*Chapter 8*

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I have decided.

I have decided to talk to Aira and Rania about whatever the hell is going on.

The messaged I received yesterday had made be frightened badly, therefore I thought about finally sharing it with my friends as it was going way too far.

Like seriously, a person completely unknown to me sending me messages like this is a little bit creepy. Little bit?

It was very creepy.

"Adeena!" Rania literally shouted in my ears, snapping me out of my thoughts, as we were seated in our Accounts class.

"Huh?" I responded confused by her sudden outburst.

"Where were you lost? I called your name so many times." She questioned.

"Oh it's nothing, just a little bit sleepy." I lied.


"Yes really."

"It just seems that you are often zoning out in the middle. So what are you daydreaming about hmm?" She inquired wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh God! What are you thinking? It's nothing like that. This all is just your dirty little brain." 

"Uh huh?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes Ms Adeena and Ms Rania, is there any thing you will like to share with the whole class?" The Accounts Sir asked.

"No Sir. We're sorry." We both apologized.

"Well then, no more disturbance." 


It was break and the time when I will tell them everything. As we were taking our seats, my hands were shaking and my palms were sweaty.

"Umm guys?" I said taking their attention. They hmmed in response. "I wanted to tell you something very important. Just don't freak out a lot."

"What's wrong?" Aira asked frowning.

"I... I am being stalked and also receiving messages from an unknown number." I said in one breath.

"WHAT?!" They both shrieked out simultaneously.

"Yeah, this started few days ago. He said that he is in the same year as me which means in A2  in this college."

"Oh my Allah! Why,,, why didn't you tell us before?!" Rania asked angrily.

"I just didn't want to worry you guys." I said looking down.

"But this is a very serious matter." Aira stated.

"I know. Here see the messages." I said giving them my phone to read. As they read the messages, there eyes and expression were becoming a mixture of concern, fear and anger.

"Oh God! This is terrible!." Rania cried out.

"And scary. And creepy." Aira continued handing me back my phone.

"I just want to strangle that psycho, mentally sick and lunatic stalker." Just then, my phone beeped.

'Ouch. That are some very harsh words you used.'


"What the hell?" Aira said after reading the message whilst looking around the cafeteria.

I couldn't spot anyone like what we were finding.

"That creepy monster!" I expressed.

'Did you hear that sound? It was my heart breaking.'


Oh my Allah!

How is that possible?!

"Please can someone kill him?"

'No, please don't. Mein tou masoom sa baccha hu. (I am just an innocent child)'


"This is so annoying."

'You know, you are continuously hurting me. *tears streaming down as waterfalls*'


"God! How can he hear us?" They both shrugged.

'That's for me to know and you to dot dot dot..'


"OMG! Did he just quote Damon Salvatore?" Rania asked wide eyed.

"Yes he did." Aira answered with the same expression as Rania's. 

"He is something else." Rania commented.

'Thank you for the compliment, ladies. :D'


"Oh, is he like the 'A' from Pretty little liars?" Aira questioned.

'Hahaha d:'


"We should report to the police about this." I suggested.

'Don't even thing about that, love. By doing that, you will get nowhere. You know not, but the police are nothing in front of me.'


"Is that a warning, threat or a statement." I asked no one in particular, knowing very well that he will listen and answer back.

'All of the above, jaan.(life)


PS: I'm not harmful. Not at all. You and your friends don't need to be afraid of me at all. This is to your friends: Okay Rania and Aira? Don't be afraid.'

We all stared at each other wide eyed.

'Please leave me alone." I said.

"Sorry Adeena, my love, not happening at all.'


Aira and Rania looked at me with eyes opened so big, I was afraid it will come out. The hairs on my back stood up.

I was scared. 

A lot.


Assalam u alaikum and hello guys. Hope you all are doing well.  

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! May 2019 be filled with happiness and less problems and difficulties.

Moving on from that, I hope you guys liked this chapter. It was a bit short, sorry for that. If you liked it then don't forget to vote, comment and share.

And another important thing, my father's cousin, basically my far away aunt, is in the hospital and is on ventilator, life support. As by that word, you can figure out that the condition is very critical. So please all of you who are reading this, do pray for her, do make lots of duas for her.  Please. Thank you. That's all for now.

May Allah bless you all.

Until next time,

Allah Hafiz. 

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