Ramadan Kareem!

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Assalam u alaikum guys!! RAMADAN KAREEM MUBARAK!! May Allah reward us for all our good deeds and forgive us for our sins. May He make us a better Muslim. May He accept our fasts. May Allah showers us with blessings. I hope you guys have an an amazing month and may all your prayers be accepted.

I know it's a bit late, but what can I say? I was studying. I have my Islamiyat CIE tomorrow! *cries* I'm so nervous right now. Seriously. :( :(

Anyways, for the update, I really don't know when I will do. Because, Ramadan is here and secondly, my exams are going on. But maybe I will, soon. I think.

So that's it. Please please everyone, who is reading this, do pray for me for my exams. Keep me in your duas. <3 <3

May Allah bless you all.

Until next time,

 Allah Hafiz!

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