➡Chapter 14⬅

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With the business book in front of my face, I walked through the hallway. My eyes roamed over every single detail, hoping to Allah that it stays in my head during the exam. It is free to leave when it's over.

I pulled the book slightly downwards to see other students reaction. Some were freaking out and were a nervous mess. Some were vigorously flipping through the pages, digesting all the information before time runs out. A group of people were talking amongst themselves, asking each other questions which they didn't seem to understand. The rest of them were chill. Like, no worries at all. I honestly don't know how they stay calm.

"Have you studied?" I jumped slightly at the sudden voice and looked beside me to see Rania skimming through the pages.

I rolled my eyes. What type of question is that? "Of course. What do you think? I came here to test my luck?"

"Just asking,"  she replied, "By the way, where is Aira?"

As I opened my mouth to respond, another voice interrupted me.

"Salam young ladies!" Aira greeted in an overly cheery voice.

"What's with you today?" Rania looked up at her.

"Yeah, Don't you have a book to revise?" I asked even though I knew her answer all too well.

"I've told you guys a thousand times. I am strictly against the fact of revising in the morning, minutes before the exam." She crossed her arms.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Rania and I both muttered.

The sound of the bell ringing echoed throughout the hallway. Quickly we hurried to our hall and placed our books inside our bags. We, with the other students, walked to the front of the class and dropped our bags in a line.

"Good luck," Aira wished, turning to face us.

"You too," I replied while Rania muttered the same.

We got to our seats and settled down. I placed my water bottle on the ground beside the desk and waited for the exam to start.

Aira was seated in the row beside me, one seat ahead while Rania was behind Aira. I was happy to know that the both were close to me. Don't get me wrong, it's not like we were planning to cheat.

We would never.

OK, maybe sometimes.

Only in the MCQs. But that is only in class quizzes.

We never cheat in these important exams.

My eyes looked around the hall before it landed on A had. He was sitting four rows away from me. His eyes locked with mine and he mouthed a 'best of luck' with a smile. In return, I gave a small smile and looked away.

Soon, the teacher entered and started distributing the papers. She began narrating the rules from a paper.

I zoned out that and focused on the situation. I looked at the paper. Leaning forward, I tilted my head a little in the direction of the paper and a soundless gasp escaped my mouth. My eyes widened.

The exam paper was so thick. So many sheets!

What if I forget everything?
What if I don't know how to answer the majority of the questions?
What if I can't make it long enough?
What if-

Oh God! I'm so screwed!

Business was always so hard to me. I shouldn't have chosen it in the first place.

Quickly, I started reciting all the duas I memorized back in the hostel and blew it on myself and the paper.

"You have exactly one hour and thirty minutes to finish the exam. You may start the paper." The invigilator announced.

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