•Chapter 29•

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"Hi, a boy was brought in with a stab wound and has just woken up- we were called a moment ago. What room can we visit him in?" Tao smiles softly at the nurse behind the desk who nodded quickly and clicked away on her computer. Yito sighed softly as he kept his arm around Taehyung who was looking around the hospital worriedly.

"Hmm, yeah. Jeon Jungkook? He was checked out not too long ago actually by a young girl." The nurse smiled softly back at Tao before turning back to her computer and typing quickly. Taehyung was too busy looking around the hospital to hear so when Yito removed his arm from around him, he jumped slightly.

"What room is he in?" Taehyung asks quickly as he looks intently up at Tao who bites his lip and glances at Yito who shakes his head. "What's wrong? Where is Jungkook?" Taehyung pushes quickly as he looks around quickly once more.

"Tae, someone's already taken him out. A girl apparently." Tao sighs deeply as he looks down at the floor and rubs his temple. Taehyung's heart drops and he freezes on the spot as he stares at Tao.

"What? Who?" Taehyung leans on the desk quickly, scaring the woman at the desk with his sudden deep voice. She looks between Tao and Taehyung before quickly typing on her computer with a deep frown. Yito rests a hand on Taehyung's shoulder to calm him but he shrugs it off quickly as he stares at the woman.

"A girl called Kim Taegi. Said she was a friend who was going to take him home." The nurse explains quickly as she scans Taehyung's face drops. He nods slowly and turns around to see his father's frowning deeply.

"Isn't Taegi your daughter? The one that Kiji took away from you as soon as she was born?" Tao mumbles slowly as he turns to Yito who blinked slowly then nodded. "How did she get here?" Tao turns to Taehyung who was shaking his head quickly.

"I don't know but she came to take Jungkook home? Is mother behind this?" Taehyung growls under his breath as he marches quickly towards the door. Yito sighs deeply as Tao rushes after Taehyung, calling after him softly. Taehyung begins to jog as soon as he hits the streets and heads straight to the hotel as quickly as he could with Tao and Yito closely behind him. As he reaches the door to his room, he stops running when he sees it open slightly and hears light talking from inside. He blinks slowly as Tao and Yito reach his side, panting heavily before storming into the room and sees his sister and Jungkook talking.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook cries from the bed with a huge smile as he holds out a weak hand towards him. Taegi smiles lightly at Taehyung and steps back as he runs to Jungkook's side and grabs his hand tightly. "Your sister took me out. I wasn't supposed to leave yet but she said I'm in trouble." Jungkook explains quickly as he reaches over to Taehyung and cups his cheek, wincing slightly from moving.

"He's still in trouble?" Yito asks softly as he walks behind Taehyung and places a hand on his shoulder. Taegi frowns deeply as she sees Tao and Yito and glances between them and Taehyung.

"Who are you?" She asks softly as he takes a small step towards them. Yito slowly turns to face Taegi and immediately tears up as he looks at her, coving his mouth with his hand as he smiles. Tao smiles softly as he looks at Yito and Taegi and nods, seeing the clear resemblance between the two.

"Taegi, I'm your dad. Your mother never let me meet you when you were born." Yito removes his hand and holds out his arms to Taegi as realisation hits her. She lets out a small sob before leaping into Yito's arms and laughing lightly.

"I didn't know Tae had found you, I just came to warn him that Jungkook was still in trouble. Mom is sending more people to hurt him and if she knows about you- god knows what she will do." Taegi explains quickly as she pulls out of the hug and looks over at Taehyung who was gently hugging Jungkook.

"What do we do?" Tao asks softly as he places a hand on Yito's back as he turns to look at Jungkook. Taegi hums slightly as she sits on the edge of the bed and looks over Jungkook carefully.

"He is still badly injured. It took me a lot of money to get him out of that hospital so you'll have to be careful with him. You have to go somewhere else where she doesn't know where you are, probably change your names and start over. It'll be a lot but it's the only way any of you will be safe." Taegi grumbles as she pulls out her phone and quickly types away on it as Taehyung brushes Jungkook's hair off his face.

"Do you have somewhere in mind?" Jungkook asks softly as he glances over at Taegi who smiles brightly and locks her phone before turning to face the four men. Taehyung raises an eyebrow at her as she claps her hands together and her smile brightens.

"Yes. You're going to America and I'm giving you a make-over first." Taegi smiles as she jumps off the bed and rushes to her handbag, pulling out multiple boxes of hair dye. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

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