Chapter 10

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Dipper sat in the lab while Stan and Ford spoke quietly. They had dragged him down there without letting him explain anything.

"We can put it up later tonight. I want to check on Dipper first." Ford said, turning to face Dipper. "How do you feel, Dipper?"

Dipper didn't answer, just looked away from his grunkles. Ford frowned, sitting down in front of Dipper. "I know you're upset, Dipper. But this is Cipher we're dealing with."

"That's the thing! He's trying to change, Grunkle Ford. He's been nothing but nice to me and Mabel, and he's the one who finally got you to take my dreams seriously."

Ford frowned. "That's how he tricks you, Dipper. By pretending to be your friend." He said, trying to reason with him.

Stan walked over, putting a hand on Dipper's shoulder. "Trust Ford when it comes to the demon. He knows more about him then you and I together."

"But what if he is just trying to be friendly?" Dipper asked, looking up at them. "What if he just wants a friend?"

Ford frowned some more. He knew that nothing he'd say would make Dipper understand. "He's not your friend, Dipper. You'll thank us for this."

Dipper just stared at his grunkles before getting up and leaving. He heard them calling for him, but didn't stop. He knew Bill wasn't fully trust worthy, but he could see the change in Bill. And wasn't that worth something?

He looked around, but it became clear rather quickly that Bill had left. Sadden, Dipper went up to his room and lied down on his bed.

"No, this is our bed. I will not have some child sleeping in it." I frowned as I heard Nilanah yelling through the door. She either didn't know or care that I was in the connected bathroom.

I had finished with my bath, but didn't want to leave the room. Things were getting worse with her around, and I wondered why Pharaoh let her stay.

"He stays! I don't want to hear any more about it!" I heard a door slam close before the one for the bathroom was opened. Pharaoh held out his arms and I ran into them. Pharaoh held me tightly, which worried me.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that, my little star." Pharaoh rubbed my back, trying to calm me down. I hadn't noticed until then that I was shaking.

"Please don't send me away!" I cried, not wanting to leave him. "I won't, Asteraki. Nothing can talk you away from me."

Pharaoh held me tightly, rocking me back and forth. I almost didn't noticed when he picked me up, only when we left the bathroom did I realize what was going on.

"Do not cry, my little star." Pharaoh wiped away my tears before kissing my cheek. "Nothing but death can separate us."

Pharaoh lied me down on the bed before lying down next to me. "But what about your wife?" I asked softly. Pharaoh smiled and kissed me. "I could have a hundred wives, but I'll only ever have one of you." He gave me another kiss. "I love you, Asteraki. You, and you alone."


Dipper sat on his bed, writing about his dreams. He figured that writing them down would help him understand them better.

He had also taken up researching more about Ancient Egypt , more specifically Pharaoh. Of course, it wasn't easy, as he didn't remember the pharaoh's name.

He figured it would've been easier to research if he asked Ford for help, but he wasn't speaking to either of his grunkles. Not since he realized they had put up a barrier to stop Bill from entering the shack.

"Dipper, are you going to come down to eat?" Mabel called up to him. "I'll eat later." He yelled, not wanting to get up at the moment.

He was just finishing up his dream entry when Mabel came in, a plate in her hands. "You need to eat, bro-bro." She said, putting the plate on his side table. "I just wanted to finish writing."

Mabel sat down, looking at the journal in her brother's hands. "Do you think Grunkle Ford is right about them being memories from a past life?"

Dipper frowned, closing the book. "I don't know... I mean, I'm more willing to believe anything can happen, but what would be the point in remembering it?"

He sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "I mean, what are the chances that I'll even meet with anyone from back then..." He said, really only wanting to meet whoever Pharaoh had been reborn as. If he had been reborn.

"Did you draw this, Dipper?" Mabel asked, startling him. He looked over to see his drawing of Bill. No, it's Pharaoh... He corrected himself. "Uh, yeah..."

Mabel looked at the drawing a bit more before continuing. "It kind of looks like Bill's human form. But there's a few differences..." She said, catching Dipper's attention.

He looked at the drawing, understanding where Mabel was coming from. He was constantly thinking himself just how similar the two were.

"Have you asked Bill about him?" Mabel asked. Dipper nodded slowly. "I've tried but he always changes the topic, or just flat out ignores my questions..."

Mabel frowned before getting up with a wide grin. Dipper looked at her confused. "What are you smiling about?" "Bill said he'd answer any question truthfully. Ask him about the pharaoh from your dreams."

Dipper grinned at his twin for a moment before it faded from his face. "But how will I ask him? Ford and Stan put up that barrier, and there's no way they'd let me leave."

Mabel just grinned. "Leave that to me, bro-bro. Just get yourself ready to leave." She said before running down the stairs. Dipper looked at the door confused before smiling. He was finally going to get some answers.    

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