Chapter 10

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I woke up with an irritated mood. I can't believe I was reminded of the bastard that dumped me. I was lucky that today was the weekend because I don't know how I would face John. I looked at my text messages. There was nothing new, I scrolled down on my friend list and I stopped at John's name and blushed a little, why am I like this. I can still feel the firmness of his hold on my waist.

"Hm? What, what, what?" my mother peeked into my room and grinned.

"Mom! What are you doing?" I said alarmed and turned off my phone.

"Hehe, my son is so in looove~" she sang cheerfully. I winced at her face full of expectation. The phone started to ring I almost jumped out of my skin. My mother grinned and left me 'with my secret love' as she said. I jumped up to lock my door as soon as she left.

I ran back to pick up my phone that had died already, I took a look at the phone number. I don't know this number, I don't think it is one of the others. I was going to turn it off when it rang again, it was from the same number. I breathed in and took the call.

"H-hello?" I stammered out.

"Hm? Hi!" the other person responded. I don't know this voice.

"Who are you?" I asked carefully.

"Did you forget about me already?" the voice on the other side said. I froze as the cool deep voice said gently and sweetly. I don't like this, stop, stop it. It was a voice I knew quite well, it was my ex.

"What?" I said as coldly as possible.

He chuckled, "You are still as cute as before, aren't you?" I flinched, "I heard you moved away from New York,"

"What do you want?" I said I could feel myself losing control.

"I'm sorry about what happened, okay? We were just kids. I want to put the past behind us and invite you to my wedding. My girlfriend got pregnant and so I decided to marry her. I want you to come," he said shyly behind the phone. I closed my fist so hard that I could feel my muscle pains. I blinked away tears, I have already gotten over him so why do I feel this way?

"I can't..." I mumbled.

"Why?" he said with a pleading voice.

" boyfriend would get jealous," I blurted as the anger and pain reached to my head making it cloudy. I can't believe I said such a thing.

"You have a boyfriend?" he asked, "I thought you couldn't date anyone after that, it seems like you could still love. That's good," he said as if he was concerned. Stop pretending to care, you did nothing in that three years. I could endure the abuse they gave me, but you tore that, you were the one I couldn't endure. Stop pretending to care, it makes me sick. I wanted to blurt all of this out, but I couldn't.

"You should send a picture of him, I want to see your boyfriend," he asked, how sly of him to ask that. I panicked as I try to think of someone. I ran out of the house not even fully washed as I frantically try to make an excuse. I took the bus to school to find Jack. He was running like usual, I pulled him over and took a picture of us together then sent it. I panted and sighed in relief. Jack looked at me confused.

"Um...well, that was my ex and um..." I said to him. He looked at me some more.

"And?" he asked with a smirk. I was taken aback.

"So um...he wanted a pic of my boyfriend, well, because I lied that I had one. I didn't know what to do and I remembered that you usually come here to run so..." I said embarrassed. I told him about the conversation we had.

"You could have taken a photo from my social media, you know," he chuckled.

"Ah, I didn't think of that," I said as I touched my hair. He smiled at me and rubbed my bed hair. I feel like I could be anyone and say anything to Jack. I wanted to tell him about John but I couldn't.

"What was your ex like?" Jack asked.

"Hmm? Oh, he was a total jerk..." I was going to say some more but was cut off by the ringing of my phone, "speak of the devil,"

"What is it now? You saw him already, right?" I said.

"Hmm, yeah I did, he is quite a handsome fellow isn't he?" he said in a voice I didn't quite get.

"If you saw him, leave me alone. I don't want to associate with you," I said, again my heart throbbed and ached.

"I just wanted to see you again, I'm glad I got to hear your voice," he said sweetly. Jack looked at my troubled face and snatched the phone out of my hand.

"This is Leon's boyfriend, he is mine now so don't call him ever again. It was your loss, so don't you dare contact him!" Jack said roughly into the phone, I blushed, the call ended.

"W-what?" John said as he looked at the both of us. I was shocked, I stood there not knowing what to do. Jack lifted up an eyebrow and pulled me to him.

"It's nothing," Jack said to John.

"I don't get it, why are you guys...are you guys really dating?" John asked in a pained voice.

"No, that's not it..." I began but was cut off.

"No, I don't even want to hear it," John said as he walked away.

Does he hate me? Is it because I'm gay? I don't get it, why was he like that before then? Why? I don't get it, why is he stirring me up and why am I trying to find an excuse? Why?

Jack patted me on the back, "John doesn't mean anything by that, I promise,"

I nodded and walked home. Jack just stared at me while I walk away.

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