•Chapter 17•

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"They know! All of them clearly know now!" Yoongi growls at Jimin as he paces before him. Jimin crosses his arms and smiles softly as he watches the older man with eyes full of adoration.

"Of course they do. It was only a matter of time." Jimin smiles softly as he reaches out and grabs Yoongi's shoulders softly. Yoongi lets out a deep sigh as he turns to face Jimin and looks down at the floor.

"Okay." Yoongi whispers softly as he continues to stare at the ground. Jimin gently slips his hand under Yoongi's jaw and lifts his head so he was looking into his eyes before planting a soft kiss onto his lips.

"Oh my god, Jungkook. They know." Taehyung whines as he rubs his face roughly with both hands. Jimin and Yoongi jump apart quickly as Jungkook and Taehyung round the corner and come into view.

"Oh sorry. Are we interrupting?" Jungkook smiles softly as he quickly bows and grabs Taehyung by the shoulders before walking backwards and pulling Taehyung with him.

"Wait, wait. Are you two also-?" Yoongi suddenly asks, trailing off as he looks towards Jimin who smiles softly. Taehyung glances back at Jungkook who was still holding his shoulders and bites his lip.

"We aren't sure." Jungkook replies slowly as he looks at Taehyung with soft eyes. Taehyung smiles softly as Jimin glides to Yoongi's side and links their arms together.

"It took us a while too. But don't tell the others." Jimin smiles softly as Yoongi rolls his eyes as pulls his arm out of Jimin's grip. "But this grumpy ass still doesn't like it when i give him affection." Jimin pouts as he looks Yoongi up and down.

"Only because your too clingy." Yoongi chuckles unamused as he places his hand on Jimin's face and pushes him lightly. Jimin pushes him back lightly with a giggle and Taehyung groans softly.

"Get a room." Taehyung rolls his eyes as he runs a hand through his hair. Jungkook chuckles behind him, the memories of his night with Taehyung replaying in his mind. Jimin also giggles, his own memories of his times with Yoongi filling his mind.

"So, here is our very own gang of gays." Hoseok's silk voice suddenly calls out as he glides from behind Taehyung and Jungkook with a smirk. Everyone falls silent as he crosses his arms and glances between the two pairs.

"A-Are you gonna kick us out?" Jimin pouts slightly as he looks down at the floor, shame covering his features. Yoongi instantly gravitates to his side and wraps an arm around Jimin as Hoseok quickly shakes his head.

"No way. I'm not surprised really. First it was Namjoon and Jin, then these two over here." Hoseok smiles as he nods towards Jungkook and Taehyung who chuckle nervously. "I was expecting it sooner." Hoseok admitted as he sighed softly.

"What about you then?" Jungkook asks curiously as he peeks over Taehyung's shoulder to see the older who chuckles softly, closing his eyes. He sighs softly before running a hand through his hair and reaching for his pocket.

"This is my boyfriend. I don't see him much now but this is him." Hoseok smiles as he opens his phone and shows a picture of a man in an army uniform to the four boys. Yoongi nods slowly as he glances at Jimin who was eyeing the man in the picture. Yoongi frowns and elbows Jimin in the side, rewarding a small whine from the younger.

"He looks nice." Taehyung yawns softly as he glances back at Jungkook who was looking back at him. Jungkook nods slowly and rests a hand on Taehyung's shoulder with a smile.

"So this double date then?" Jimin piped up softly as he begins to bounce lightly on the spot. Hoseok nods softly and dismisses himself, walking silently back to the kitchen.

"Well i was going to take Taehyung to the beach actually." Jungkook announced as he stepped from behind Taehyung with a smile. Taehyung's eyes widen and a huge, boxy smile spreads across his face.

"Really?" Taehyung asks excitedly as he grabs onto Jungkook's arms. Jungkook chuckles as he nods and looks over at Taehyung, both their smiles growing. Jimin squeals excitedly as he quickly slaps Yoongi's arm repeatedly.

"Ooh! Can we go? Please, please, pretty pleaaaaase?" Jimin begs as he wraps his arms around Yoongi and looks up at him with a huge smile. Yoongi raises an eyebrow and looks down at Jimin before a small smile sneaks onto his own face.

"If you want to then i guess we can." Yoongi agrees softly as he hugs Jimin back with a small smile. Taehyung smiles brightly and lets go of Jungkook with a deep sigh.

"I've gotta get ready then. Oh, and i'm bringing Yeontan." Taehyung smiles as he rushes off down the hall to his room.


"Is Taehyung ready yet?" Yoongi complains as he leans on the wall with his and Jimin's bags in his hands, watching Jimin play with Yeontan.

"I think so." Jungkook sighs as he leans his head back and stares up at the ceiling. "Taehyung?" He calls out with a deep sigh as he hears a loud bang come from down the hall. Taehyung quickly comes into Jungkook's view wearing a huge hat and a pair of pink sunglasses.

"I couldn't find my glasses." Taehyung chuckles softly as he grabs his bag off Jungkook. Yoongi lets out a sigh of relief as he chucks one of the bags at Jimin who squeaks softly.

"Come on, you." Yoongi grumbles as he opens the door. Jungkook smiles and picks up Yeontan before turning to Taehyung and planting a deep kiss on his lips.

"Taehyung!" A sudden yell sounds as Yoongi opens the door. Taehyung pulls away with wide eyes and turns towards the door to see his mother with a look of disgust covering her face.

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