Extras 3 (End of Book)

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Evan has been looking better now. He cries and smiles, he even calls out our names. He was smaller than kids his age so I was quite worried but he does just fine. I'm so happy to see him feel much better. When I first saw him he couldn't even show any emotion. That was 4 months ago.

"Evan, hurry up or you're going to be late!" I called from the kitchen. No one was coming. I went to our bedroom. Evan was curled up in John's arm. They both are not morning people so they are really hard to wake up. I shook Evan to wake him up, he opened his eyes then closed them. I sighed.

"Jeez, wake up!" I said as I kicked John's ass. He jumped then stretched.

"Good morning..." he yawned tiredly.

"I knew this would happen. You guys should go to bed earlier. Why are you guys even wrestling at night anyways," I said as I pulled them out of bed. I carried Evan's little body in my arms, he was such a cutie. I kissed his forehead as he laid his head on my shoulder.

"Where's my morning kiss?" John said with puppy eyes. I chuckled and kissed him lightly on the lips. He kissed me some more, deeper and more aggressive this time. Evan pushed him away from me. John was shocked as he blushed. I laughed, Evan must be hot, I walked him over to the bathroom to wash him up. By now Evan is happily jumping up and down. John washed up and we sat at the dining table having breakfast.

"Hey Evan, do you want to have your own room yet?" John asked. I looked at him then at Evan.

"...Do you want me to sleep by myself?" Evan answered with a question. I was worried at his question.

"Evan, if only you want to though, okay?" I said as I moved his hair out of his face. He nodded.

"I can sleep by myself, I'm a big boy," he said.

"Okay, good boy. But you can climb into our bed anytime you want, okay?" John said as he smiled brightly. Evan nodded. We left for our daily stuff. John dropped us off at Evan's school. The daycare and Evan's school was not that far from our house but John still insists on driving us to school.

"Leon, Evan, where is my goodbye kiss?" John said as he tucks his head out of the car. I held Evan up, he kissed John then I kissed him. We waved goodbye and went our ways.

"Evan, behave, okay? Have fun!" I said as I kissed Evan. I waved at him as he entered the school building, I made my way over to the daycare.

When we got home it was quite late, we ate dinner and showered. I took Evan to the bath with me. John was tired and he was lying on the bed.

"Evan, if you want to sleep with us just say so, okay?" I said to him as I washed him up. He didn't answer, he just nodded. I smiled sadly, is he still not open to us?

I walked him to his room, I put a night light in for him and tucked him into bed, "Goodnight," I said as I kissed his forehead. I left his room and wondered if he really doesn't want to sleep with us.

"John?" I said as I crawled into our bed. He hugged me tightly, "What is it?" I asked.

I looked at him, "Are you crying?!" I laughed and hugged him back.

"E-Evan, he, he doesn't want to sleep with me anymore!" he bawled.

"If you were going to be that sad, why did you even suggest that?"

"I-I wanted to do dirty stuff with you," he said as he cried and grinned. I shook my head and smacked him.

"You idiot!" I giggled. I hugged him as his hands traveled across my body. We looked into each other's eyes and moved our faces closer.

"L-Leon," Evan's voice called from the door, I pushed John away.

"Evan! What's wrong?" I asked, I was calming my beating heart.

"Um...um," he struggles to get the words out.

I smiled at his shy face and held out my arms, "Come here,"

Evan smiled brightly and came running over into my arms. I hugged him tightly. John laughed and lied on the bed looking at us with love. He made a disappointed face when Evan wasn't watching, I smiled. We fell asleep holding each other close. I love our small family. It was fine as it is now. Evan is slowly opening up now and that makes me really happy.

I love them.


The End!
Thanks for reading! This is my first completed book and I'm so happy that it is finally finished. It was also my first time writing with LGBT-themed and it was fun.
Thanks again!

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