Chapter 6

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Dipper sat at a booth with Mabel across from him while Bill sat beside him. Dipper was more than a little suspicious about the demons actions and kindness.

"Your ice cream is melting, Sapling." Bill said, causing Dipper to jump slightly. Bill chuckled as Dipper's face flushed as he ate his ice cream. "This place had good ice cream. Don't want to waste any."

Mabel looked up then, looking at Bill. "Thank you for buying this for us." Dipper sighed but figured befriending Bill, if he was trying to change, wasn't that bad an idea. "Yeah, thanks, Bill."

Bill ruffled his hair, causing Dipper to give him an annoyed look. "So, Bill why didn't you use a human body before? Why use Dipper's body if you had your own?" Bill sat back, looking at the twins.

He gave a sigh before speaking. "You cannot tell this to Ford." He said, catching their attention by using their grunkle's real name. With a nod from both twins, Bill spoke. "It has only been recently that I've had the ability to take a human form. Strong magic is needed, even more so in my case..."

Dipper and Mabel just stared at the blond in front of them. "Wait, so then is your body different?" Mabel asked, looking him over. "Human enough." He said, looking at Dipper with a knowing smirk.

Dipper looked away, trying to hide behind his ice cream. Bill smirked before turning back to Mabel. "Say, Shooting Star, is there anywhere else you want to go? Shopping trip, my treat."

Dipper groaned as Mabel's eyes went wide. "Really? Then we have to go to the mall! Just think of all the yarn I can get." Dipper looked at Bill, who was looking confused. "It's your own fault, Bill." Dipper said, finishing off his cone.

By noon, the three were walking around the mall. Bill was carrying five bags, all of which were for Mabel. She was happy, which was the only reason Dipper allowed the trip to continue.

Mabel had just run off into another store when Dipper stopped Bill. "What are you playing at, Bill? First, you danced with me this morning, now you're treating Mabel to a shopping spree..."

Bill looked at Dipper before looking away. "What can I say, Pine tree. I'm in a good mood." He said, watching Mabel picking out some more yarn. "You can get something too, Sapling. Anything you want, just ask."

Dipper was about to say more, but Bill grabbed his hand to pull him into the store to catch up with Mabel. Dipper sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to get a straight answer from the demon.


It was getting late, and Dipper was starting to get tired. He had only seen one thing he had wanted to get but didn't bother to ask. He still didn't understand this nicer side of Bill, nor did he trust him.

"Sapling, are you listening to me?" Dipper looked over as Bill waved his hand in front of his face. "Sorry, I was spacing out..." Bill gave him a smiled, holding out some money. "Mabel already left to get something to eat. Pick whatever you like."

Dipper looked at the twenty in his hands before taking it. "I'm not going to do anything while you're gone except get us a table." Dipper nodded, heading off to get something to eat.

When Dipper finally made it to the table Bill and Mabel were at, he slumped down next to Bill. "Tired, Sapling?" He asked, looking the male teen over. "It's just been a long day..."

Bill nodded, giving Dipper a look that the brunet didn't see. He had started on his meal along with his twin. Bill though, wasn't eating. He didn't even have any food in front of him.

It wasn't until Dipper was almost done his burger did he notice that Bill wasn't eating. "Don't you need to eat?" Bill shook his head, though still stole a fry from Dipper's tray. "I still regain energy through people's dreams. But I can eat food if I want to."

Dipper nodded, finishing up his food before resting back against the booth. He was surprised to feel a hand playing with his hair, and even more so that he thought it felt like when Pharaoh did the same in his dreams.

"We should probably get back to the shack. I know Sixer won't be happy if he sees me out with you two." Bill said, pulling his hand away, shaking Dipper slightly to wake him.

Once Dipper was up, the three of them made their way back to the shack. Bill carried all the bags, even though Dipper was willing to help him carry one of the fifteen bags.

They weren't that far from the shack when Bill came to a stop. "This is as close as I'll get to that place." Dipper nodded, taking the bags from Bill, only for Mabel to state something neither had thought of. "How are we going to explain the bags?"

Bill looked at Dipper before snapping his fingers, causing the bags to disappear. "They're in your room now. No questions." Mabel grinned, running back to the shack. Dipper, on the other hand, stayed to speak to Bill.

"Will I ever get a straight answer from you about why you're doing this?" Dipper asked. Bill just shrugged. "Probably not. Thanks for the fun time, Sapling. See you around." Bill gave Dipper a smile before vanishing.

Dipper sighed, heading back to the shack. He had to admit, he did enjoy himself with Bill. The blond had listened to the teen the whole time, giving him his whole attention.

"Dipper, there you are. Did you enjoy your walk?" Ford said as Dipper walked into the kitchen. He looked over, giving him a nod. "Yeah. It was nice to get out for a while."

Ford nodded, but Dipper knew there was more the man wanted to say. "Did Cipher show up at all while you were out?" Dipper was quiet for a moment before shaking his head no.

Ford looked at the brunet before nodding. "Alright. Mabel is already upstairs, you seem tired, so rest up." Dipper nodded, leaving to head up to the room he shared with his twin.

Mabel was sorting through all the things Bill had gotten her. "I still can't believe Bill bought me all of these. I wonder why though..." Dipper wondered the same thing as he sat on his bed.

"Oh, this one is yours, Dip-Dot." Mabel said, heading Dipper a bag. "That's not possible. I didn't get anything..." Dipper still took the bag, as it was clear Mabel didn't want it.

Looking inside, Dipper saw the book he had been looking at. He pulled out the book, slowly opening it to find a sticky-note inside of it. 'Saw you looking at this. Thought you'd like it. Enjoy.' It wasn't signed, but Dipper still knew who it was from. Smiling, he sat back on his bed to read the book.    

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