•Chapter 9•

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Taehyung's heart pounds in his chest as Jungkook's cold fingertip ran across his jaw. His breaths became short and shallow as he stared into the dark eyes of Jungkook who was smirking down at Taehyung.

"I-Um, i'm not blushing." Taehyung lies as he pulls his head away from Jungkook an gulps deeply. Jungkook chuckles as he sits down in front of Taehyung and puts his hands on Taehyung's knees.

"I can see it in the dark, you absolute dork." Jungkook smiles as he watches Taehyung shuffle around uncomfortably. Taehyung quickly covers his face and gulps again as he squeezes his eyes shut.

Why the hell do i act like this around him? Something about him just feel right. But what? Why?

"Don't hide Sparkles." Jungkook smiles softly as he puts his hands over Taehyung's and removes them to reveal Taehyung blushing hard.

"I um, why do you act like this?" Taehyung asks slowly and immediately regrets it as he mentally face palms himself. Jungkook giggles as he puts his hands back on Taehyung's knees with a cute bunny smile.

"I like you. No, screw that- I want you Taehyung." Jungkook's silk voice wraps Taehyung up and makes him feel that clingy feeling from before as his heart leaps out of his chest.

"W-Want?" Taehyung repeats in disbelief as his eyes widen slowly. Jungkook nods and slowly reaches out to hold Taehyung's hand and to his surprise, Taehyung lets him. He lifts Taehyung's hand up and they both watch as their fingers intertwine with each other perfectly.

"Yes, want. Something about you calls me to you. It has ever since that night at your sisters." Jungkook whispers softly as he takes Taehyung's other hand and repeats the action. Taehyung relaxes as the warmth from his hands begin to slowly warm up Jungkook's chilly hands and his heart slowly calms.

It felt right. All of it. Holding hands with Jungkook and sitting so close to him. He could feel his heart radiating out to Jungkook. Almost as if it was begging for him.

But his head yelled other things. His head yelled that he was straight. That this was wrong. That he had to get out of there and never see Jungkook again.

"I'm confused." Taehyung blurts out with a deep frown. Jungkook smiles softly as he begins to gently stroke Taehyung's hand with his thumb.

"Why's that?" Jungkook whispers softly as he gradually grows closer to Taehyung with their hands still connected. Taehyung looks down at their hands and closes his eyes, focusing on the warmth coming from his heart.

"This." Taehyung whispers softly with his eyes closed. His heart suddenly feels cold and a rush of sadness rushes over him
as he remembers his father.

His father who was handsome and caring and always put Taehyung first. His father who stood up for what he believed in. His father who always gave Taehyung lion things and nicknamed him 'lion' for his hair. His father who would roar at Taehyung instead of saying goodbye and he would always reply. His father who was gay and had a husband and adopted Taehyung when he was small.

His fathers who were dead. Killed for what they believed in.

Something wet drops onto Taehyung's cheek and he instantly opens his eyes, confused. Another drop. Taehyung frowns as he realises he was crying and quickly pulls his hands away from Jungkook to cover his face.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook whispers, concern filling his voice. Taehyung sniffles softly behind his hands and internally begs for the tears to stop. He suddenly tenses up as he feels Jungkook's hands either side of his face.

"Jungkook, i can't." Taehyung whimpers as he rubs the tears from his eyes. Jungkook frowns deeply, confused as to why he was suddenly so upset and slowly shuffled back from him, releasing Taehyung from his hold.

"I understand." Jungkook whispers as he stands and looks down at Taehyung who shakes his head slowly.

"You don't." Taehyung cries softly as he stands up, refusing to face Jungkook and heads to his bed. Jungkook watches him closely with sad eyes and sighs softly as Taehyung lays down with his back to him.

"Okay.." Jungkook whispers before heading to the door and opening it slowly. "I'm here if you need me, Sparkles." Jungkook adds before leaving and closing the door on the breaking Taehyung.

Why did i have to remember that? Why then?

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