Chapter 19

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I can't believe it! I could feel my heart thumping. My face was red and blood rushed to my head, I swear I could feel steam coming out of it. John he...he said he l-likes me. Is that possible?

No, let us think this through carefully. He likes me? No, he must've ment as a friend. I mean I did suddenly ran away from him before he could say anything. So does he or does he not? Which is it?

I have to go find him and ask him. Wait, we don't have school today so I won't be able to ask him. Should I go to his house? Oh my gosh! Did I really just think that? OK, calm down. I should ask Jack to tell me where his address is. I picked up my phone, should I? I'm too scared to ask.

I harden my face and typed as fast as possible to Jack. It came out weird.

'Can u give mr John'd a dress'

Oh my gosh! I'm doomed. Shit! This wasn't what I wanted to write. Why did the autocorrect not work? I didn't want this!

'What? You want to give John a dress?' Jack replied. Crap, he read it. I can't go on with life, kill me now. I calmed my nerves and typed.

'Sorry! I meant, can you give me John's address?'

'Oh, sure' he replied. He sent me John's address. I sighed and went out. I walked up the hill that harbors expensive looking houses.

The place was quiet, there was no sound of human activity. You could only hear the wind and birds chirping. I walked along the way to find John's house. All the houses looked about the same. It was like mansions were all thrown together and put on this little hill. I got to John's house, it was the one at the end with the largest lawn. I have never seen a house this big but it was like a castle. It had a garden from the main gates to the house, like typical mansions there was a big water fountain in the middle. It was so cliched that I almost gave out a laugh. The wind drifted in, bringing the smell of the garden with it. It was mixed with many scents. Flowers and flowers, the powerful smell made my nose hurt.

I just stood quietly in front of John's house and stared at the large gate separating me and the house. I stood there wondering if I should ring the doorbell. I should have told John that I was coming. I reached for my phone when suddenly the intercom ranged.

"Leon, that you?" John's voice came from the other side. I jumped and nodded. Can he even see me? I looked at the intercom on my side and looked at it. There was a small camera on the top. I waved at it and John laughed from the other side.

"Wait, I'll open the gate," he said. There was a clicked and the gate opened on its own, wow, high tech stuff. I entered slowly and walked through the garden. I was nowhere near the house when John came leaping in.

"Hey! Jack told me that you were coming, so I was waiting quietly" he said as he smiled from ear to ear. I looked at him. Was he not fazed at all? He must have been joking before then, about l-liking me and all.

"What are you thinking?" John grinned, "Maybe about me?" I gulped, I almost nodded but shook my head instead.

"Oh? I you weren't thinking about me..." he said with a saddened expression, "Anyways, let's go inside, come, come!" He leads me in.

The inside was amazing just like the outside, we passed the living room and I swear it was as big as the first floor of my house. Everything was decorated in golden swirls. The walls were a faded golden color and the floor was a velvet orange. It was beautiful, I looked at the house with awe and was embarrassed when I was caught looking like an idiot. The man in suits stared at me like they were observing me. I shivered and followed John up the elaborate stairs.

Everything in this house was so quiet, the people working here work quietly and there wasn't much sound around the house. We entered John's room. It was humongous, this room could be someone's house. I looked at it, stiffly frozen.

"There's not much but come and sit down over here," he said as he went over to sit. Is he kidding? Not much? He should see my room for a change. I just nodded and went over to sit on one of the couch in the way back. I didn't know what to say.

Oh yeah, I came here to ask him about that.

" know," I took a deep breath, "about the things you said about l-liking me...what does that mean?"

He looks into my eyes, "It's just like I said, I like you,"

My eyes got wide, "Um,"

"I meant, I love you...more than as a friend," he said it with so much honesty and his eyes were so sincere that I fell deep. Wait!

"Y-You're not gay though," I said.

"Yeah, I'm not,"

"Then why?"

"I'm not but I like you, not because I'm gay but because it's you," he gave a shy smile. I felt so happy. Does that mean that I'm special? Am I allowed to think like that?

"I like what's your answer. I mean would you mind dating some guy like me?" he asked, he was flustered and nervous.

"It's not some guy, John. It's you were talking about and you're not some guy, you are special," his eyes seem to glow at my words and he sparkled. He is special...special?

My heart throbbed at my realization, do that's not it.

"Leon, um...are you going to give me an answer?" he asked shyly, he was nervous and I was also nervous. What is this feeling? Do I l-like John? Is that possible?

"I..." I took a deep breath, "can you give me some time?" I said, I didn't look him in the eye but he must have felt so disappointed.

"Sure," he said with a cool but trembling voice. He took my hand and kissed it, I flinched and thoughts were going through my head. I blushed, I was baffled. Can I trust what he is saying to be true? Can I let my heart be conquered by this person? But if it's John I wouldn't mind him having my heart. Well, if he really truly loves me. I don't Know if this is true love, but I like him. I'm just not ready, to love someone else.

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