Chapter 21

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I still couldn't get the girl and John out of my head. Why would he say that to a girl and to me, is he that type of guy? I don't think he is though...I don't know anymore. I walk out of my house I was so caught up in my thought that I didn't notice that John was walking next to me. He didn't say anything nor did I. I just couldn't say anything. Why is he doing this to me? His hand brushed mine and I jerked away. He looked at me with a saddened look, but I ignored him.

"Leon, I heard what happened with that women, from the head butler. Um...thanks for that," he said, I glanced at him and he gave me a warm smile. Is he trying to play with me?

When we arrived there were some whispers and people were staring at me. I have been so caught in my thoughts that I had forgotten about the rumor going on. I sat at my desk, Jack looked at me with a confused look, he probably knows that I'm heartbroken, somehow. I didn't even look at him. My mind was being filled with negative thoughts. I just couldn't focus. After class, the same guy who showed the picture to everyone came up to me.

"Hey, homo! How have you been doing? Are you still going to deny that you aren't gay?" he sneered. Jack and the others got up.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled before the others could do anything. I kicked my desk and got up. I glared at him and went on my way. The others were dumbfounded as they followed me.

"Did that actually come out of your mouth?" June said, "I can't believe it, the small, afraid little lion swore in front of the whole class!"

Jack punched him in the arm to shut him up. I stared in space for a while, did I really say that? John came up to me and touched my arm.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled as I push him away.

"Oh, sorry..." John said, his voice showed pain.

"No, I'm sorry. Just leave me alone," I walked away from their surprised faces. I must be feeling really bad. I just couldn't think of what to do. Do I really like John that much, that I even acted like this? I hate this! Why do I have to feel this way?

"Hey, you sad looking skeleton over there!" someone yelled out, I turned. It was Emily. I don't like this.

"Me?" I asked to make sure she wasn't talking about me.

"Yeah, who else?" she said as she walked over to me, "I heard what happened. Can't believe you swore, you don't look the type and certainly don't act like one either," she said as she observed me. What does she want?

"Who is it?" she asked, I was confused by her question, "Who was the one who made you act like this? You know, stir up your heart and shit,"

I made a confused face but then realized what she means, "Certainly not June," I said, she grinned.

"Then who? John? Jack? Which one?" she nudged on.

"..." I think for a while, is it wise to tell Emily? I looked at her she was showing a sincere expression, "...John..." I said quietly.

"What? John?" she laughed at my answer, "Really? You gotta be kidding?"


"Haha! What the heck?" she laughed some more, then calmed down, "I didn't know you would fall for him. To fall for an airhead, huh? I know how it feels like to fall for someone like that,"

"Cause June is one?" I asked she blushed.

"How did you know?" she asked as if it weren't obvious enough.

"It shows and Mimi might've slipped some," I said to her. She pouted.

"Then what happened?" she said as she looks at me, "John seems to like you a lot and everything seemed to have gone smoothly, so what is the problem,"

I was shocked, she seemed to know everything, just like Jack.

"John did confess..." I began.

"What?! He did? No way, this is unreal! If we're talking about the same John then I'm going to explode!" she said as she waves her hand crazily.

"What is so wrong about that?" I asked.

"It isn't wrong or anything. It's just that John would never confess to anyone. All his past exes were the ones to confess to him first," she said bewildered.

If that really were true then why did he say "I love you" to some girl!

"What?" she said. Oh no, I must've said that out loud, "John said he loves some girl?!"

I nodded.

"In front of you?" she said as she lifts an eyebrow.

"Um, no...I overheard," I said feeling guilty.

"Are you sure?" she eyed me.

"Yeah, she even gave him a ring and said that she loves him back," I said, I was on the verge of tears. Emily patted my back.

"He wouldn't do that, even though he didn't like his past girlfriends he still stayed loyal to them and didn't cheat," she said, "there must've been a misunderstanding. You should go confront him,"

"I-I can't!" I said as I looked at her with my pathetic eyes that are filled with tears. She hit me in the head.

"Stop crying over this! I used to be like you, ok? I just didn't have the courage to confess so I ended up like this. I don't want you to be like me now, cause it ain't pretty. So go and confront him!" she said, she smiled at me and it was a sincere, nice smile. I was happy.

I nodded and took her advice, "You should confess to June too. I think he would be happy to know about your feelings," I said to her.

"Now don't start giving me advice," she said, she smacked me again.

"But I'm older than you!" I said back.

"At least I'm not a crybaby, like someone here!" she said as she laughed, I joined in too. It was fun talking to her and I was happy that she didn't say anything mean that would put me down. I was happy. Although I was scared, I decided to confront John. If he really doesn't like me then I would kill this feeling once and for all.

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