Chapter 12

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I woke up, finding myself colder than normal. I turned over to see that Pharaoh wasn't in the bed. I let out a sigh. This was slowly becoming normal.

I sat up, looking around the room before going over to the window. Ever since Pharaoh had gotten married, he had been spending most of his time with his new wife.

As much as he said he wouldn't, I knew it was only a matter of time before he got rid of me. Whatever reason he had gotten me, he didn't need me for it anymore.

I hadn't realized I was crying until the tears hit my hand. I wiped them away, but most just came.

"Asteraki?" I heard Pharaoh say, but couldn't look up. I couldn't look at him. "My Asteraki. Why are you crying? Please, look at me, my love..."

I shook my head, pulling my legs up to hold them. I hurt in my chest, and I didn't understand why.

I felt a warmth wrap around me, and I rested into it. I knew it was Pharaoh, but I didn't care. I wanted it.

I felt myself being moved from the window seat and back to the bed. "Please talk to me, Asteraki. Tell me what is wrong so that I can make things better."

I looked up to him, feeling him wipe my tears away. "I'm scared... I don't want to be sent back..." I cried, holding onto him tightly.

"My Asteraki. You are not going anywhere. I don't know where you keep getting this idea that I'll send you away..." Pharaoh started, but I cut him off. "That's what Masters do... Once they're done with their slave, they send them back."

Pharaoh looked at me before his eyes widened. "Asteraki, that..." He frowned to me. "I may have bought you as a slave, but that is in the past."

He pulled me close to him, holding me tightly. "You are not a slave, and I am not your master. I love you, Asteraki. You are the only one who I share my bed with."

I looked at Pharaoh. "But, your wife..." I started, but he shook his head. "She's only my wife so that my bloodline can continue. Just because she's my wife doesn't mean I love her."

He kissed my head, and something in that made my whole body relax. "I... I love you too, Pharaoh..." I said, resting against him.

We were silent for a moment before Pharaoh spoke again. "I have something for you. I was going to wait a bit longer, but I think you could use some cheering up."

Pharaoh got up, pulling me up with him. He walked me over to the mirror, having me stand in front of it. "Close your eyes, my little star."

I closed my eyes, curious as to what Pharaoh was going to do. I could feel him pulling my clothes off, which caused me to blush deeply.

"Alright, you may look." Pharaoh said after a while. I slowly opened my eyes, surprised by what I saw. I looked like a smaller version of Pharaoh. All the way from the wrap I wore to the necklace around my neck.

"Do you like it?" I turned, hugging him. "I do. Thank you." He kissed my head, holding me. "You're welcome, my little star. And remember this, you are mine, and I will always love you."

Dipper rubbed his eyes as he woke up. He felt bad for this Asteraki. He seemed to really love Pharaoh and seemed just as scared at the idea that Pharaoh might one day send him away.

He could understand. It was as if someone were to tell him that Gravity Falls and everything in it was just something he had made up. A piece of him would be missing.

Dipper sighed, getting up to head to the kitchen. He wasn't really hungry but hoped that he might be able to head out the back door and speak with Bill some more.

He thought about how well he was getting along with the demon. He also thought about what Mabel had asked. Did he like Bill that way? He had said no, but now...

"What's on your mind, Sapling?" Dipper looked at Bill, but the demon just chuckled. "Dipper. But you do look conflicted about something."

Dipper sat next to Bill. "I'm just... Confused... About our relationship... I don't know if you're actually trying to be my friend, or if you're just playing me."

Bill looked at Dipper for a moment before looking up at the sky. "Smart. That's why I like you. You're smarter than others give you credit for."

Dipper looked at Bill. Was that a compliment? "Ah, thanks..." He said, looking down. Bill ruffled his hair, smiling at him. "You're welcome, Dipper."

The two were silent after that. Dipper was still confused about his feeling towards Bill, and Bill was trying to figure out how to get Ford to take down the barrier around the shack. He missed spending all day with his Pine tree.

"Bill... Do you think...?" Dipper started, only to stop and look away. "What is it, Dipper?" Dipper looked at the shack for a moment before speaking. "What are the chances that the pharaoh from my dreams was also reborn? And that I'll find him...?"

Bill was quiet for a moment before he spoke. "If you're meant to be together, then I think you'll find him..." Dipper looked over, smiling. "I hope I do... I'd like to know who they are now..."

Bill smiled at the teen, reaching over and beginning to play with the curls in his hair. Dipper was surprised by this action but enjoyed the feeling nonetheless.

As much as Bill wanted to speak, for once he didn't have the right words. He fought a mental battle with himself about what he should and shouldn't say.

"Bill... Do you like me...?" Dipper asked before he could stop himself. Bill smiled to the teen, wrapping a curl around his finger. "I think I do, Dipper."

Dipper blushed deeply, looking away. Bill chuckled softly at the teen. "There's quite a lot to like about you, Dipper. One of my favourite things about you is just how much you care for your family."

Dipper looked up at the demon, looking into his blue and yellow eyes. Bill held the gaze for a moment before looking down, kissing his hand. "Your family is starting to wake up. You should probably head back inside."

Dipper looked over to the shack before turning back to Bill. "I think I'm good. I'll head back later." Bill raised a brow at the teen before smirking. "Just be careful. Something I don't like giving things back when I'm enjoying them."    

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