•Chapter 35•

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Yito kicks off his shoes at the door with a big sigh as he pulls out his phone to check for a message from Taehyung. Nothing. He lets out a small groan and shuffles into the silent main room as he looks around slowly before he spots Tao sleeping soundly on the couch. Somewhere behind him, Yito heard the stairs creak as he bent down and gently shook Tao's shoulder while Jungkook made his way into the room.

"Hey. They have Taegi in custody and they're on their way to find Kiji now." Yito grumbles softly as he helps Tao sit up from his sleeping position. Jungkook quietly sits down on an armchair with a deep frown whole Yito plops down onto the couch next to Tao.

"Where's Tae?" Tao and Jungkook ask in synchronisation, the same amount of worry in their voices. Yito sighs and rests his head on Tao's shoulder slowly as Jungkook sits forward in the chair and links his hands.

"He insisted on walking home. That kid has no sense of direction either! I did try to get him in the car but Ive never seen him so blank before." Yito explains slowly as Tao wraps his arms around him and sighs. Jungkook slowly stands from his seat, wincing as it pulls on his stitches, and moves over to the window to look out for Taehyung. "I'm sure he's fine. He will be back in the morning, no doubt." Yito continues as he sees how worried Jungkook is.

"I hope so. Maybe the boys will find him on the way here. What do you think, JK?" Tao mumbles softly to Jungkook with the new nickname he had given him. Jungkook nods slowly with a small hum as he continues to stare out of the window. "Babe, what if Kiji gets a hold of him?" Tao whispers into Yito's ear as he keeps a close eye on Jungkook.

"There's no way she could've. If he was to get hurt- which I doubt he will- it'll be some little gang of middle-aged men." Yito mumbles back to him as he intertwined their hands. Jungkook lets out a long, exasperated sigh as he pulls out his phone and sends Taehyung a quick message. Just as he was about to put his phone away, it began to ring loudly.

"Hi, Yoongi. What's up? Are you guys nearly here?" Jungkook mumbles blankly as he sits on the window ledge and keeps looking out. Tao shuffles slightly in the couch and sits up, intrigued about wether the boys were coming yet while Yito closed his eyes and sighed. Jungkook notices Tao's curiosity and sticks the call on speaker with a small smile.

"We were on our way and we found Taehyung. He's bleeding out and he's got a huge cut on his head as well as his chest. I don't know what the fuck happened, Jungkook. We just found him laying on the street in a pool of blood so we're taking him to the hospital." Jin's voice comes out of the phone quickly and loudly as the sounds of Taehyung's name being repeatedly called echoes in the background. Jungkook jumps up from the window ledge, maybe too quickly as he almost tears a stitch, and looks to Tao and Yito who were quickly standing up.

"We're on our way now. Please don't let him die, Jin. Keep him alive please." Jungkook begs as he rushes to the door with a hand on his stitches and slips on his shoes as Taehyung's fathers do the same. The sound of tires screeching rings through the phone, closely followed by a deep groan and gasp that was unmistakably Taehyung.

"We're coming, little lion! Hold on!" Tao calls out suddenly to the phone as a tear rolled down his cheek. Yito pulled him into a quick hug before rushing outside to start the car.

"Text me the Hospital name as soon as you can." Jungkook mumbles quickly as he rushes out of the house and locks the door. Yoongi mumbles a quick 'will do'  before hanging up, halfway through telling Jin that Taehyung was losing blood rapidly. Jungkook leaped into the car and Yito began to drive as quickly as he could towards the address that was sent. 

"Are you still sure it wasn't Kiji?" Tao sniffles softly as he looks over at Yito who was frowning deeply and clutching the wheel with white knuckles. Jungkook tries to calm his breathing as each breath tugs on his stitch every time and stares out of the window to keep a look out for the hospital.

"Now I'm not so sure. What I am sure of though, is that my son is not going to die today." Yito replies sternly as he glances back in the mirror at Jungkook who had a completely blank face now. Tao nods slowly and reaches over to put his hand on Jungkook's leg gently.

"He's gonna be okay, I swear it." Tao smiles softly at Jungkook to try comfort him as Yito swerved around a corner and comes up behind another speeding car. "That must be them." Tao mumbles as he turns back to the front and points to a large black mini-bus looking car that was swerving quickly between cars towards the hospital.

"Follow that car. That's them. Tae's in there!" Jungkook suddenly exclaims from the back as he leans forward between the two front seats and points to the boys car. Yito nods and steps on the gas to keep up with the car while swerving through multiple cars. "They better make it in time." Jungkook whispers to himself as he pulls out his phone and texts Yoongi that they were following before gripping onto the front seats and watching the car ahead closely.

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