Chapter 16

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By this time the people around me had known about me being gay. I'm glad that they accept me although some doesn't seem to accept me now but I hope in the near future they will. I've been talking to Jack and he said that his gay friends had this club that they meet just for fun. Jack said he was going to introduce me to them and it looks like he was ungrounded now.

Jack texted me saying that he could take me there today. I agreed, I was happy and wanted to meet other gays.

We took the bus to the club. It was nearby, when we got there I was quite surprised. I had been expecting a garage or someone's house but it was pretty decent. It looked like a clubhouse and something you wouldn't go in but it also looked expensive for high schoolers to own.

"Are you surprised? It's showing on your face," Jack asked as he stares at me. I nodded.

"Well, there is one member here who is rich, so he owns this place," he said casually. I was shocked, who could be so rich that he would be able to own this building?

"Oh, you're here!" the person at the door said he looked over to me and smiled, "Is this the person you wanted to introduce? He is cute!" he squealed. I didn't know what to do, I was too shy to have said anything. He was quite handsome, he was tall like Jack.

"Come in, come in!" he said cheerfully. It reminded me of my mother. I followed Jack closely. There were other boys there, they looked at me as I walk in. They seemed already close to Jack as they came to greet him. I stood to the side, I was shy and nervous. Someone tugged on me.

"How old are you?" a boy asked me.

"sixteen" I answered quietly.

"Me too," the boy responded, he was short and cute, "You were thinking that I was short, weren't you?"

I flinched at his question. Does he read minds?

"I don't read minds," he said again. I looked at him with wide eyes, he chuckled, "you're just easy to read, just like a book,"

I nodded, not knowing how to continue the conversation I hurried back to Jack.

"He really is stuck to you, isn't he?" the man that opened the door said.

"Well, we are good friends and he is a shy one so," Jack answered.

"How cute!" the others chimed in, somehow I feel really comfortable here and at the same time, I don't. I would rather use this Sunday to hang out with John. Wait why am I thinking of John?

The club didn't have that many members, there were around ten people but not more than that. They were talking about some things that I didn't know, probably stuff from middle school. I sat near the corners thinking that there was nobody there. I looked at my phone and scrolled down to John's name.

'Hey!' I texted. It hadn't been even a minute before he texted back.

'Hi!' we texted and talked some more, I chuckled at his replies and wonder how he is right now.

"Is that your boyfriend?" a boy asked as he looked at my phone. I turned it off.

"No..." I said awkwardly.

"Hehe, did you think I was going to steal him away if I knew who he was? That's so cute!" he was cute, he had light makeup on and he had big round earrings dangling on his ears under his light pink hair. He wore a crop shirt with rip jeans, I looked at his legs, he was wearing heels. A transvestite?

He looked cute but you can still tell that he was a boy, he was masculine.

"What? Do I look that cute?" he said, I was shaken, "too bad I have a boyfriend," he pulled a good-looking guy over. He was dreamy. I looked at him for a while.

"Although I would like to have your body instead of this muscly buff body," he said as he flexed his muscles. I looked at him then laid my eyes over to his boyfriend again, I was envious.

"What? Don't stare at him so much, I'm going to get jealous!" he pouted, I was flustered. He laughed.

"I'm Liam and this is Logan," he said as he points to his boyfriend and smiles. It must be nice to have someone who loves you. My phone buzzed and I looked at it.

'What's wrong?'
'You stopped texting me'

It was John. 'Just talking to people' I sent.

"What? Is your boyfriend asking for you? Then you should hurry up and meet him," he said as he pushes me out the door of the club. I was stunned, can I just leave like this?

"Don't worry we will tell Jack for you," I nodded and thank them, "ah wait," he pulled me over and kissed me on the cheek, "We will be expecting you, okay?" he waved goodbye. I was so surprised and I was sure his boyfriend glared at me.

'Hey, Leon!' my phone buzzed again with John's text. I smiled and rushed over to the bus stop. On the way back I texted John.

'Let's meet up and play' he texted.

'Sure' I replied. My heart was fluttering and I was happy.


"Hey!" John yelled as I reached the meeting place, I greeted him back.

"Where were you anyways?" he asked as we walked towards the movie theater.

"I went to this gay club," I didn't finish as I had been cut off by John's outburst.

"What?!" John shouted right in my ear. I winced.

"They were Jack's friend so it was fine and I didn't stay there long..." I said as I hesitate, "...because you texted me, I wanted to see you," I blushed. He was taken aback and blushed a little too.

"By the way, what is that on your cheek?" he asked.

"What?" I rubbed it with my thumb, it was Liam's lipstick, "Oh, this...a boy named Liam kissed me on the cheek," I rubbed it all off. John wasn't saying anything, I looked at him, he was trembling, "John?"

"What..." he mumbled, "WHAT?!" he shrieked. His voice cracked and I laughed he blushed out of embarrassment.

We went to the movies then we ate, it was such a fun day that the time had flown. It was already dark.

"Hey, don't you think this feels like a...a date?" he asked shyly as we reached my house. I was speechless.

"Mmm," I nodded.

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. It was so unexpected that I was shocked. I was so shocked that I almost bit my tongue. He smiled and rubbed my hair, then he ran off. I could see his face as he made his escape, it was bright red and I'm pretty sure mine is too. My phone buzzed and I looked at it.

'Go inside,'
'My little Lion'

I smiled as I went inside the house, everything was so perfect and wonderful but that didn't last long...

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