Chapter 12

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I can't stop thinking about John and what I would say to him. He must be disgusted, I don't want him to hate me. I have to tell him that it's not true. I hurriedly grabbed the phone and scrolled down to John's name, I held it firmly and tried to type something. My tears overwhelmed me and I began to cry. He must be so disgusted, he must not even want to hear anything from me. I put the phone down and curled up in my safe position.

"Leon?" my mother said as she walked into my room, "What's wrong?"

I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, I cried softly as I lean and depend on her.

"Did something happen with that crush of yours?" she said as she patted my back. I flinched and shook my head quickly and hid my face from her, "Leon you can tell me anything. Come on, what happened?"

I still didn't answer her, "It pains me when I see you like this," I winced and held her tight, my mother just knows what to say to get me talking.

I opened my mouth then quickly close it.

"It's okay when you're ready to speak, you can tell me. I'll listen to anything," she said softly.

Thanks and sorry mom, I don't want to risk losing your hope and love. I rubbed my face into her and she laughed.


I didn't want to go to school today but I had no choice. I walked out the door and quietly walk, I looked around at my surroundings to see if John was anywhere in sight. He was not there, I got on the bus, I haven't seen John at all, did he decide to skip school because he didn't want to see me? I looked out the window and saw an expensive looking car, inside John was sitting and touching his phone. My heart dropped, he must really want to avoid me, he even took the car to school.

My heart felt like it was being crushed and I just couldn't breathe. If I took even the slightest breath this delicate balance in me would be broken. I held my breath and tears started to form as the aching of wanting to breathe seeped in. I held it a little longer then let out a huge breathe. I wiped my tears and got off the bus, Emily and Jack stared at me. John should have been here by now but I don't see him.

"Um..." I tried to ask Jack. Emily pulled me over to her and Jack stood up right away as she pulled me. He pulled me back to him.

"What are you doing to Leon?" Jack said harshly.

"I was just going to say something, jeez brother you're too much!" she flipped her hair and went on typing on her phone.

"Umm..." I started again. My phone vibrated, I looked at it and it was a text from Emily. This doesn't look good, I want to ignore it but Emily is looking at me. I clicked the text and read it.

'If you're trying to find John, you should go inside.' the text said, I looked over to her and she started typing again, another text came up.

'John didn't look so good, he must have found about you haven't he?

...He must be so disgusted.'

I read it and my heart dropped, I can't believe that was how John felt. I was right, he hates me. Jack pulled the phone away from me and read the text, "What is this?" he said angrily.

"Emily!" he hollered, she flinched in surprise, I was honestly scared too.

"Why are you doing this! It's not right! What do you have against Leon? Why are you being such a disgusting person right now!" he attacked Emily with words.

"Um...Jack," I tried to say.

"I'm sorry about that, I will have Emily come to apologize to you soon," he said to me as he tries to calm himself.

"You don't have to..."

"It's my sister, I can deal with her. What she typed wasn't true, I'm pretty sure John understands. Go find him," he said as calmly as he can. I nodded and went inside to find John. I searched and searched but I couldn't find him.

"Hey, who are you trying to find?" a voice said from behind me, I turned around to find the guys that were harassing me before.

"Umm..." I started off carefully.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" they said roughly.

"No, not really," I said trying to be calm, "I'm not trying to find anyone, so bye..."

They grabbed me, "Don't be shy, I will help you find what you needed,"

" Stop!" I yelled a little. The hand on me gripped harder, I winced at the pain. I was going to be dragged away when I felt an arm wrap around my chest. The person was back hugging me. I turned my head to see John, he glared and the hand holding me let go and disappeared. His face was so close to me that our cheeks touched, I bit my lips and tried to calm my heart. He must feel my heart beating, I blushed.

"You should be careful," he said as he let go of me and walked away.

"Wait!" I called after him. He didn't care, he walked on and ignored me, "Wait!" I called again but a little louder. He still ignored me, my heart hurt.

"Wait!" I kept on calling, "Wait..." my voice cracked, and tears start to form. The people in the quiet hallway looked over at me but I didn't mind, my eyes were blurred and I couldn't see. I didn't need their attention, I wanted John's attention to me.

"...John..." I said softly as tears flow down. I covered my face then felt an arm hovering above me. It pulled me into a tight hug, hiding my face from the others.

"What do I do with you?" the person said, it was John's voice. I held onto his shirt and had no intention to let go because if I did he might disappear again. He held me tight against his chest, I could hear the heartbeat he was producing, it was loud and fast. I smiled as I was engulfed in his smell.

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