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It was a Friday afternoon and I was hanging out with John. It had been about a month since we've been dating. My phone rung as I sat on John's lap. I looked at the text that came up, John peeked at it.

"Who is it from?" He asked.

"Hmm...my ex," I said coolly.

"What?! What does he want?" John asked as he bared his teeth.

"Something about his wedding. He said he was coming to California and doing it here because I wouldn't go to New York," I shrugged.

"That persistent little bastard! What did you even see in him?" he asked, I shrugged, I couldn't care less about him.

"Hey Leon, let's go," he said.

"What? Where?" I asked. I was too lazy to get up.

"To his wedding!" he said as if it were a brilliant idea.

"It's on Sunday, you know..." I said as I lean on him.

"Hmm...do you have a suit?" he asked.

"No," I answered

"Then let's go get one, come on, get up," he lifted me up and carried me downstairs. He sat me down and put my shoes on me. He lifts me up and made me walk on my own. I followed him towards the car.

"Please drive us to the tailor shop," he said to the driver. We got in.

"John, why are we going to a tailor shop?" I asked, "Can't we just go to a regular suit shop?"

"Nope, because I'm going to have a ready-made one for you. It's going to be a mix of a wedding dress and a groom's suit," he said cheerfully.

"I don't want that," I said. He looked saddened at my words.

I frowned. "Fine, but it can't have any fancy things that would make it stand out, got it?" he nodded at my condition.

We arrived at the tailor shop, "John how can this be finished within two days?" I asked him.

"Don't worry this shop is the fastest tailor shop," he said gleefully.

"Then wouldn't they have like a million requests to make clothes?"

"Yeah, but did you forget? I have the money to buy the first service!" I didn't like the thought of using money that way but he was so excited that I don't think I would be able to stop him.

After the measurements were taken and the fabrics were chosen, we went home. I stayed over at John's house. I was too tired to do anything so I fell fast asleep. John curled up beside me on the big bed. He held me tightly against his chest. The warmth seeped in making me even more tired.


Early in the morning on Sunday, the suits were delivered. I couldn't believe how fast it was made. John took them out and looked at the newly made suits. They were beautiful, it was simple and I liked that. That way no one would stare at us so much.

"Hey, Leon, let's try it on," he grinned. Mine was a white one, it had a faded red bow for the neck and the inside shirt had little frills sticking out.

"Why did you have to add frills?" I asked annoyed.

"Why not? You look good in it," he smiled, I blush and pouted. He giggled and went to put his on.

"When was the wedding again?" he shouted from the bathroom.

"1:30!" I called back. He came out after, his suit was a navy blue and he had a lighter blue bow on. The ring on his finger glittered and shined matching the beautiful suit.

My Secret, Our Secret (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now