•Chapter 1•

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"Taehyung! Are you ever going to get up?" A shrill voice calls out into the silence of the morning. It spreads into every room of the house until it finds it target in a specific room. The lump of blanket groans loudly as a loud knock follows on the door.

"Get up! Mom will kill you if you are still in bed when she gets here!" Taehyung's younger sister calls out as she pounds heavily on the door. The lump moves into a sitting position and the blanket snakes down to reveal the half asleep Taehyung. His hair was disheveled and sprung out in all directions and his eyes were half closed. The grey joggers he was wearing hung loosely around his waist and almost fell as he forced himself from the safety of his bed.

"Why is she coming over?" Taehyung groans deeply as he pulls open the door to see the much shorter girl. She cringes immediately as she sees her brothers bare chest, abs and all, and covers her face.

"Put a shirt on, jeez." She complains as she removes her hands. Taehyung rolls his eyes as he leans on the door and looks at her with an unamused expression.

"You just woke me up, idiot. What do you expect?" He mutters deeply as he turns around and wanders back to his bed. His sister follows him into the room and watches as he flings himself back onto the bed.

"Mom is coming to take you shopping, remember? For my party tonight." His sister announces proudly as she stands straight, trying to seem important.

She was turning 16 tomorrow and was having a huge, fancy party tonight. She insisted that every dressed fancy and as Taehyung owned nothing fancy, his mother offered to take him shopping.

"I don't see why i have to go." Taehyung's deep voice is muffled my the pillow covering his face as he spreads out on the bed. His sister scoffs and rolls her eyes as she stares at her lazy brother.

"Because you need to make sure the right guys hit on me!" She squeals. Taehyung groans and sits up with a deep frown.

"Do that yourself." He grumbled as he stands from his bed and begins to shove his sister out of the room. She stomps ahead of him and crosses her arms.

"I'm telling mom." She whines as Taehyung slams the door in front of her. He rolls his eyes with a yawn before heading straight back to bed.


"Taehyung, i am not impressed." Taehyung's mother scolds as she turns the car down a street. Taehyung sighs as he runs a hand through his hair. He couldn't believe that his sister had actually grassed him up.

"Well, i don't want to go." Taehyung protests as the car stops in front of an expensive shop. His mother scoffs as she gets out of the car, closely followed by Taehyung. She ignored his constant sighs and groans as she rushes towards the store.

"Find a blazer you like and meet me in the woman's section." She commands before whisking Taehyung inside and abandoning him at the door. He groans to himself as he scans the brightly coloured shop and takes in the hundreds of blazers.

He mindlessly begins to wander around the store and picks up random blazers. He stops by a rack of darker looking ones and picks two of the rack. One was plain black and the other was a dark, sparkly one. Taehyung turns to the nearby mirror and holds each in front of him momentarily.

"Sparkles." A light voice chimes from behind him. Taehyung frowns softly and peers into the mirror to spot a smiling, dark haired boy not much younger then him. "The one with the sparkles looks better." The boy winks before turning on his heel and wandering to the other side of the store.

Taehyung watches him closely and feels his heart leap slightly. The boy was stunning. His dark hair rained down his head and framed his face perfectly. His face was round all around except for the razor sharp jawline that finished him off. His lips were plump and round and formed a sort of heart and his eyes were like a dark sky full of stars. His voice was like silk, wrapping its way around Taehyung's mind, heart and-

Taehyung wasn't gay, he never had been. He had never dated a boy and never planned on it either. His preference was girls and it had always been that way- always dated girls ect.

But this stranger, this boy- he was different.

Taehyung gulped slightly as he tore his eyes away from the extremely attractive man and looked down at the blazers. Sparkles it was then. He slowly placed the black one back and silently made his was to where his mother was examining a disgusting dress.

"Sparkles? Really Taehyung?" She scoffs as she takes in the sight of her only son holding a sparkly item of clothing. Taehyung shrugs as she shakes her head and takes it off him before gliding over to the till to pay. He followed quietly behind and sighed as he did a quick sweep of the store in boredom.

That handsome man from before had disappeared now. Taehyung lets out a small sigh of relief and runs a hand through his hair with frustration. He wasn't gay, he never would be.

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