Chapter 5

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I woke up at 6 to get ready, "Honey, why are you up so early? You don't have school today," my mother said as I walked down the stairs.

"Oh, yeah," I replied as I walk slowly over to her. She looked at me for a while then came to give me a hug.

"What's wrong, baby?" she said softly as she caressed my hair, I stayed in her hold for a while.

"Mom...I'm...I like this school," I gulped and choked on my saliva.

"I see," she answered back and smiled.

"I want to go on a walk," I said to her.

"Okay, don't stay outside for so long though, you don't want to get lost, okay?"

"Okay," I smiled and left the house, I looked up to the hills that harbored the big houses. I walked and took the bus to my school, I looked at the lock gates and the nameplate of our school.

"Oh, hey," a voice called out to me, I spun around to see who it was. Jack stood panting and sweating.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Exercising, how about you?"

"Taking a walk,"

"All the way to here?"

"Yeah, same for you?"

"Well, I live pretty close so I just run here and around the school," he said as he looks at me, "anything bothering you?"

"Huh? Oh, no, nothing," I responded. He seemed to look through me all the time.

"Want to come over to my house? I'll call the others over too,"

"Oh, sure," I felt a little awkward to be with Jack after what had happened, I followed quietly behind him. We walked for about two blocks and went to knock at someone's door.

The person behind the door opened, "Oh, hey! What brings you here? Hm? Is that you Leon?" June said. He was in sweatpants and casual laid back clothes. Usually, at school, he tends to wear flashy clothes but now it was just casual clothes, that made me blushed a little.

"I saw him walking when I was doing my laps. By the way, want to hang out at my house?" Jack asked.

"Hmm...why not just do it at my house you're here already and besides, you live next door," he said as he pointed to the house next to his. I looked at Jack to see what he does, he pushed June away and went inside his house, I followed. There was no one inside the living room or the first floor.

"You guys came too early. No one is awake yet, I even had to get out of bed to open the door," June said as he yawned.

"Sorry," I said.

He patted my head and smiled, "There's no need to be sorry," I felt my face get hot and again I can feel Jack's stare. June called John over and we hung out and talked. June's little brother came to join us, apparently, he admires Jack.

"What's your name?" I asked him. He looked at me and didn't say anything, I stared at him awkwardly.

"He's a shy one. His name is Kwan," June answered for him, "Kwan, say hi to Leon, you aren't a kid anymore,"

He looked at me and gave me a soft whisper, I smiled at his shyness and June smiled at me. I blushed and again Jack was staring at me, I wonder if he could see through my lies and my secrets.

I stayed there for a while then said I have to get back or my mother might get worried, John decided to go back with me.

"Your welcome here anytime," June said. In the sunlight I could see his facial features more clearly, I could see the creases around his nose when he smiles, I want to touch it. I nodded and waved goodbye.

John wrapped his arm around my shoulders like usual, "Want to come to my house sometimes?" he asked as he smiles goofily.

"Sure, maybe next time," I said as I smile back. I look at the arm around my shoulders and wonder if one day he would not want to touch me like this again. I sighed at my gloomy thoughts and clenched my fists.

"What?" John asked.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing," I said as I unclench my fists.

It was a boring Sunday, I just lazed all day and read the book Jack had given me.

Monday came the next day and I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take this day on. I walked out the front door and looked around for John, he was nowhere to be found so I went without him.

Emily and Mimi were standing at our usual meeting spot, "Where are June and Jack?" I asked.

"They took John and went somewhere with the other boys," Emily said sighing.

"Where did they go?"

"Probably around the garbage dumps," Emily said, "You aren't planning to go find them are you?"

"Hmm? Um...No?" I said with a slight smile then ran to the dumpsters, Emily sighed and went to complain to Mimi. I finally reached the dumpsters, I could hear grunts and pained moans.

I hid as I hear June's voice, "We warned you not to bother Leon! Have you guys not learned your lessons?" he sounded rough and mean not like the June I know.

"Don't even dare to touch my little lion! If you do, I would kill you!" John's voice rumbled through the dark narrow place. Jack didn't say anything as they stood over the people who laid helpless on the ground.

I ran back to Emily and Mimi, "Were you satisfied with what you saw?" Emily asked staring right at me, it made me feel helpless. I shook my head and bit my lips, "It's fine, nothing will happen just act like you never saw anything," she said as she flipped her hair and smile brightly at me. I nodded and kept my head down, my heart was beating so fast that I thought I would faint.

The rest of the day was pretty normal except for the fact that John has a bruise on his left jaw. I didn't dare ask what happened to him.

Today ended with my secret still kept hidden.

My Secret, Our Secret (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now