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Johnny's P.O.V

At 2 A.M I was done telling her all of my stories. She truly was an incredible girl. She listened to every word I said, not interrupting at all.  She listened to the fun stories, the sad stories, the good and heartfelt stories. We laughed, we shed tears, we smiled, it felt incredible being with her. 

When I finished the stories we just laid there comfortably. I think around 40 minutes passed of silence when we finally got up and started to get ready and leave. We slipped out of the restaurant and started walking home. Our hands intertwined as we stroll past the ice cream shop. 

"Would you like some, my love?" She asks me. 

I smiled, "I would."

 She smiles and pulls me toward the ice cream shop with her. It was an ice cream shaped store. Cute. When we walked inside Kenzie immediately ran to the menu and was acting giggly. When she noticed I was still far behind, she ran back to me and grabbed my hand pulling me to the menu. When we were in front of it she let out a little jump and would not stop smiling.

"Johnny," She whined.

"What's wrong, beautiful," I asked her once I make sure she's secured in front of me, with my chin on her head.

She sighed, "I don't know what to choose. I can never choose something. I always have choices, ugh." Kenzie truly was like that. Whenever we'd go out it doesn't matter what I want to buy her or what she wants to buy she never knows what to get. She'll pick 2 that she likes the most and then have a hard time just picking one. In the end, she'd usually pick something she never even thought of. Like this one time, she was deciding between Chocolate or Vanilla, and then she goes off and picks Chocolate Chip. Which I don't understand why she even thought about Chocolate or Vanilla when Chocolate Chip was clearly her favorite. Anywho, that's just Mackenzie.

"Sweetheart, just get Chocolate Chip."

"But, I was feeling some Birthday Cake ice cream," She pouted.

"Why don't you go find us a table and I'll go get us our ice cream."

She sighed knowing she wasn't going to win this conversation.


I kissed her forehead and went toward the ice cream machine. I took 2 waffle cones and filled the first one up with Birthday Cake. I then filled up the second one with Chocolate Chip. After I finished filling up both of the cones I went and grabbed 2 small cups with 2 spoons just in case we needed it. I went and paid and found Kenzie sitting outside.

"One Birthday Cake ice cream for my darling girl." She turned to me and smiled.

"Your darling girl? Where'd that come from?" She asks as she bites into the cone. 

I smiled, "I don't know, it just came out," I laughed when smiled with red cheeks. 

"So, how's my darling girl?" I asked her once I let her take a spoonful of my ice cream. 

She smiles, I love seeing her smile. Especially after her confirmation yesterday, her smile looks bigger, it looks happier if that even makes sense. 

"I'm great, perfect even," She nodded continuously. 

"Well, beautiful that makes me really really really happy, because you truly deserve to be happy. You're my girl. My darling girl, and you've made me the happiest man alive. I know that this wasn't easy for you. It took you a long time to finally accept the fact that you are beautiful, but now you know it and now you realize your importance and worth which is great, it's incredible. I love you, beautiful." I leaned against the table and kissed her nose.

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