•Chapter 38•

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|Time skip- four years|

"Daddy! Wake up!" A tiny girl screeches at the top of her lungs as she bounces on top of a huge lump in the bed while a small puppy yaps in the doorway. The lump groans and gently pushes the small girl off, creating a pout on her face. She quickly darts out of the room with the black and tan dog, leaving the lump alone in peace for merely a second before running back in, feet and paws slapping on the solid wooden floor. "Daddy says that if you don't wake up, then uh-"

"Then he doesn't get any pancakes!" A mischievous husband with a big bunny grin finds his way into the doorway as he whispers the final part to his little girl. The girl nods enthusiastically in agreement, her tiny blonde pigtails bouncing as she did so. The lump suddenly gasps and from the blanket emerged a wounded father.

"No pancakes! I think I'm gonna cry now!" He exclaims deeply as he looks down at his little girl with a massive, boxy smile before twisting his face up and pretending to fake cry. He screws his eyes and his nose up as his mouth forms a sort of sad looking rectangle while he yells out silly crying noises that make the little girl giggle and the dog bark.

"Get up, Sparkles or we will be late for work and Amy will be late for school. Come on, Yeontan." The man in the doorway laughs softly before gliding away from the noisy bedroom with a small grin and the small dog in tow. The little girl climbs up onto the bed as Taehyung continues to fake cry, grabbing his face when she can reach and gently tapping his nose with her tiny palm.

"Daddy, stop crying. You can have some pancakes because I can steal some from Daddy." Amy giggles as she squishes Taehyung's cheeks as he stops fake crying. He watches her laugh for a minute, nothing but admiration in his eyes before grabbing her around the waist and gently slinging her over his broad shoulder. "Let go!" She squeaks excitedly as Taehyung leaps out of bed and rushes down the hall to where Jungkook was setting the table. Yeontan perks up at the sound of the girls squeaks and bounds around on the sofa, yapping excitedly.

"Hey, Kookie! I found something much yummier to eat then pancakes. We should have fried Amy for breakfast!" Taehyung exclaims jokingly as he sits the tiny girl on the table and watches as she scrambles towards Jungkook.

"Don't let him eat me, Daddy!" Amy squeals as Jungkook picks her up with a big grin and looks over at Taehyung lovingly. Taehyung smiles wickedly and creeps his way around the table towards Jungkook, acting like some sort of child-eating mister that Amy might draw.

"I think I should let him eat you. You're a little pain in the ass at the best of times." Jungkook laughs softly as he lifts Amy into the air above his head, a small scream ringing out into the house. Taehyung laughs as he watches Jungkook gently swing her in the air before playfully dropping her and catching her again, creating more tiny screams.

"We have been married for three years now and we can still never get breakfast in time. I've gotta go for work in a minute, Kook." Taehyung groans as he checks his watch and slumps where he was standing. Jungkook quickly nods as he continues throwing the little girl in the air while Taehyung quickly made his was to the bedroom to get dressed in his usual suit and tie.

"I will never, ever get bored of seeing you in a suit and tie, Mr Kim." Jungkook growled playfully as he quickly adjusted Taehyung's tie while Amy sat eating her pancakes in front of the TV while Yeontan wrestled with a pillow on the couch. Taehyung laughed softly before kissing Jungkook's plump lips passionately with a small smile.

"Well, keep that excitement for later. Remember that she's at a play date tonight? That means we get the house all to ourselves." Taehyung smirks as he wraps his arms around Jungkook's waist and gently kisses his neck. Jungkook smiles happily as he playfully smack Taehyung's butt before glancing over at the bright cartoons playing on the TV.

"Are you going to see your mom and Taegi today? I think it's visiting day for them, but I'm not sure how that prison works." Jungkook shrugs slightly as he pulls back from Taehyung and gently starts to sort his messy hair.

"No. Why should I go see them? After all they did to you and my Dad's- speaking of Dad, are they still on holiday?" Taehyung asks softly as he looks over in the direction of Yeontan and rolls his eyes when he seems him staring at the TV.

"I'm sure they're back this week. Anyway, get moving or else you'll be late, Mister." Jungkook chuckles as he kisses Taehyung once last time before moving over the the sink to start washing up. Taehyung grins softly as he examines Jungkook from the back before heading over to his little girl and crouching down.

"See you later, monkey. I'll come pick you up from your friends house later, okay? I love you." Taehyung smiles softly as he plays with one of Amy's small pigtails. She slowly looks away from the TV show and nods before giving Taehyung a little kiss.

"Bye bye, daddy. I love you, too." She mumbles softly as she instantly looks back at the cartoon. Taehyung laughs softly and rolls his eyes before giving Yeontan a little scratch behind the ear. Jungkook gives him one last little wave before Taehyung leaves for work with a huge smile and a warm heart.

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