Chapter 18

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John's POV

I try to find Leon, but I can't seem to find him anywhere. I don't know anything about him other than he's gay. Why did Jack say that? Makes him think? No such thing! They're just hurting him!

I don't want to make him cry anymore, it hurts to see him cry. I made him cry and every time I see him, I see him cry more than he smiles. I hate that.

Where could he be? Where would Leon go to hide? I tried to find him, I ran and scan the whole school but I couldn't find him.

"Hey, those nasty people are targeting the transfer student again,"

"Why don't they just lay off?"

"Don't even try to bother with them, you might get killed instead!"

Some people walked by and whispered. I stood there listening and thinking, Leon? I grabbed the people who were whispering.

"Where did you see this?" I asked in a low growl. They flinched and pointed to the dumpsters.

The place we had kicked their butts.

I rushed over to the place, Leon was being pinned to the wall and he had tears in his eyes. I rushed over to hit the person holding him. The guy fell and Leon gasped for air. I could see that he was terrified. There was only one guy. I moved in front of Leon and landed another punch on the guy who was rushing over our way. He stumbled back and swung his arm as he fell. He got right back up and kicked me in the head a couple of times, he held onto me and punched me multiple time. I gave him a soft kick and he stumbled back.

He got up and tackled me, I kneed him in the guts. He coughed and fell backward. I swore as I grabbed Leon and ran. He was scared and tired. I held onto his trembling hand and gripped harder every time I take a step. He winced and complained about his arm hurting so I let go. I wanted to calm down but everything was fuzzy. The guy must've hit me harder than I thought he did but I don't care about that, I'm just glad that Leon is okay.

"Hey, John..." Leon started to speak in a soft, hoarse voice. I looked at him and squinted to take a better look. Everything was blurry but I could still make out the face he is making. His face was dripping with tears, ah, I want to hug him. I made my way over to him but I couldn't reach him, I dropped and landed on the cold ground.

The next thing I knew I was in the nurse's office. A soft sob came from beside me, I opened my eyes as a response to it. The room was white and there was a big window above my head. I couldn't see it but I could feel the breeze and see the white fluttering curtains.

" this heaven?" I managed to ask in a small voice.

"John!" the person beside me got up and hugged me tightly, I groaned. The person held tightly and wouldn't let go.

"Mom?...No," my mother wouldn't care, "Leon?" I asked. He nodded and slowly let go, he looked at me with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Don't cry..." I said, I wanted to reach out my hand and wiped his tears but I was too tired. I shouldn't have been beaten up this badly. Leon looked at me with worried eyes and wiped his tears, I could tell that he was trying to hold back and not bawl. I wanted to laugh but that hurts my guts.

"Hey, you dead?" June asked. I didn't see them although they were standing just above Leon.

"...Didn't see you...looking at your faces makes me think that I'm in hell," I said to them, of course, except for Leon.

"You brat," Jack said as he smiled. I was still a little mad at him but he was my friend, and a good one at that.

Leon held my hand on his own accord if this was how Leon is treating me I don't mind if I get sick and almost killed if he were to worry about me like this. I'm so happy. I cracked a smile and they just looked at me like an idiot.

"Hey, John we're going home," June called as they left.

"Leon, you aren't going?" I asked. He shook his head, his eyes were red from crying.

"I'll stay with you for a little while...just until you feel better," he said shyly. Honestly, I could move and I felt a lot better now but I won't tell him that. I'm extremely happy right now.

"Why?" I asked him, I want to know why he is doing this.

"...Because I was the one who got you hurt," he said softly, his face full of guilt.

Is that all? Is he just feeling guilty? Not because he worries about me? "Is that really it?"

"what?" Leon looked shocked. I must've said that out loud.

"Um, no. It's nothing," I said embarrassed.

"That's not it!" Leon said loudly. His face was red, "I...I'm just worried,"

"Why?" I asked as I smiled slightly at his trembling brown eyes.

"Why?... That is're my friend, a special one..." he blushed.

I was shocked, I didn't think he would say that. I reached my hand to touch his.

"...I like you..." I said to him, I was scared because he showed a face I didn't quite get. I could feel my face getting red. Is he going to reject me? I shouldn't have told him that.

"I have to go," he said all flustered. He got up and ran before I could say anything else.

"Damn!" I screamed loudly. Why? If this was going to happen then I shouldn't have said anything. Why did I say that? I hate this. I wish I could rewind time. I feel like our relationship will get worse. Would he avoid me? I don't want that. Shit! Why did I have to say that? I regret it so much!

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