•Chapter 33•

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"Do you think Tae is gonna be alright?" Jungkook asks softly as Tao hands him a mug of steaming cocoa and slowly sits on the couch next to him with a small smile. He hums softly before nodding and taking a sip of his drink.

"My little lion has been through a lot, Jungkook. The only thing he wouldn't be able to handle would be losing you." Tao answers softly as he places his tea down on the glass coffee table and crosses his legs.

"Well I wouldn't leave him or hurt him, don't worry Mr Kim." Jungkook smiles quickly as he takes a little sip of his tea. Tao scoffs slightly at Jungkook as a light blush graces his cheeks.

"You don't have to call me that. Call me Tao, dear. Yito however- he's old and grumpy. Don't get me wrong, I love my man but you should probably call him Mr Kim." Tao chuckles softly as he waves his hand in the air as he speaks. Jungkook laughs lightly as he takes another sip of his tea and nods.

"So, you watched TaeTae grow up. What was he like as a baby? Was he super cute?" Jungkook asks excitedly as he leans forwards on the couch and crosses his legs. Tao giggles softly and ruffles his hair before nodding.

"Even cuter then he is now? Definitely. But that's a story for another time. Now hurry and finish that drink, young man. I promised my boy I would have you in bed and I'm not one to break promises." Tao grins brightly as he ruffles Jungkook's hair softly.

"I can see why Yito chose you over Tae's mom." Jungkook chuckles softly as he quickly down his drink while Tao sips lightly at his. Once he finished his drink, Jungkook wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and slowly stands from the couch. "Thank you. Will you wake me up if the other boys get here before Tae does?" Jungkook asks softly as he leans on the arm of the couch. Tao nods and waves his hand at Jungkook to shoo him off upstairs to bed which Jungkook did almost instantly with a big grin.


"So why are you here?" The elderly police man asks Taehyung slowly as he leans forwards on the interrogation desk and folds his hands together over the keyboard of his laptop. Taehyung watches him closely as he sits cuffed to the table and leans his head back slowly.

"Because I was putting graffiti on a door." Taehyung replies slowly as he looks down at the man through his dark brown hair and sighs. The man nods slowly and types it into his laptop before slowly closing it and pushing it to the side of the table.

"We can talk about that later, young man. But for now, did you know your mother has put a 'missing person' report out on you, Mr Kim?" The police man asks clearly as he raises an eyebrow at Taehyung who shifts in his seat and shakes his head. "You apparently have been missing from her house for just over two days. Where have you been?" He asks slowly as he pulls a small notepad from his breast pocket and a pen from the little pot on the desk.

"Hiding from my mother." Taehyung replies begrudgingly as he tugs at the handcuffs binding him to the table. The man writes Taehyung's words down before frowning and tilting his head.

"Now, I understand that you are only sixteen and may argue with her from time to time, but what possible reason would you have for hiding from her?" The man sighs softly as he rubs his temple and turns the pen around in his hand repeatedly. Taehyung bites his lip roughly as he watches him move the pen before sighing deeply.

"She's a murderer. She killed my dad's." Taehyung replies slowly and clearly so the police man can hear. The man slowly sits back in his chair after scribbling in the book and crosses his arms.

"Do you have proof of this? If not, we can't take your word for it." The man states slowly as he glances towards the ticking clock above the door. Taehyung shakes his head slowly and the policeman sighs. "Well then we can't charge her. You'll be staying overnight in a cell for graffiti charges and your mother, or another family member, can either collect you tomorrow or let us deal with you. Goodnight, Mr Kim." The man grumbles slowly as he stands from the table and shuffles out of the room. Taehyung leans forwards onto the table and puts his head in his hands with a deep groan.

"Taehyung? Whatever you do, don't tell mom about this." A soft voice suddenly whispers out, not long after the door softly opened again. Taehyung slowly looks up to see Taegi standing in the doorway with a soft smile. "I'm taking you back to Jin's. Get away from mom anyway you can please." She whispers quickly as a policeman strolls in and uncuffs Taehyung from the table. Taegi immediately grabs his hand and rushes out of the station to get to her car but never reached it.

"Taehyung, Taegi. Get in the car, right now." Kiji snarled as she pulled up in front of the station just before they could leave. Taehyung and his sister exchanged worried glances before reluctantly climbing into the car.

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