•Chapter 13•

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"Taehyungie! Where are you my little lion?" Taehyung's father calls out into the silent house while he searches for the small six year old boy. Taehyung giggles quietly as he sits in the bottom of the wardrobe, hiding from his father as they play a game of hide and seek.

"I'm in here, daddy!" Taehyung squeals as he brings his knees up to his chest and smiles his huge, boxy smile. Taehyung's dad chuckles softly as he hears the small boys yell and makes his way towards the wardrobe be almost always hid in.

"Honey?" Taehyung's second father suddenly rushes in the door, a trail of blood cutting its way down the side of his face. Taehyung's father gaps as he immediately stops looking for the boy and rushes to his husband's side with wide eyes.

"Did they do this again?" He asks shakily as he grabs his husbands hand and pulls him to the sink so he can wipe the blood off him.

"No, we don't have time. Where Tae?" His husband gently pushes Taehyung's father away and starts to look around the room.

"We were playing hide and seek- is he in danger too?" Taehyung's father asks as he grabs his husbands hand and cups his face. He looks deeply into his eyes and sighs deeply before nodding quickly.

"Leave him where he's hiding. I'll call his mother." His husband sighs deeply as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the phone. Taehyung's father runs a hand through his hair and keeps his eyes fixated on the door as angry yells suddenly sound down the street.


"Daddy~" Taehyung calls out softly as he peeks through the gap in the doors of the wardrobe. He saw the bedroom door was still closed and frowned softly as he pushed open the wardrobe door. "Where are you daddy?" Taehyung calls out again as he stumbled towards the door and pulls it open slowly, a smile creeping onto his face as he sneakily searches for his father.

And he found him.

He found him laying on the ground with his other father in a pool of blood. Neither of them were breathing.

Taehyung's smile immediately fades as he flings open the door and runs to the bodies laying in the centre of the room. He looks over to the smashed down door and sees a huge group of men walking away from the house, laughing.

"Daddy? Wake up daddy. I found you." Taehyung forced a smile as his eyes fill with tears. He shakes his Father's shoulder before shuffling over to his other Father and doing the same. "Why won't you wake up?" Taehyung cries out as he begins to tap his Father's face.

Blood. That's all Taehyung saw. He was covered in it. His Father's we're covered in it. Those men looked covered in it. It was their fault.

"Taehyung? Come here honey." A woman's voice suddenly calls out from the doorway. Taehyung slowly looks up to see his mother standing in the doorway with a completely blank expression.

"The bad men hurt daddy and he won't wake up." Taehyung cries out as he rushes over to his mother and clings to her. She looks down at him and cringes away when she sees the blood all over him.

"I see that but your covered in blood too Taehyung." She mumbles as she gently pushes him away. Taehyung looks over at the bodies as the tears stream down his face and show no sign of stopping.

"But they didn't do anything wrong." Taehyung whimpers as he slowly walks back towards them but is stopped suddenly as his mother grabs the back of his shirt and stops him from going towards the bodies.

"Taehyung, listen to me. They went against society and that was bad." Taehyung's mother mutters as he slowly turns to face her, wiping his face with his blood covered hand.

"But... but- they were only my daddies." Taehyung sniffles as he wipes his face again, covering it with blood which mingled with his tears. His mother lets go of his shirt and cringes away as she sees her son covered in blood.

"Exactly. There should never be two daddies, there should only be one mommy and one daddy. Now let's go, Taehyung." She looks down on him and crosses her arms as he sends daggers into the small boys heart. Taehyung sniffles again and nods reluctantly as his mother turns and glides out of the house.

"Bye bye daddy." Taehyung whimpers as he waves to the two blood covered bodies on the ground and follows quickly after his mother who refused to be near him.

"They were beaten to death, Taehyung. They went against what people wanted and that's was bad." She explained as they walked to her parked car. Taehyung covered his ears so he didn't hear what she was saying as the tears and blood ran down his face.

"Daddy did nothing wrong!" Taehyung suddenly yelled, cutting her off whatever she was saying. She stopped walking and suddenly slapped him around the face, blood rubbing off on her own hand.

"Enough." She commanded as she opened the door and pointed to the child's car seat that was sat in the back. Taehyung whimpered and quickly scrambled in, looking out of the window at the house where his life was.

And now everything was crumbling around him.

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