Chapter 7

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I laid on my bed, trying to sort out my thoughts. Next to me, my phone lit up, I picked up to check it. It was a text message from Mimi, I frowned and opened it.

'I'm sorry about what happened...' she said over the text.

'Why are you sorry?'

'Emily didn't mean to say those mean things.'

'Shouldn't you be the one who is disgusted? I mean I...I have a crush on your brother.' I texted as I scowled bitterly.

'...Um, well, I'm not disgusted and my brother is not like what Emily had said. I'm sure he would accept you and not make fun of you.'

'How do you know? What if he really does get disgusted!' I cringed at my desperate text.

'He won't be.'

'How do you know? Don't try to understand me!' the anger seeped through to my fingers as I typed the message. I turned off my phone before Mimi gets to text back.

I walk towards the school not feeling good at all. I also ignored John on the way to school. He pestered me and threw all sorts of questions at me. I turned towards him and somehow there was a distance that seemed to separate us. I turned away from his perfectly normal life reflected in his eyes.

I stopped as I reached the school, I glanced at Emily who was standing crossed armed. She leaned on the wall as she brought her head up to look at me, I winced at her glare.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you going?" John asked as he popped out from the side.

"...Nothing," I said quietly. Jack pulled me to the side as John looked from me to Jack with a confused face.

"Emily said something, didn't she?" Jack whispered. I felt his breath on my neck and shivered, I gave a slight nod. I didn't really want to tell him because it would look like I tattled on her. She watched closely as Jack and I exchanged words.

She came over and pulled Jack away, "Don't get so close to him, he isn't clean," she whispered loud enough for me to hear.

Jack pulled her hand away and held onto mine, "It's okay, see," he said calmly and coolly. She clicked her tongue and went on to touch her phone. Jack sighed and patted my back, "It's okay," he said soothing me. John stared at me with a lifted eyebrow, he pulled me away from Jack's hold and held on to me. I was troubled and confused by John's action. I shook my head and just let him hold my arm, Jack stared at us with an even more confused look. I gestured to him hinting that there wasn't anything going on. He must have gotten the message because the confused look was gone from his face.

June and Mimi walked together to school as Mimi peeked at me I turned away from her sight. Emily went over to her and pulled her to the side, they exchanged words in secret. June smiled at me happily as ever, I smiled back but guilt clung to me. Jack stared at me like usual and our morning went smoothly.

I still worry sometimes, I worry that Emily would tell June about me and one day he would stop smiling like that to me. I held my head low as the thought crossed my mind, a hand patted my back. I looked up expecting Jack but the one patting me instead was John, "What?" I accidentally slipped out.

"Hm?" he patted me again, I gave him a confused look, "My little lion is worried about something isn't he?" he smiled. I looked straight into his eyes as he smirked, I laughed a little and mouthed a thanks, "You were worried about something?" he blurted out as if he hadn't known.

I slapped him on the arm, "You didn't know?" he shook his head like crazy, "Then...why did you do that?"

"Well, Jack was patting you so I just did the same thing," he said.

"What? You airhead!" I yelled in his face as I went over to Jack, he pulled me back.

"You can't go over there," he said as he firmly held onto my hand.

"Why?" I asked as I blushed a little.

"You have to stay with your owner, my little lion!" he made a smug face. My face went blank and pulled my hand away. I felt a little special when he held my hand that I almost forgot that he was a total idiot, I put my arm over my face as I head over to Jack. Emily stared straight at me, she gave me the death stare. She went over to June and wrapped her arm around his. She whispered something to June, and he looked at me. I was shocked as I clenched my fist. She must have told June about my secret because he was coming over with a grim face. Emily grinned and I gulped and wiped the sweat off my forehead, Jack pulled me closer.

"Hey! Leon!" June yelled as he reached his arm towards me. Jack grabbed his arm and held it hard, "Ouch! What are you doing?" he exclaimed in pain.

"What are you doing?" Jack said in a scary voice.

"Jack!" Emily shrieked as she came over and tried to ease Jack's hold on June.

"I was just going to say how close you two have been lately and I was jealous, what's the big deal anyways?" June said as he pulled his hand free and was rubbing it.

Jack sighed and apologized, I looked at him and I apologized too, "Jeez, what's with you two?" June said.

"Jack that was too harsh!" Emily yelled at him, she asked if June was okay and held onto his hand. At times like this I wish I could be a girl. If I were a girl nobody would tell me that I can't like boys. I can look at boys and nobody would say that I'm strange or disgusting. I sighed and looked away, Jack patted my head as John looks over at me. I looked into the distance, at the smile June displayed as he talked to Emily and I wished if only that was me.

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