Chapter 14

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I awoke the next morning in bed, it was the weekend. I looked at my phone as soon as I woke up. There was no new notifications, I sighed and went to get dressed. I was about to go downstairs when my phone buzzed. I went over to pick it up. It was from June and Emily. 

I opened June's first it read, 'Leon, we need to talk...' 
that doesn't sound good. My finger hovered over Emily's name. I clicked on it.

'Hey Leon. You might not be awake but I just wanted to cheer you on. Have fun talking to need to thank me!' the text said it had a smiley emoji next to it. My body trembled and the same feeling I had when Emily had called me disgusting had come back.

I was afraid, 'Ok' I could only send that to June because I could not refuse him. I texted Jack about this and he replied instantly. 

'I can't help you' was what his text said. Why? This doesn't sound like Jack.

'It's me, Emily!' another text popped up. My face turned grim and cold sweat started to form. 

'I planned this out really good! I made Jack get grounded so now he has to stay home and he can't even touch his phone.'
'I'm a genius, LOL!' 

I panicked when I saw the text. I can't go meet June, I can't. A text popped up, I looked at it. It was from John.

'Hey! Want to hang out?' I gulped and started typing with trembling fingers. I told him everything but he didn't reply. He must hate this, he must not want to talk to me after that...I washed up and went outside.

'Where are you?' I texted June.

'I'm at a cafe that is close to my house, I'll send you a map.' I followed the map that he sent. I arrived at a cute looking shop. It was decorated really well it was made of wood and it was beautiful. I walked in. Even from afar he was handsome, June waved me over. I went and sat down in front of him. There was a couple sitting next to us, they were flirting and that made me really uncomfortable.

"...So? What do you want to talk about?" I asked, almost in a whisper. He looked up to me from his latte.

"Well, why don't you order a dink first," he said, "what do you want?"

"Um...then hot chocolate," I answered, you can't refuse a offer for food.

He chuckled, "Are you a kid?" I blushed. He went up to the counter to order. He came back with my drink and everything fell quiet again. The atmosphere was really awkward. Being alone with June was the first time for me, and I didn't know what to say. I clenched my fist and looked out the window, the soft, warm sun shined upon us.

"So umm..." he began. I turned to face him, my eyes were ready to bawl at his rejection.

"I heard like that true?" he said carefully. I nodded, I couldn't look him in the eyes.
"Oh, ok. I see..." he just said and everything fell quiet again. I couldn't bring myself to lift my head up, I looked at my hand as I picked at it. He must think I'm disgusting, but he is too nice to reject me. I know that I didn't have a chance in the first place, I knew...I knew but I couldn't help my heart from falling in love. 

" you want to try it with me?" he said as he moves his hand to touch mine. I was shocked and that must have showed on my face because he continued on.

"I...I don't hate you and I like you very much, let's just try," he said nervously. What did he even say? Let's just try? Try?  Is he mocking me. I looked into his eyes they were pure and held no ill intention. There isn't but why would he say that to someone who really likes him? Wait, do I really like him? Do I?

"I..." I started but was cut off.

"Leon doesn't want to date you!!" John came in, he was panting as if he had been running. He hollered that so loud that the people near by looked at us. They started whispering.

"Did I hear that right?"
"Aren't they all boys?"
"...I've heard of this, people these days are gay..."
"Doesn't there parents teach them that that is not right?" 

I could hear them whispering, it was like poison to me. I bit my lips. John tugged on me and pulled me out of the cafe, June followed frantically after us.

"Why are you following us? Leon doesn't want to date you!" he said madly.

"How do you know? It's not your decision to make!" June yelled as he hurries after us. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to him, "Leon!" I grimaces at the strong hold on my shoulder. John jerked me over to him and pushed away June's arm away harshly.

"Stop it!" I yelled as I pull myself together, "What is wrong with you guys? I'm not an item for you to fight over and push around!" as I said that I could feel my eyes watering, I'm not an item for you to fool around with.

"Wait Leon, that's not it. I was just..." John started.

"We were being insensitive, we're sorry," June finished for John, "but I really do want us to get together!" 

John made an angry face and he cursed.

Why? Why does June want to get together with me? Is it because he feels bad for me? Is it because he wanted to try dating a guy? I don't know but I do know one thing, I don't seem to have anymore feelings for June. Maybe I was just admiring his handsome face and I had just mistaken it for love. "Why?" I said out loud.

"Huh?" June asked confuse.

"Why do you want to date me?" I said sternly.

"Well, I think I might like you too," he said calmly.

"That's not the truth, is it?" I looked into his untruthful eyes.


"Tell me the truth," I demanded. John looked at me and gulped.

"Well, I...fine, I wanted to give you a chance too!" June said as he bit his lips until it turned kind of red.

"Why? Was it because you felt bad for me?" I said as I  clenched my fist and wish it was not true.

"No! That's not it!" He said. I smiled.

"Really? That's good then," I said, I was glad, "but why did you want to give me a chance?"

"Well, that is..."

"You don't have to tell me," I said.

"NO! I will tell you!" he protested, "I..."

June's story will be continued in the next chapter... 

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