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Five years later

"Hands up!" I screamed in surprise and jumped on the voice, almost dropping my chocolate.

Slowly I turned around with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Rafiya, my four year old daughter stood in front of me with her father, arms folded over their chest.

A sheepish smile formed on my lips as I understood I have, in fact, been caught red handed.

They slowly moved towards me with scrutinizing eyes. "What is this behavioul mama?" Rafiya questioned in her cute voice.

Ammaar swallowed a chuckle and nodded, agreeing. "The mystery has been solved, at last. The culprit who stole chocolates has been found." He announced.

"Excuse you?" I scoffed, avoiding his eyes. "You're calling me a thief?"

"It is what it is, love." My horrible husband smirked.

I narrowed my eyes, "It's not stealing. There is no one's name on it." I argued.

"Uh huh then it's finishing it all by yourself without caring and informing." He retorted.

"Ammaar! What are you teaching our daughter?" I asked incredulously.

He raised an eyebrow. "What am I teaching you, Raf?"

With innocent ocean blue(yes blue! the perfect father-daughter duo) eyes, she looked at him and replied, "To algue with mama!" She giggled.

I gasped. Ammaar coughed.

"Look!" I said shaking my head. "Now you young lady, come here." I ordered my daughter in a strict tone. As she obeyed, I knelt down. "Don't ever think of doing that, okay? Otherwise my sandal is all ready for use. Do you understand?" I asked trying to hide a smile.

She immediately nodded. "But what about the cholates?"

I chuckled, "It's chocolates, sweetie." I stuffed the whole leftover bar in my mouth and continued, "And about that, I'm your mother. You don't get to question me." I smirked. "And neither do you." I pointed at Ammaar.

He just narrowed his eyes. I smiled brightly.

"And besides, you're too young to eat that much of chocolates. So all is well. Case closed. Let's get back to sleep." I clapped and motioned to walk.

A hand went around my waist and pulled me in a hard chest. My back against Ammaar's chest, he whispered in my ear, "I don't plan to sleep tonight."

My stomach flipped and I pushed him back immediately. With a deep pink coating my cheeks, I glared at Ammaar. "What is wrong with you? Our daughter is right here." I whisper-yelled.

"Mama, why aal you pink?" Rafiya asked curiously.

My eyes widened and Ammaar cleared his throat. That jerk.

"Why are you guys even up this late? Rafiya, with who's permission are you still awake? Haven't I told you at what time you should be asleep?" I questioned like a angry mom, hands on my hip, avoiding her question.

"I'm solly mama." She apologized quietly, then suddenly pointing her little index finger at her father. "Papa made me!"

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose and focusing my gaze on Ammaar, who already had his hands up in surrender.

"You're spoiling the girl." I shook my head. "And you both are making so much noise. What if Rayyan wakes up? You know it is almost impossible to make him go back to sleep."

Rayyan was my almost two year old son. He was the cutest kid I have ever seen, MashAllah. With black curls and big brown eyes, he looked almost like the combined version of me and Ammaar. Rafiya was a little opposite with straight light brown hair. Rafiya had many of my traits, the prominent being she also loved chocolates. She was more of a chatter box.

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