Chapter 3

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I woke up ready to begin this day too. Every day I wish these days would come faster. I got dressed, ate my breakfast and said my goodbyes. I walked out with a huge smile on my face.

"Why are you smiling? Weirdo!" John said as he put his arm around me, I got all jittery and tried to calm myself down.

"Was I really smiling?" I said as I smiled some more.

"Yeah, totally!" John said looking at my face, "Don't move," he reached out his hand, I got all jittery again, he pinched my nose and laughed, he ran towards the bus stop.

"Hey!" I screamed after him. We made it to school and like usual we waited for the others.

"Hey," June said to me as he walked with Mimi.

"Hi," I said back, I could tell that I was stiff frozen. John gave me a kick in the back of my knee causing me to fall, "What are you doing?" I got mad and chased after him. We laughed and joked until it was time for class.

During lunchtime, I walked down the hallways towards the library. I was suddenly pulled into the boys' bathroom.

"This is the guy that has been hanging out with the three J's?"

"Isn't that a girl?"

"Haha! Wanna check!" I could hear them joke around as they hold me and covered my mouth. I struggle to set myself free, I kicked the person in front of me and tried to hit the man holding me.

"Hey! This bastard just hit me!"

"He's gonna get it bad!" they punched me in the stomach and tried to strip me.

I screamed and tried to stop them but I was too weak. I struggle and tears began to run down, I was scared. Help me! The door banged open as they stopped stripping me, I closed my eyes shut out of fear. The others screamed and there were hitting sounds as I try to free myself. The guy holding me was suddenly hit in the head, he dropped his hold on me and I ran free from him.

A strong arm held onto my hand, I was scared and swung my fist. My hand hit flesh and I slowly opened my eyes, June was holding onto me he pulled me in and gave me a hug. I cried in his arms as he holds me tighter. John and Jack watched and beat up the others.

"Are you okay?" June asked as we went to sit somewhere and I took a rest. I nodded and tried not to think about what had happened, June patted my back, "John noticed that you were gone so we went to find you, Jack heard some noise in the bathroom and we went to check," he said slowly.

I held back my tears and asked, "Who are the three J's?"

"What?" June looked at me.

"That's us," Jack answered.

"Jack!" June seemed restless.

"Yep, yep. It's us!" John said laughing.

"Not you too?" June seemed like he wouldn't be able to tolerate with them any longer. I laughed and he smiled at me, "We were known as the three J's back in middle school. You could say we used to be troublemakers. The three J's stands for our name John, June, and Jack," he paused and looked at me, "you aren't surprised?" I shook my head.

"Even if you guys were troublemakers you are still the same people right? So I'm not scared," I said. June looked at me and gave out a dreamy smile that melted the fear I had. John wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my hair, Jack just smiled and stared at me like always.

"You're so sweet my little lion!" John said as he patted my head.

"Your little lion?" June asked confused.

"Yeah, my little lion,"

"Oh, what a cute nickname," Jack said as casual as always.

"Yeah real cute," June smiled.

"You guys can't call him that, he is mine!" John glared.

"Hey...Don't I have a say in this!" I said loudly as I slap John on the back. The others laughed and I felt much better, they were probably trying to calm me down. But that honestly made my heart become heavier and my secret darker.

After school, John walked me home and he stayed with me until I reached my house, "Thank you," I said.

"Yeah, anything for you my little lion," he smiled. The boy who I saw yesterday walked pass and John's face suddenly turned serious.

"John?" I asked.

"What? You haven't gone on yet? Go inside," he said to me, he showed me a smile then left. I went in and let the memories pass and replayed in my mind, the strongest memory I had was June's dreamy smile. I also smiled and blushed a little, I can't wait for tomorrow.

My Secret, Our Secret (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now