Chapter 3

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I had been living with Pharaoh for a few months now. He was still the same as when we first met. Though he seemed to be getting a little handsy with me. I didn't mind it. I knew all the reasons someone bought a slave.

Yet he seemed to be holding back. Sure, he held me a lot, often wrapping his arms around my waist, and even kissed my forehead when he thought I was sleeping. But that was all he did. It was a little confusing.

I was once again alone in Pharaoh's room, practicing my writing. Pharaoh had said I didn't need to learn how to write, but I still wanted to learn. Besides, it would be fun to leave little notes for Pharaoh.

I was just looking up at the sunset when the door slammed. I jumped up, looking over to Pharaoh. I knew right away he was in a bad mood. I bit my lip, not sure if he wanted me to speak.

When a couple of minutes had passed, I decided to speak up. "Can I do anything for you?" Pharaoh looked at me, and it made my body freeze. He had never looked at me so coldly.

"You're just an idiot child, of course you can't help me." He snapped. I frowned, looking down. I tried to blink back the tears building. I didn't want to make things worse.

It was a couple more minutes before anything happened. Because I was looking down, I didn't notice Pharaoh had moved until I felt the bed shift. I looked up, only to be met with Pharaoh's stunning blue eyes.

"Don't cry, my little star." He said, wiping a stray tear away. "You did nothing wrong. I shouldn't have said that to you." I looked away, unable to continue looking at him. "It's fine... I know I'm not smart, and I am a child..."

Pharaoh hugged me tightly, nuzzling his face into my neck. "You're amazing, my Asteraki." I felt my face heat up as Pharaoh held me. "Show me what you wrote today."

Nodding, I picked up the scrolls to show them to him. I had only been at it for a month, so I knew I wasn't that good. Pharaoh was quiet as he read through the scroll.

"You're getting better, Asteraki. You'll be at the same level as other boys your age in no time." Pharaoh said, startling me. "Really?" He nodded, handing me back my scrolls. I felt my chest swell as I put the scrolls away.

Pharaoh was quiet again, and I couldn't help but wonder what was on his mind. He had been livid when he came back. He was good at remaining calm with me, so his snapping had been a huge surprise.

But I knew he felt bad about yelling at me, though I didn't know why. I knew he cared for me more than he let on, but I was still his slave. Wasn't I?

The thoughts continued throughout the night. I was finding it rather hard to sleep because my mind wouldn't shut up. Even with Pharaoh's even breathing right beside me.

I frowned, getting up to sit by the window. This was my thinking spot. Whenever I needed to really think something over, I sat here and just watched the people living their lives.

I was confused. Majorly confused. Pharaoh had bought me, a slave, yet didn't treat me as such. He was always soft spoken, and his touches were gentle. He was gentle. Or at least to me he was.

"Asteraki?" I looked over a Pharaoh sat up. "What are you doing?" I walked back over to the bed, letting myself be pulled onto his lap. "I couldn't sleep..." I muttered, letting myself rest against Pharaoh.

We were quiet as we sat there, Pharaoh lightly brushing my hair with his fingers. I liked when he did this, it made the world slip away. Made it easy to forget everything.

"Are you still awake, Asteraki?" I nodded, though I was starting to feel somewhat tired. Before anything more could be said, Pharaoh stood up, grabbing my hand and was quickly leading me out of the room.

I was both confused and curious about this. Pharaoh had let me leave the room with him a few times, but nothing like this. "Pharaoh...?" I started, but he put his finger to his lips, telling me to be silent.

We walked for a little longer, going down multiple halls and passing a multitude of doors. And yet he kept going. Taking me further than he'd taken me since I got here.

I was about to ask to stop, as my legs were getting sore, when Pharaoh stopped suddenly. It was so sudden that I almost walked into him. "Ready, my Asteraki?" I nodded to him, though I wasn't sure what I was ready for.

When he opened the door, I was surprised to see that it lead outside. Taking my hand, Pharaoh lead me out, smiling at me. "Welcome to my little hideout."

Pharaoh sat down on the ground, pulling me on to his lap. "Hideout?" I asked once I was comfortable. "Yeah, you know, somewhere to hide from everyone, give me time to just sit and relax without being bothered."

I nodded, knowing how often he complained about how much work he had to do. I never said anything about it, knowing he would just get angry.

Letting out a soft sigh, I rested my head on his shoulder, looking up at the sky. It was a beautiful night, and the stars seemed to be shining brightly. It was as though they knew we were watching.

"Do you like it, Asteraki?" Pharaoh asked, brushing my hair with his fingers again. I gave a small nod, not wanting to move my head too much. I felt Pharaoh kiss my cheek, causing me to look over at him.

His face was blank, unreadable. I always wondered what he was thinking when he did this. Yet, this time, he seemed to be watching me as much I was watching him.

Before I could say anything, Pharaoh moved in closer to me, kissing me. I was surprised by this as he almost never showed me this kind of affection. Just him kissing my cheek was surprising. But this... This was new. This was different. And I liked it.

Pharaoh pulled back far sooner than I would've liked. I frowned, wanting more from him. I guess Pharaoh hadn't been expecting that, as he stared at me for a moment before chuckling. "Did you like that my little star?"

I gave him a nod, wondering if he'd continue. However, he didn't. Instead, he stood up, picking me up as he walked us back to his room. As he walked, he kept kissing and nipping at my neck.

I hadn't realized we were back at Pharaoh's room until I felt the bed under me, with Pharaoh over me. He was still for a moment before leaning down and kissing me again.

He was soft as he kissed me, his lipping putting the perfect amount of pressure against mine. As he did this, he let his one hand move down my side, while the other moved up my leg.

Once again, all too soon Pharaoh stopped, lying down next to me. Smiling, he kissed my forehead before pulling me close to him. "Get some sleep, Asteraki. We can continue another time." He whispered, brushing my hair. Frowning, I closed my eyes, trying to sleep.    

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