Chapter 14

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Dipper knew Ford wasn't happy with Bill hanging around the shack, but Dipper was. With as much as he knew the demon could turn around and betray them all of the them, he also knew that he wanted the demon to stay close by.

Currently, Bill was helping Mabel plan their party while also playing with Dipper's hair. This hadn't gone unnoticed by the brunette, but she didn't say anything. She had an idea about what was going on between the two but didn't want to say if they hadn't spoken about it.

"How big do you want the cake?" Bill asked, looking between Dipper and Mabel. Dipper shrugged, getting a frown from Bill. "Can it be huge? Like, taller than you?"

Bill laughed while Dipper just rolled his eyes. "Mabel, why would we need a cake that big?" Dipper asked, getting an embarrassed look on her face. "Mabel."

Before she could answer, Bill grabbed hold of Dipper, pulling him onto his lap and hugging him. "Bill? What the hell?" He tried to move away, but Bill holds on to him. "You're so cuddly, Dipper."

Dipper frowned, causing Bill to let the male go. Dipper moved off Bill's lap but stayed close to the demon. Dipper looked down, not noticing his twin pulling out her camera to sneak a picture of the two men.

Bill, of course, did notice this. "Shooting Star, if you wanted a picture, you could've just asked." He smiled, while Dipper blushed deeply. Mabel smiled sheepishly to him.

"Well, let me see it." Bill said, holding out his hand. Mabel gave him her camera, watching the smile on his face. "You've got quite the eye, Mabel. I'll like copies of some of these, if that's alright with you."

Dipper raised a brow, leaning over to look at Mabel's pictures. He couldn't see the pictures that well, but he could still tell that it was of himself and Bill.

"Mabel, when did you take these?" Dipper asked, taking the camera from Bill to look through the pictures. "Different times when you looked happy..." She said, looking down.

Dipper walked over, handing her back her camera. "They're great, Mabel. I can't wait to see them in your scrapbook." Mabel looked up, smiling. "Thanks."

Dipper sat back down beside Bill, who instantly wrapped an arm around the boy. Dipper didn't mind this, he enjoyed the kindness Bill gave him. He just wished he could know if Bill's feelings were true or not.

"Say, Dipper. You never did answer me earlier. What would you like for your birthday? Anything you want." Bill said, smiling. Dipper looked down. What did he want?

"You've still got a week to tell me, but think about it." Bill said, ruffling Dipper's hair. Dipper nodded, resting against Bill as he thought.

Bill brushed his fingers through the brunet's hair, smiling kindly to him. "Oh, seriously!" Mabel shouted, startling them both. "Just kiss already!"

Dipper and Bill both looked at the brunette. Both shocked and fussed. "Mabel, what are you saying? Bill and I..."

Mabel just rolled her eyes at them. "Come on. You two are almost always together, you're practically in his lap right now, you're always touching each other... And I've seen how you both look at each other..."

Dipper blushed deeply while Bill just looked away. Mabel frowned at them. "You both clearly like each other. What's stopping you two?"

Dipper frowned, looking at Mabel. "It's not that simple, Mabel... There are other factors to it..." Mabel frowned. "Like what?" She pouted.

"Well, I'm a demon, for starters..." Bill said. "There's also what our family will say. Our friends..." Dipper added. "We know they don't trust Bill, adding more on to our relationship right now..."

Mabel pouted more, causing Dipper to frown. "Mabel, please. Just... Let us take this slow..." She nodded to them, looking back down to her notebook to continue planning their birthday party.

Dipper and Bill, on the other hand, were quiet, looking away from each other. Both were thinking about what had just happened. Both slowly coming to the same conclusion. Neither had denied their feelings for each other to Mabel.

Dipper looked over to Bill, seeing the blond smiling at him. "Bill, do you...?" Dipper started, but Bill stopped him. "I believe I do, Dipper. And, do you?" Dipper nodded slowly.

Bill smiled, pulling Dipper on to his lap. Dipper blushed madly. "Bill... We still have to be careful. We both know that Grunkle Ford won't like this..."

Bill let out a sigh. "Yeah, I know... Sixer is honestly starting to get on my nerves. It's not like I'd ever hurt my Sapling." He said, only to get a smack from Dipper.

"I'm not yours. And you have hurt me before." He said, trying to be mad. Bill frowned. "I know, Dipper. I'm sorry about that. And you are mine. Demons are quite possessive."

Bill hugged Dipper tightly, causing Dipper to blush again. Bill smiled, combing his fingers through Dipper's hair. "And just so you know, in case another demon tries anything, you can always call for my help. No strings attached.

Dipper looked up, understanding. Bill was giving him his protection because he cared for the brunet. And he felt the same way.

"Thank you, Bill." Bill smiled, resting back against the tree. Dipper rested against him, smiling at the feeling. This was what was missing. This was what he was wanting.

Suddenly, Dipper sat up, looking to Bill. "I'll ask Grunkle Ford to take down the barrier around the shack. I want you to be able to come inside."

Bill brushed Dipper's bangs back. "That would be nice. There's a storm tomorrow, so you won't be able to come outside."

Dipper frowned at this news. What if Ford said no? He was only just coming to terms with his feelings, he wanted to continue being with Bill. He wanted to know if this was how he really felt.

"Don't blame Sixer for this, okay. He's just trying to protect you guys." Bill said, having a feeling he knew what Dipper was thinking about. "I know, I just..."

"Dipper. Get over here. Now." Ford was standing just inside the barrier with Mabel. He did not look happy.    

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, so before anyone tells me. Yes, I know Bill is inside the shack in the picture. I goofed up a bit when taking the pictures. I got rid of the save file as soon as I got all the pictures, so at the moment, I'm unable to fix it. May do so later.

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