*Chapter 6*

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The corridor was buzzing with noise. All the students, with sleepy and annoyed faces, making their way to their respective classes, not paying any attention to them bumping others. Typical Monday mornings.

After taking out my books from my locker, I was hurriedly going to my first class, Business.

Running my hands through my hair as it was flying because of my quick steps, I did not notice someone in my way and unfortunately bumped into that person which made all my books to fall on the floor.

Without wasting time, I bent down and started picking up my stuff.

"I am so sorry." I heard a deep male voice. I looked up to see a guy of almost my age. He had silky brown hair and light brown eyes. At the moment he was wearing a worrying expression whilst looking at me. And then as if he realized something, he starting helping me pick up my books.

"No, it's okay it's okay. I'll manage." I said.

"No, it was my fault, I wasn't paying attention."

"Well it was mine too. I'm sorry also." I apologized getting up with my stuff.

"It's okay." He assured with a smile. "I'm Ahad."


"Beautiful name."

"Thanks." I was so not good at taking compliments.

"Uh, if it's okay with you can you guide me to my class? I'm new here." He asked.

"Oh yeah sure. What's your first class?" I asked.

He checked his timetable and said, "Business."

"Oh, that's my first class too."


"Lets go then. This teacher dislikes tardiness." I informed and led the way. "So where are you from?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"I was born here but my parents are from Pakistan. "

"Same. Well except I was born there then shifted here. So you must know Urdu right?" I asked curious.

"Yup." We arrived and got in.

"Hey wanna sit with us?" I asked. Don't get me wrong, he seems like a decent person. So why not form friendship?

"Us? " He asked confused.

"Uh, yeah, with me and my best friends." I answered.

"If they don't mind."

"Of course not. They won't mind. Come on." I said and walked him to our seats at the back where Aira and Rania were already seated. I sat beside them and Ahad sat beside me.

"Hey guys! Meet Ahad. He is a new student." I introduced.

"Hi, I'm Aira and she is Rania." Aira said.

"You know I'm capable of doing my own introduction." Rania said to Aira.

"Whatever." Aira muttered

"When a person is too dumb to come up with a comeback, they always say 'whatever'." Rania retorted, air quoting 'whatever'. Aira glared at her.

"Okay guys stop." I scolded while Ahad chuckled.

"So... what's your full name? Rania asked.

"Ahad Malik." He answered. Just then Mr Rider entered with his bag hanged on his right arm.

"Good Morning class. First of all I will like to inform you that a new student has joined us. With that, I would like to ask him to come up in front and introduce himself." Mr Rider stated.

Ahad glanced at me and got up, walking to the front.

"Hey guys. I'm Ahad Malik. From Pakistan. And..yeah I'm looking forward to how this year goes with all of you." He finished and walked back to us.

Then Mr Rider started with the lecture unaware of half of the students' closed eyes.


The two classes were over and me, Aira and Rania were walking to the cafeteria. Well mostly Rania and I were the one walking, Aira was practically running there.

She was too hungry. But I understand her, she missed her breakfast.

We got to our table and took out our food.

My phone beeped just then indicating a message.

Oh no!

I hope it isn't what I think it is.

I opened the message.

'A small hint: I'm in A2 just like you.'


Ugh What do I do?

What kind of hint is that?

Just then Ahad came to our table.

"Mind if I sit with you guys?" H asked.

"No, absolutely not. Come on." Rania replied.

After settling down he began unpacking his lunch.




Is he the one behind this?

Is it possible?

No, no. He is new. He came just today.

He can't be. No, nope. Not possible.

I mentally shook my head get ridding of these nonsense thoughts.

"So what's your schedule, Ahad?" Aira asked.

"First is Business, then...um... I have Economics and then I have Math." He answered.

"Yes! We have Economics together. Finally someone with me. You'll sit with me right?" Aira asked.

"Yeah sure. Of course." He replied.

"When do you have Math?" I asked.

"At 12."

"Cool. Me too." I said.

I'm not alone in Math now. Nice.


The day ended with me bidding my friends goodbye. Ahad was a part of our group now. He was one of our best friends.

He was a nice guy.

Yes it was not like Aira, Rania and I but soon it will be.

This was just the first day with him.


Assalam-u-alaikum and hello guys. Hope you all are doing well.

A new character? Hmm.

What do you guys think of him?

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May Allah bless you all.

Till next time,

Allah Hafiz.

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