Chapter 15

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"When...I was in middle school, there was this one boy that liked me..." June explained his story, calmly.

June's POV

He confessed to me, at that time I was a troublemaker but I was still quite popular. I didn't know why he liked me but still, I was happy. I didn't accept his confession though. I just rejected him right out, I said, "Thanks for liking me but I can't like you back," I had said that out loud in front of all of those people. I didn't know that it would make things hard for him. I thought people would accept him just like I had done.

Except of accepting him, they bullied him. I tried stopping the people before, but I just couldn't bring myself to say anything. I watched as he gets bullied, honestly, I was afraid. I was afraid so I closed my heart and harden it, I looked at him with disgust and bullied him as the others had done.

I regret it, I regret it so much. If only I was strong enough to stop and help him. It was all my fault if I hadn't been such a coward maybe I could have saved him. I heard that he transferred but in truth, he had committed suicide. I blamed myself for all of this, I couldn't help him.


June cried as he spoke softly about his story. I looked at John and I knew that he had already known of this story. I patted him softly on the back.

"Thanks," I whispered. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. John also looked at him, he clenched his teeth and ruffled his hair. I smiled at him, John was kind.

"Thank you for trying to give me a chance but I...I see you as a friend now," I said as soon as June had calmed down. John looked over at me and I could see that his eyes had light up, I giggled.


We walked to June's house and dropped him off. I walked for a while with John, it was quiet.

"Umm...John? How did you find us?" I asked.

"Well, I was shocked that you were going to meet June. I got dressed in a hurry and then tried to call you back but my phone died. So I ran to your house, the school, and to June's house. Mimi told me that June was going to the cafe. I went there and found you and I'm glad I did found you," he said as quickly as possible then hid his face. I smiled and held his arm. He was shocked, he was flustered and jumpy.

I laughed, he looked at me then held onto my hand tightly. I didn't want him to feel like I'm misleading him but I really did feel comfortable holding his hand. I held onto his hand too and tightly at that.

"Leon?" a voice said I turned to see my mother.

"M-mom?" I stammered. I let go of John's hand quickly. He looked puzzled.

"Mom I..." I started to say. Again I felt like drowning, I couldn't breathe.

"Leon," my mother said with a smile, "let's talk at home...and bring your friend," she said as she heads for the bus, I followed and John walked quietly without any questions.

When we arrived at our house, my mother guided us to the living room to sit down. John sat next to me. I panicked as my mother looked at me. I panicked and panicked, I bit my lips so hard I swore it was bleeding. I just couldn't look at my mother, she must have been so surprised and...disappointed. John looked uncomfortable and out of place in this tense up atmosphere.

"Leon," she started, "do you have something to tell me?" it didn't sound like it but I could tell that she was demanding an answer. I trembled and tears started to form, I shook my head. John looked at me, he must think I'm pathetic.

"Honey, I'm listening," she said again.

"I...I'm gay..." I choke and mumbled softly. I clenched my fists and bit my lips.

"I see," she answered calmly. Why? I hate this! Why doesn't she just burst out and slap the crap out of me? Why? Is it because John is here? Is that why? I looked at the soft expression she displayed and I died just a little inside.

"Did you think I was going to judge you and throw you out just because of this?" she said sternly, "I wouldn't do such a thing, no mother could!"

I looked at her saddened expression and started to bawl. She came over and gave me a hug, John sat awkwardly beside us.

"I knew you were gay. Somehow I just knew, maybe it was a mother's instincts but I knew. I wanted to wait for you to tell me but you never did. I wanted you to hurry up and tell me so we could talk about boys and go shopping together," she said with a chuckle, "I've always wanted a daughter but it's fine because I have you. Maybe I won't get to see my grandchildren but I love you more," she said quietly as she caressed me.

After we had calm down we sat and everything was quiet. John still had on an uncomfortable face.

"I'm sorry to drag you into this, but...are you dating my son?" she asked bluntly. I was surprised.

"No, mom, that's not it!" I said embarrassed.

"No, but...maybe someday," John said as he smiled sweetly at me. I gasped and became shy. He made a silly face then blushed, I giggled and my mother just looked at us lovingly.

"He might not be the one you're dating but when you do find a decent guy tell me, okay?" she said, I nodded.

We escorted John out of the house.

"Thank you and sorry to have dragged you into this," I said to him, he shook his head and waved goodbye. He must have been so uncomfortable. He walked a few steps then turned around and waved at us.

"You caught a handsome one, didn't you? That's my son!" she said cheerfully. I blushed and hid my face, I still don't know how to act around her now that she has known, but I know that she loves me.

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