•Chapter 8•

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"Sparkles," Jungkook softly whispers as he leans over the sleeping Taehyung. "Wake up. I got something." He smiles softly as he spots a chocolate chip melted onto the corner of Taehyung's lip from the cookies he was eating. He smirks softly as he bend down and carefully kisses the chocolate off.

"Hmm?" Taehyung stirs and stretches out in the bed, screwing up his face into an adorable mask of sleepiness. Jungkook licks his lips and instantly stands up, hiding the gift behind his back. Taehyung slowly opens his eyes and frowns deeply when he spots Jungkook. "What time is it?" Taehyung mumbles as he fumbles around for his phone.

"No idea. But i got you something." Jungkook smiles childishly as he holds tightly onto the present. Taehyung sits up, clutching the blanket around him and blinks slowly as he looks at Jungkook in the dark.

"Why? And couldn't it wait?" Taehyung yawns as ruffled his puffed up hair. His hair had a tendency to poof up and stuck out at all angles after he woke up making him look a bit like a lion.

"This." Jungkook whispers before thrusting a stuffed Pokemon toy at Taehyung who flinches slightly. He then squints to see it in the dark and his face lights up as he reaches out and grabs it out of Jungkook's hands.

"Yay." Taehyung squeals softly as he hops up out of bed and rushes to the end of his room where a shelf of Pokemon teddies sat on the wall. Jungkook's eyes widen as Taehyung flicks on a light and he sees the many toys Taehyung has, including an old looking lion.

"You sure like toys." Jungkook breathes out in amazement as he slowly walks towards Taehyung who was now arranging his teddies. Jungkook reaches out and picks up the old lion, smiling softly as he looks at it.

"Don't touch that one." Taehyung pouts as he snatches the lion from Jungkook's hands and clutches it to his chest. Jungkook tilts his head slowly as Taehyung carried the lion over to his bed and gently puts it down.

"Okay. Why?" Jungkook asks curiously as he puts his hands behind his back and walks slowly behind Taehyung who was bending over and positioning the teddy.

"Do you wanna go watch tv?" Taehyung suddenly stands up and spins around, his nose brushing against Jungkook's. His eyes widen when he sees Jungkook so close, not even hearing him move. Jungkook frowns slightly as he steps back and glanced at the lion again.

"Uh, sure." Jungkook mumbled as Taehyung grabs his arm and drags him out of his room. Jungkook stumbles behind Taehyung and glances back at his room quickly before pulling out of Taehyung's grip and stopping in the hall.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung stops and turns to Jungkook, whispering softly. Jungkook rubs the back of his neck as he bites his lip and quickly shakes his head.

"Nothing." He quickly smiles before walking ahead of Taehyung to the main room. Jungkook goes to open the door but stops quickly and frowns.

"What?" Taehyung whispers as he goes to open the door but Jungkook stops him. Jungkook puts a finger to his lip and slowly pushes open the door, peeking inside.

"Um- you might want to see this." Jungkook whispers slowly as he backs away from the door with wide eyes. Taehyung frowns deeply and peeks through the small gap of the door curiously.

There were gasps and small moans coming from the centre of the room where the large couch sat and two bodies moving. Taehyung frowns deeply as he attempts to make out who it was but can't see in the dark.

"Y-Yoongi... ah!" Jimin's voice suddenly rings out into the room. Taehyung's eyes widen and he quickly backs away from the room in shock. Jungkook waves a hand in front of Taehyung's face as he barely blinks out of complete shock.

"Sparkles?" Jungkook whispers softly as he puts his hand on Taehyung's shoulder who quickly snaps out of it due to another moan. He quickly grabs Jungkook's hand and runs down the hall back to his bedroom, his eyes still wide.

"What...the...fuck." Taehyung breathes as he shoves Jungkook into his room and rests his back against the door. Jungkook chuckles softly as he makes his way to the bed and sits down, watching Taehyung who pants heavily.

"Who was it?" Jungkook asks curiously as he brings his knees up to his chest and smiles softly. Taehyung gulps slowly and slows his breathing before letting out a long sigh.

"Yoongi and Jimin. I had no idea that they were- I mean Jimin clearly was but Yoongi? I had no idea." Taehyung rambles to himself as he sits on the floor in disbelief. Jungkook sits forward on the bed and beams a huge, bunny like smile at Taehyung.

"You mean gay? Isn't everyone in this house?" Jungkook chuckles softly as he scans Taehyung up and down who looks up with wide eyes.

"I'm not gay but the others-" Taehyung trails off as he frowns, deeply thinking about the other boys behaviour. If Yoongi was then were the others?

"Your not gay, huh?" Jungkook smirks as he hops of the bed and crouches down before Taehyung who slowly looks up at him, blushing softly. "Why do you blush when i come near you then?" Jungkook smiles as he gently trails his finger along Taehyung's jawline.

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