•Chapter 21•

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"Dad?" Taehyung calls out, his voice breaking as his eyes fill with tears. The boys eyes all widen as they stare at Taehyung who smiled softly.

"Have you found him, Yito?" Taehyung's other father calls out, causing a lone tear to stream down Taehyung's cheek as his smile widens. He sniffles softly as he hears Yito hum a reply back and sniffle softly.

"We found him, Tao." Yito smiles down the phone. Taehyung chuckles softly as he quickly wipes away the tear and looks at Jungkook who was also smiling softly.

"I thought you were- mom said that she did it." Taehyung mutters quickly as he stands from his chair, the boy's eyes never leaving him. Yito and Tao sigh deeply down the phone as Taehyung slowly shuffled out of the room.

"We thought she had something to do with it. We are so, so sorry we didn't try find you earlier Tae." Tao apologised softly down the phone. Taehyung hums softly as he makes it to his room with Yeontan bounding around his feet.

"But i thought that you were dead." Taehyung forces out as another tear trickles down his face. Yeontan whines softly as Taehyung sits down and wipes away the tear.

"A friend came to help. They found us barely hanging on and got us to the hospital." Yito sighs softly as Taehyung picks up Yeontan and strokes him gently.

"When can i see you?" Taehyung blurts out as he plays with Yeontan on the bed. He chuckles as Yeontan bites his fingers softly and growls playfully.

"We don't know. You can't so long as your mother is around." Yito mutters as a sound of rustling papers sounds. Taehyung scoffs at that and the papers immediately stop.

"Has something happened between you two? You don't sound happy that she's your mom, little lion." Tao asks softly as the papers begin to move once more. Taehyung lets out a long sigh as he stops playing with Yeontan and frowns.

"Well she pretty much disowned me." Taehyung mutters softly. Yito hums softly, urging Taehyung to continue as the sound of the paper reduces. "She saw me kiss my friend- boyfriend. I'm not sure what he is." Taehyung smiles softly as he thinks about Jungkook.

"Tao, did you hear that? Tae has a boyfriend." Yito smiles brightly as he speaks. Taehyung chuckles softly as he hears Tao giggle slightly and the light sound of a kiss.

"Well i don't know if he is my boyfriend yet. I'm kind of confused about it." Taehyung sighs as he rubs his temple. Yeontan whines again as he curled up on Taehyung's lap and lets out a tiny sigh of his own.

"Why is that?" Yito asks softly. Taehyung hums lightly as he scratches his head and looks towards the door.

"Well i thought you two were... not here anymore and i didn't want anyone to get hurt like you did, so i just thought to myself 'right, find a girl even if it doesn't feel right' but then Jungkook came along and yeah.." Taehyung trails off after his small rant and smiles brightly as blush creeps up his cheeks. Tao lets out a happy breath through the phone and hums softly.

"You've grown up so much since your problems of not being able to find your stuffed lion." Yito smiles through the phone. Taehyung chuckles softly as his eyes find their way to the old lion sitting on his bed and his smile grows.

"Do you want to see us? Me and Jungkook can come and see you if you want. You can meet all my friends. There's Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung and Namjoon hyung and Jimin hyung and then there's me and Jungkook!" Taehyung rants excitedly as he speaks quickly in one breath. Yito and Tao chuckle over the phone as he lists the boys.

"We would love to meet them but i don't think our place is big enough for all of you." Yito chuckles softly as Yito hums. Taehyung's smile fades slowly as he grabs the lion and strokes the mane of it slowly.

"We could come to yours though, little lion." Tao suggests which sparks the smile on Taehyung's face once more. Taehyung quickly places Yeontan on the bed next to him and rushes to the kitchen where everyone was still sitting.

"Jin, can my dads come over?" Taehyung asks excitedly, his tone childlike as he bounces on the spot. Jin smiles happily and nods, granting a small cheer from Taehyung. "Jin hyung said you can come over!" Taehyung calls out down the phone as he stands in the doorway with a huge smile.

"We will be over later today then. How about that, Tae?" Yito chuckles down the phone. Taehyung smiles brightly as he bounces on the spot and nods.

"Yesyesyeyesyes." Taehyung beams as he looks at Jungkook who was also smiling. Jungkook loved to see Taehyung so happy- it made him twice as happy.

"We will see you soon then, little lion. Bye, we love you." Tao calls out through the phone. Taehyung's smile widens even more into a huge boxy grin.

"Love you too, bye." He giggles down the phone and hangs up. "They found me! They aren't dead!" Taehyung cries out as he runs over to Jungkook who stands up slowly with a huge grin before pulling Taehyung into a tight hug.

"So now i have to tidy the house." Jin whines as he stands up and collects the empty plates and cups on the table. Taehyung chuckles with a nod as he pulls away from Jungkook and helps Jin to collect the dishes.

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