Extras 2

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5 years later


We've been dating for about 5 years, we're living together now. John had bought his own house and we had been living together for 3 years. I had a job at the daycare. John didn't really want me to do anything big and since I like kids anyways I decided to take up this job. John had found a job and is helping out in his dad's company. John's family pretty much made up when I told him to tell them what he really felt. Everything was good, they also accepted me. I was living happily now. We have been married too. It wasn't a fancy wedding but I was now on John's family register. I was the happiest now.

Emily finally confessed to June and they were married too. Mimi was still single, she wanted to focus on her studies and job. Jack has become a detective, I think that really suits him. He is really good at reading people after all.

"Leon, can I speak with you," John said with a serious tone. He hasn't used this serious tone for quite some time now, I wonder what he wants?

"Um, Leon, listen. You know I love you and..." he said nervously.

"Go on..." I urged him. Why is he shaking?

"Um...please be understanding...I-I have taken in a new family member..." he said quietly. My eyes widened. What?! Is it a woman? Did he decide that women were better after all? Tears started to stream down.

"Haha! I knew you would understand! I'm so excited and happy to have a new family member too! He is about 3 years old, I met him and...blah blah" John said as he jumped for joy.

"Wait, what?!" I yelled. He looked at me, "Wait, explain me this...who?"

"Um, like I said I wanted to adopt this kid and bring him into our family," he said as if I had known.

"You didn't say that?!" I said as I wiped my tears angrily, "I thought you were bringing in a new wife, I was ready to bash that bitch in the head if I had to!"

He stared at me with a scared expression, "No no, I would never bring in anyone without your permission," he said as he shook his head crazily, I smiled.

"Now, about that kid. Why did you decide to adopt him?" I asked.

"Well, I went to meet up with Jack. I saw a child that reminded me of you there. I asked Jack about him. Apparently the father was beating the kid. The kid tried to protect his injured mother from being hit by the abusive father. I thought he was admirable. Of course, the police went in and stopped the father and took him away. After the father was taken away, the mother fell ill and passed. I heard the kid was being put into an orphanage and I wanted to adopt him. This happened about 5 months ago, I had been doing all the paperwork by myself now and I just hadn't told you yet," he said in a trembling voice.

He sat on the sofa as he held his face, he always does that when he feels insecure or if he feels like he might get rejected. I hugged him.

"I guess I have to welcome that child with loving arms then," I said, his eyes glittered and he smiled brightly. He pulled me into a hug and held me tight.

"By the way, what is his name?" I asked John.

"Evan! Isn't it a cute name?" He smiled widely. I smiled back.

"Oh, he is coming tomorrow," John whispered.

"WHAT?! You should've said that sooner!" I said as I pushed him away, I got up and cleaned the living room, "Oh we need a bed for him and a room...oh, clothes too!"

"Hehe, calm down, I have already covered that," he said as he showed me into the used to be 'storage room'. It was a child's room and there were the necessities a child would need. I smiled at him, how excited he must be.

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