Chapter 22

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After school, I followed John as we walked together. We walked in silence as we reached my house. John waved as he turned around to walk away, he was depressed.

"Um...John!" I called out. He turned towards me with a shocked expression. I walked over to him, "John, let's talk," I said to him.

We went over to a nearby park, "Um, so...what I mean is..." I just couldn't find the words to say to him. We sat on a open bench away from all the people.

"Did you hate it? My confession...did you come here to reject me?" he said. I was baffled.

"No, that's not it," I said but was cut off.

"Do you hate me now?" he looked paranoid. I was angry, why did he have to think like that?

I grabbed his shoulders and shook him, "That's not it! G-d damn it!"

He looked at me with shocked eyes, "It's your fault!" I screamed at him.

"What?" he started.

"Why are you playing with me? You said that you like me but you say that to anyone don't you?"

"What are you talking about? I really do like you!"

"Then, then who was the girl you said you love? Why did that girl give you a ring? Why would you accept her ring and say that you love her? Why? Why?" my voice cracked and tears trickled down.

John pulled me into a kiss, I was shocked but I let him kiss me. The kiss was so deep. He slipped his tongue in and I hit him desperate to breathe. Why is he kissing me?

"It's not like that!" he yelled, "I wouldn't kiss a boy if I didn't like you! That girl was my little cousin, her family makes jewelry and I asked her to make a ring for you. I wanted to give you a ring that would show that you were mine!" he said as he blushed angrily.

I laughed and hugged him, "Can we do that again?" I asked shyly, "And a real one at that, not a one with anger involved," he smiled.

"Do you want to do it here though?" he asked as a person with a dog walked our way. I blushed and kissed him on the cheek then got up from the bench.

"I'm going home," I said.

"What? Wait!" he said as he frantically got up.

I turned his way, "I love you," I said as the wind breaks through. It felt like the wind had pushed away the dark clouds because everything was shining brightly. I was happy. I'm glad I moved here. I'm glad I met John. I'm glad...


The rumors had died down a little after my outburst. The student that thought they could push me around had stopped bothering me too. I don't know how I feel about this. I'm glad that the rumor was gone but I don't like the idea of people denying my sexuality. It's okay I'm fine with this. I try to think about different things but my heart just keeps on racing. Why do I keep thinking about him? Stop it! I remember the kiss we shared. I blushed, why am I like this?

"What are you doing?" Jack asked as he comes up to me. Shit, I should tell Jack.

"I'm...I'm dating John," I said, "well, at least I think I am..." I looked at him. Jack was wide-eyed and his expression just froze like that, "Um...Jack?"

" serious?!" Jack yelled out, I don't really see him lose his composure so this was new. But why are they so surprised to hear about John dating someone?

" you like him?" Jack asked, his eyes were still filled with shock.

I hung my head low, "yeah, I love him," I said with my eyes glittering. Jack smiled and gave me a soft pat.

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