Chapter 1

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I have a secret. A dark, deep secret that can never be brought to light. If it ever did, would I still be able to live my life with guilt?

I sat by myself during break time at a roundtable. I had recently transferred to this new school and I was still unable to make any friends so far. I looked around at the people who laughed and joked around with each other, I wish I could join too.

"What?" the person behind me said loudly as he laughed and joked around with the others, "you lost your kid brother? Then you found him playing at home? What the heck you went out to find him for nothing then!" I laughed with them quietly. I felt the person behind me staring at me so I got up and went away.

"Who was that?" the boy asked his friend.

"That's the new kid," his friend replied.

"Hmm," the boy grinned and got up to follow me. I walked faster into the halls and out of sight. I found a place in the field and crouched down in the shades of the big trees. I sighed and dropped my head in my arms. My first day at this new school and I felt as if I had messed up. I sat there beating myself up with words, a shadow hovered above me. I tilted my head to look at a tall boy standing in front of me.

"Umm..." I said quietly.

"Hey!" he answered back. He moved to face me and stared at my awkward face, "say, are you a boy or a girl?"

"What?" I let the word flowed out of my mouth and stood up. I ran away from him, people usually asked me about my gender just because I looked quite feminine but I'm 100 percent male. I hated when people asked me that, it pisses me off. I hate my small body that has no muscles, I tried to be masculine once but that made everybody laughed at me.

The boy came up behind me and pushed me, "I'm sorry, why are you so mad. I know you're a girl okay?" he said sweetly.

"I'm not a girl!" I yelled and stomped away. I don't get angry easily but when someone jokes or talks about my gender I just blow up. I walked into my classroom and has to get introduced again.

"My name is Leon, nice to meet you," I said smiling and trying to make a good impression.

"Oh!" the boy in the back seat called out, "Hey it's you!" he waved at me. I looked at the boy who called out to me and froze as I saw that he was the same boy who had bothered me. The teacher thought that we already knew each other so he placed him as my tour guide. I was now stuck with the boy I least wanted to know.

Class ended with me sighing through the whole thing.

"Why are you sighing so much? Did John bother you too much?" one of the boys said as he leaned on my desk. I looked up at him, he had a darker skin tone than the others but it was not as dark, his eyes were almond shaped and they were a deep brown, and his hair was a lighter black. He was so handsome that I almost choked at his beauty. "Oh yeah, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm June, my mom is black and my father is Asian so that explains the way I look," even his voice is dreamy.

I stared at him for a while, he caught me staring and smiled, my heart was about to jump out of my chest. Why are you like this? He might think that you're crazy! I screamed inside. The other guy stared at me with his light blue eyes, they were beautiful. He was taller than the others and had broad shoulders, his hair was a golden blond, "I'm Jack and I'm a swimmer. Well, I pretty much do different sports but I really like swimming," his voice was a little deeper but there is a soothing sound behind it. He stood slightly in the back, he looked cool and stern like he was the casual, carefree type.

"That's John, he's the annoying kid," June said jokingly pointing at the boy who stood next to Jack and leaning on him.

"Hi!" John said coolly. I looked at him closely, I didn't notice before but he was really handsome. It took my breath away, I was shocked. He had the cutest green colored eyes and his hair was a reddish, brown color.. His skin color was a little dark but he was still lighter than June. He smiled as I looked at him more closely, he was a little taller than June.

"Hey!" a voice called from behind the boys. A girl stepped into sight, "are you the new guy?"

"Or girl?" John broke into her question grinning. My body twitched at the question, I smiled to hide my anger.

"Oh my god! Can you stop? That's not even funny!" she yelled at him. I smiled for real now, she is such an angel. She had light blond hair, almost the same as Jack's, her hair flowed and bounced around in the air. She had the same eyes as Jack, "Hi, I'm Emily and I'm Jack's sister. I'm a freshman," she smiled as she said that. She pulled another girl into the group, "This is Mimi, June's little sister," she introduced her friend. Mimi looked almost like June, she had short black hair the only difference they had were their eye color. Mimi's eyes were almost hazel, she was short and cute, she smiled cutely when she spotted me staring just like June had done.

I watched June walk over to Emily and tease her, they must be really close. I just smiled along.

Spring is the season of encounters...

Can I live in this school life and not let my secret out? I have a secret. A dark, deep secret that can never be brought to light. If it ever did, would I still be able to live my life with guilt?

Please be kind and thanks for reading.

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