Chapter 17

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I woke up in my room, I looked at the window beside me. It was bright and made my mood lighter. I walked out of my house towards the bus stop. I glanced up and down trying to find John.

"Looking for me?" he asked as he jumps on me.

"N-no!" I stuttered. I blushed and he smiled. We walk down the lane together, it was quiet and awkward.

Jack looked at me as I trudged over to him, John followed close behind.

"How did you like the club? I wanted to call you but I was too caught up in taking the drunkards home," Jack said, he looked tired.

"Mmm, I liked it. It was quite fun, but I hope I could get to know them better," I answered.

"Oh, by the way, where were you after that?" Jack asked as he rubbed his face.

I was going to answer but was cut off, "With me. We were on a date," John said with a snicker.

I was stunned, I made a silly face at Jack and he raised an eyebrow. Jack's jaw was open wide but he quickly closed them, "I see..."

John smiled proudly.


We entered the classroom, the teacher wasn't there yet. I sat in my desk the others either sat nearby or stood, I could see that June was still awkward and that made me sad.

"Don't make that face, it makes me feel guilty," June said as he ruffled my hair, I smiled.

"Hey! Isn't this you, Leon?" a boy walked up to me. He showed a picture on his phone. It was a picture of Liam kissing my cheek. you could clearly tell that that is me, "Are you a homo?"

I panicked, I couldn't say anything, the whole class was looking at us now. I can't say anything, I have to deny it but I can't speak nor breathe.

"Hey! That's ENOUGH!" Jack said loudly.

"Oh, WOW, scary!" the boy said backing up, he still had his smug face on though.

"Shut the fuck up!" John yelled, "Who are you to accuse?!"

June glared at the boy, "Hey, isn't this telling you something though? You really are gay aren't you?" the boy laughed, then went flying.

John landed the first punch. I was shocked, the boy was shocked as he got up and swing his fist at John. John wanted to hit back but Jack stopped him. I don't want this, why is this happening? I knew that there would be some people who wouldn't accept me but staying with my friends and seeing them accept me blinded my reality.

"What the hell! What is with this?" Emily yelled from the classroom door.

"Why is there so much commotion?" she was really brave.

"He a homo,"
"Leon's gay? Haha!"
"The real deal!"
The people whispered.

She sighed, "Gay? Leon is?"

I was scared was she going to add fuel to the fire because she hates me?

"Leon isn't gay! Are you guys dumb or what? He is dating my best friend so how is that possible!" she said as she pushes Mimi towards my direction, Mimi looked clueless to Emily's scheme.

"False info?"
"But how does that explain the picture?"
The crowed grew louder.

I was glad that Emily decided to help, but doesn't this make the situation bigger? June was looking at me and Mimi with a confused look. I didn't know what that look meant.

"This is just a skit to cover things up," Mimi whispered to June, he suddenly looked relief, did he think I was dating Mimi? So cute! This wasn't the time to be calm but I feel kind of safe with my friends around me and protecting me. John was still emitting killing intent but calmed down when I touched his arm. The classmate that he punched went to the nurse's office. Everyone settled down as soon as the teacher came, and the class continued.

There were still some rumors floating around and I felt like I'm stepping on eggshells every time I walk past. The girls whisper and the boys tease and act disgusted. Some who were brave enough would come up to me and say things to my face, seriously I wasn't quite fazed by this. I'm pretty used to this and that is quite sad, but it's fine. John walked with me whenever he gets the chance, so does the others. Although Emily usually ignores me, I think she has been kinder to me now.

"Hey, homo boy," others would say to me when I walked by, honestly it did hurt quite a lot but I didn't want to worry the others.

I sat in the usual place in the library. The others sat there too, the atmosphere was tense.

"Hey, guys..." June courageously said.

"I hate this why did this have to happen!" John said as he punched the table.

"I'm sorry Leon, it was because I took you there," Jack said with guilty eyes. I shook my head and said it wasn't his fault.

"Hey, it's just a rumor right now, okay? And it has died down a little. A rumor usually dies away in some time so be patient," Emily said, she crossed her arm and stared at us with chic cool eyes. I smiled, I hate this. Why did I have to like boys? Why couldn't I be normal? I hate this.

The smile I displayed hurt my face, I hate this. If only I wasn't like this! Why? Why? Why am I like this?

"Hey, Leon!" Jack said kind of loudly. I snapped and went back to reality, "Stop smiling! It's so fake!"

I was shocked, I didn't expect Jack to say that. The others looked at me and I felt so humiliated. I got up and ran from them. John got up and was about to chase me but Jack stopped him, "Why..." he bit his lips, "Why did you say that?!"

"It's for the better, it would make him think," Emily said as she got up and went too, Mimi followed.

June sighed, "Guys, you're too tense," he chuckled awkwardly.

"It's no laughing matter!" John yelled as he left.

Jack looked at June and left too, June sighed and sat alone.


"Why was I like that?" I clench my fists.

"Why am I so stupid?" I sighed and sat down in the lightly dimmed hallway where no one comes. My eyes formed big clumps of tears as it streams down my eyes.

I'm scared.

I'm sad.

I'm hated.

I'm afraid.

I'm angry.


I'm hurt.

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