•Chapter 36•

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The law-breaking vehicles finally reach the large hospital and everyone in them begin to flood out of the doors and towards the desk in the main room. The nurses sat behind the desk take one look up before doing a double-take and spot Taehyung all bloody and broken in Yoongi's arms. One of the nurses rush off to find a doctor while another grabs one of the portable beds that was pushed off to the side of the corridor and beckoned Yoongi to gently put Taehyung down on it.

It all happened so fast. Everything had turned into one monochromatic blur. Jungkook wasn't sure what was happening currently as his weak legs had fallen from under him and he was now desperately trying to search for Taehyung through his tears. The tears came just as suddenly and they made him feel weak and vulnerable and he hated that. He hated crying in front of people but what made it even worse was that he was collapsed on a hospital floor, sobbing his heart out.



"Get up, Jungkook."

"Breathe, son."

"Jungkook, it's okay."

The calls and words of the people around him were nothing more then far away sounds on some far off planet. Jungkook's tears stopped momentarily, giving him enough time to see Taehyung being taken into a surgical room before they continued once again, faster then before. He jumped suddenly and a small, distant yelp escaped his plump lips as someone laid their hand on his shoulder. A blurred face came into view but he knew exactly who it was- the bright red hair and soft, warm touch was an immediate giveaway that calmed Jungkook instantly.

"Jungkookie," Jimin calls out softly as he gently massages Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook nodded slowly as his tears began to clear and he saw the concerned look on Jimin's soft features quickly turn into relief. "Tae will be okay, I promise. Look, give me your hand." Jimin's voice was soft and cautious as if he was speaking to a scared animal of some sort while he gently grabbed Jungkook's hand and intertwined their pinkies. "See, I promised. Taehyung is in surgery now and you know what I've heard?" Jimin continues gently as he keeps his hand with Jungkook's.

"What?" Jungkook whispers a small reply as he glances up at the smiling crowd of people around him before looking back down at Jimin who was also still smiling. How could he keep smiling? At a time like this, he still manages to smile, but how? How did any of them manage to smile? Jungkook couldn't understand their positivity at such a dark time, especially because he felt like he was falling into an endless black hole.

"I heard that if lots of people love someone, they won't die until it's their time and let me tell you something, Jungkook. It's no where near Taehyung's time yet, okay? We haven't even seen your babies yet!" Jimin explains slowly, a small laugh escaping his lips as he exclaims the last part and manages to get a small smile out of Jungkook.

"We all love Taehyung, don't we guys?" Tao asks to the group of men with a bright smile as he ruffles Jungkook's hair. A loud cheer rings around the group as they clap and smile and laugh and make various positive sounds for Taehyung. Jungkook's eyes fill with tears once more as he looks up at the cheering group and examines their smiles, one by one.

It was beautiful. Everyone coming together for Taehyung was amazing. A shared hopeful warmth buzzed around the group as they discussed the many, many ridiculous things that Taehyung has- and hasn't- done in his life yet. Each and every man there reassured Jungkook that Taehyung still had so much longer left with him and that this was only a small hurdle in life. The time passed by so quickly and before any of them knew, Taehyung was being brought out of surgery and taken to a hospital room. There was no need to put him in the ICU because the surgeons had stabilised his condition.

"Excuse me! Mr. Kim has come out of surgery." The desk nurse calls over the rabble of laughing men who all fall silent at the sound of Taehyung's name. The nurse scans each and every puzzled face before sighing and repeating herself. "However, he is still asleep so he can't have visitors right now. Come back tomorrow." She called out again as the group began to grow noisy and prepare to see Taehyung. Once they had realised what she had said, they went silent once more.

"He does need his rest after that. Jungkook, maybe we could go buy him a present?" Tao suggests softly as he drapes an arm over Jungkook's shoulder and ruffled his hair. Jungkook nods with a small smile as the group slowly make their way out of the hospital, discussing where everyone was living.

"So you've got the house right next-door to us? Awesome!" Hoseok exclaims happily as he high fives Jungkook before climbing into the car. The group say their temporary goodbyesand split up into the cars, only to meet up back at the houses. Jimin insisted on staying with Jungkook so he took the couch in Taehyung and Jungkook's room while he, and the others, all slept after the long night at the hospital.

"Tae will be perfectly fine, Jungkookie." Jimin reminded Jungkook just as he was falling asleep with a small smile on his face.

Yeah, he'll be fine.

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