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Hey loves!! So I'm on the trip with my family you know the family problem thing anyways I had this all written at home but it got deleted so the whole ride I've been writing this I hope you like it. And honestly this chapter is one of my favorites the feels in this. And most of girls feel the same way. Comment down below your idea on guys and girls playing each other and all that good stuff.

Ttyl love you!!- Zoey!!

Word count: 709

Johnny's P.O.V.

She was sleeping so peacefully in my arms.


That's how she is. One word means a lot.

Beautiful. How can one be so beautiful?

It was 9:30 A.M and after last night's events she needs her sleep.

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. I did all my stuff and went down to make breakfast. I'm hoping to give it to her in bed.

I grabbed some eggs, pancake mix, milk, and cheese to start making breakfast.

I first made eggs with cheese and salt and pepper.

Then I started the pancakes. I grabbed a bowl and added the ingredients when I felt arms around my waist.

I flinched at first but when I saw it was my girl I smiled.

She kissed my back. Well she kept on pecking my back. I didn't put a shirt on because it's hot.

I turned around and hugged her waist while I laid my head on her head kissing her forehead.

"Morning beautiful."

She looked up and smiled.


"It's not fair" She said after a while. I was almost done with the pancakes and she was sitting on the kitchen table.

"What isn't?"

"You're so much taller than me. You're like a giant."

I laughed and smiled.

"Trust me hun it's an advantage."


"Because you can hear my heart beating for you and only you." She blushed so hard.

"You're so romantic you know that." She said while we were eating.

I put my fork down and looked at her amused. "Yeah?"

She swallowed her food and nodded.

"Yeah. Like you say all these things to me that make me wonder if it's all a dream. Like you're so romantic and guys these days play with girls like we're dolls and they drop us faster than playing with a Yo-yo.  I mean growing up I always imagined how my boyfriend/ husband would be like. I always wanted someone who every girl wants because of how unrealistic he is. Like when you read books or watch movies you have these guys you wish are real. But it just goes to show you. That guys aren't like that. Even though you truly wish they are. So tell me why are you like this?"

Damn that hit me. Guys are such jerks.

"Well put it this way. When you find a girl who made your future. You'd do anything to make her happy. Yes I know what you mean about those guys. But girls are at fault also they believe that just because one guy hurt them that everyone else is the same. We're actually not all the same. There are some decent guys out there you just have to look deeper I guess." I told her she started tearing up.

"But it ISN'T OUT FAULT that guys messed our brains up so much. We try our best for guys to like us some of don't even try at all. Like look at you and me you were the popular kid everyone loved you I mean who could blame them you're hot. And you go for a girl like me someone who doesn't dress to impress, someone who's ugly in everything she wears, someone who's mother hates her, she doesn't have a real family, home was where her beloved boyfriend was; where he'd open his arms and laying with him she felt at home. Home doesn't have to be a damn building it can be a person. Someone who has a heart. I'm sorry but till this day I still can't understand how the hell you love me!!" She yelled and cried and ran back upstairs.

I've never seen anything like this and it's scaring me.

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