it willl take some time." Aira answered while Rania glared hard at her.

"Like you are any better. I doubt that there is some thing inside that head of yours. It looks completely empty to me." Rania stated smugly.

As they were busy bickering with each other, the hairs on my back stood up.

So there is someone else who is doing this. 


But who?

My hands started shaking at these thoughts unintentionally. A scared look made it's way on my face.

"Earth to Dina!" Rania snapped me out of my mini heart attack.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered. Shit.

"What's wrong? You don't look okay. It's like all the color drained from your face. Is something troubling you?" Aira asked. Concern taking over both of their eyes.

"No, it's nothing. I just don't feel well today." I lied.

"Oh you were also having a headache in the class. Maybe we should take you for a quick check up." Rania suggested while Aira nodded.

"No it's okay guys. I'll get better. There's nothing to worry about." I assured them. "Seriously." 

"But-" The both started but I interrupted them.

"Come on, I'm okay. Besides there's only one class left and then I'll go home and rest." 

"Okay.then." They both agreed hesitantly.

The bell rang and we went t our classes.


The day came to an end and I made my way to the hostel with a clouded mind.

I was scared as hell.


Assalam-u-alaikum and hello guys. Hope you all are doing well. May Allah bless you all. 

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Till next time,

Allah Hafiz.

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