Chapter 20

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John had given me a tour of his house, it was so beautiful. It looked like a castle. We sat at the wonderful elaborate dining table, the chef brought in expensive looking food. We ate, it was delicious. John was smiling and eating shyly, "What? Why do you look so happy?" I ask as I gobbled up the food.

"This...this is the first time I've eaten with someone in this empty house," he said, I could see that he was holding back his tears. My eyes softened.

"You can call me over to eat with you anytime you wish," I said. He looked at me and smiled at me softly, his eyes were wide and in it carried a happy glitter. The butlers had tears in their eyes and were smiling along. John must be so loved by them.

"Where are your parents?" I asked, the butlers had a shock expression and they shook their heads in sync. What's wrong with them? I looked at John, he had a grim expression. What?

"My parents? I don't have anything like that!" John shouted as he got up and disappeared into the big hallways. What was that? I was shocked. What have I done? Why is he so mad?

"Oh, please don't mind the young master. This is the first time he has looked so happy to bring a friend into this house so please understand," the head butler said to me as he pleaded and apologize.

"No, that's ok, I understand. But what happened with John?" I asked. I had to know the answer.

"The young master, this is so sad, but he hates the master and mistress," he said with sadness in his eyes. He hates his parents?

"Why is that?" I asked.

"You see, the master and mistress never come home. Every month or so they would come home. But they would be arguing. The young master hates that, he just wanted to stay happy with them but every time he sees them, they would argue. Even when he was young they paid no mind to him. The nanny did her job to raise him. It was like he wasn't even part of this family," the head butler finished as he wiped his tear-filled eyes.

How could parents be that cruel? He must have felt so bad to see me and my mother getting along so well. The front door opened as the butlers went to attend to the people that came in. I got up to see who it was. There was a beautiful woman in a fancy dress, the man was wearing an expensive looking suit.

"Welcome back, master and mistress," the butlers said as they lined up at the front to greet them. The man and woman walked past them not even glancing at them. Are those John's parents? How should I greet them without John? I'm so doomed!

"How could you do that?" the women shouted at the man.

"Huh? Don't talk back to your husband!" the man shouted back.

"Husband? When did you ever think of me as a wife? You must be seeing other women too!"

"You dare say!" the man reached out his hand. Is he going to hit the woman? That can't happen. There was a loud crash. He had knocked down a vase. The woman glared at him and went away. The man ordered the butlers to clean things up as he went to his study. How do you live with parents like these? I followed the woman, she sat in the living room. I went over to her quietly. She eyed me as I came closer.

"Who may you be? You don't look like June nor Jack," she said as she moved her head slowly to face me. I was nervous, her eyes were cold and scary.

"I'm John's friend," I said, "my name is Leon," I said quietly. She stared at me as she observed me.

"Hm? Is that so? So why aren't you with John then?" she said sharply.

"I wanted to say something to you," I said, I was trembling.

"Go on," she demanded.

"Please be a kind, caring mother to John. He is hurting, look at him too!" I said with a pleading voice. Her expression was hard and cold.

"What do you know?" she said sternly, "You don't know anything about John. He doesn't mind the way I'm raising him,"

I couldn't believe my ears, "What? What do you know? Do you know how John is feeling, I guess no, right? You said I don't know anything about John? Well, yes I don't know anything but I know about him more than you! You think you're raising him right? I can't see that at all! Nobody could, all you're doing is neglecting him!"

"I don't know what is so important that you think you could ignore him, but what you're thinking is wrong! " I yelled. I was gasping for air, I could feel tears forming. Her expression didn't change, it was still so cold. I glared at her one last time, then I bolted out the door.

I ran from the cold house that had little love. John must be experiencing this every day. No one could live like this, the stare from your own mother being so cold, no one can stand that! I ran as tears fell. This made me think how thankful and lucky it is for me to have such a great mother.

When I got home, I texted John to tell him that I have left.


The next day I made sure that John's parents were gone as I make my way towards John's house. As I got closer I could see that John was outside with a girl. They looked so close as they played and teased each other. I hid and watched them. John rubbed her head as he did for me. My heart stung and it hurts.

"John, stop teasing me. Oh yeah, I brought you something," the girl said as she took something out. It was a small box. John opened it, inside was a sapphire ring, It had a thin silver band and a small round sapphire diamond. It was beautiful. John looked at it lovingly.

"Thanks, I love you!"John said. I was shocked.

"Haha, I love you too!" the girl answered back. What is this? My heart felt like it has been crushed. It was the feeling I had when my ex had dumped me. Why would John say that? I thought he liked me. Wait, was it just me that was thinking that way? All this time my mind was making things up? Why is this happening? I don't like this! Stop! I ran from the happy looking pair as I made my way towards my house. Is this another heartbreak? Even though I didn't get a chance to tell him how I felt, I guess it had ended before anything even started. I walked home with a broken heart. I lie in bed as I cry softly, hoping my mother would not hear me.

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