Chapter 15

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Ford stood in the kitchen, staring at Dipper, unable to believe what he was hearing. "Dipper, there is no way that I'm going to allow Cipher back in here."

Dipper frowned at his grunkle. "Grunkle Ford, he's different! He's changed. Being human has changed him." Dipper said again. "And I know you think he's tricking me or something, but I know he's not."

Ford though, just shook his head. "I know him..." "Do you?" Dipper cut in, glaring at him. "You say you know him, but how well? You didn't know he had a human form. I bet you don't know that he loved the ancient worlds. What else is there you don't know about Bill?"

Ford stared at Dipper, surprised by his outburst. Because he knew that Dipper had a point. He did claim to know Bill best, but even he didn't know everything.

"I know you don't trust Bill. None of us blame you..." Dipper said softly. "But everyone deserves a second chance. And Bill is no different." He finished, looking determined about his stance.

Ford could only frown at his great-nephew. "I know you want to trust him, Dipper. I know you're happy with him. But he had been and will always be a demon."

Dipper frowned, getting up to leave. He didn't bother to tell them where he was going since it would be easy enough for them to find him. He just wanted some alone time.

I lied in bed with Pharaoh beside me. I had been worried, as Pharaoh had had a lot to drink, but he seemed like his normal self.

"Asteraki, why did the party have to end? I was having fun." He rolled over, wrapping an arm over me. "Maybe we should continue the party here..."

Before I could say anything, Pharaoh was over me, kissing me on the lips. I smiled, kissing him back. I loved when he was like this. He was always soft with me, and my body loved how he touched it.

"I want you, my Asteraki... Let me take you. Now..." Pharaoh said, kissing down along my neck. He pulled back slightly to look at me. "I... I would like that..."

Dipper sat up in bed, covering his mouth as he looked over at his sister. Glad to see that she as still asleep, he slowly got up to leave the room.

He didn't want to think about his dream, yet you could still feel the interaction between himself and Pharaoh. He had never felt something like that before. And didn't know how he felt about it.

He also didn't know who to talk to about his dream. Mabel was out of the question. She wouldn't be able to keep it secret. Ford and Stan were out too. He didn't know how they'd react.

He looked out the window to see that it was pouring. That's right, Bill said it would rain... Dipper thought, frowning. He wondered if Bill would listen to his problems.

Looking around, he grabbed a raincoat before heading outside. He wanted to see Bill, to talk to him. Somehow, he knew Bill would listen and understand.

"Dipper? What are you doing out in the rain?" Bill said, the demon running over to him. "I needed to talk to you... About my dream last night..."

Bill set up a dome to protect the two from the rain before setting up a place for them to sit. "Tell me all about it, Dipper. I won't judge you."

Dipper sat down next to Bill, resting against the demon. Bill played with the brunet's hair while said boy thought about how to tell the blond his dream.

"Bill... Have you ever been with another guy... Other than me...?" Bill nodded, surprising Dipper. "And... And how far did... Did you two go...?" Dipper felt his face go red as he asked his question.

Bill was quiet for a moment before answering. "If you're asking if we had sex, then yes. But I always made sure he was okay with it." Dipper looked up, his face still red.

"Why do you ask?" Bill asked, confused by Dipper's sudden curiosity. "I, uh... Last night I..." Dipper looked down, trying to find the right words. "In my dream, Pharaoh and I... We..."

Bill put a hand on Dipper's shoulder, stopping him. "I understand... Was that the first time?" Dipper nodded. "I see... Did you not like it?" Bill asked, biting his lip slightly.

Dipper was quiet, think about it. "I... I don't know... I mean, I could still feel the pleasure from it when I woke up, yet..."

Bill hugged Dipper, feeling his confusion radiate off of him. "Shh... It's okay, Dipper. Everything will be okay..." Bill said softly, trying to calm him.

"Bill, I don't want to keep having these dreams... I don't care anymore." He looked up. "Can you make them stop?" He pleads, begging with his eyes.

Bill frowned at the brunet. "I'm sorry, Dipper... I can't..." He said, waiting for the teen to get angry. "No... I guess not... I... I'm sorry..."

Bill held the teen close to him, running his fingers through his brown curls. "I just want to be normal again... Or as normal as I was before these dreams started..."

Bill looked down before placing a kiss on Dipper's forehead. "If there's one thing I've learned about humans, it's that you guys are stronger than even you give yourselves credit for."

Dipper looked up, a small smile and blush on his face. "Thanks, Bill..." He said, resting against him with a smile.

Bill let the boy rest, knowing that it was still quite early and that Dipper needed more sleep. "Rest up, Dipper. I'll wake you up when your family starts to wake."

Dipper smile slowly fell as he began to fall asleep. Bill hummed softly as he combed through the brunet hair. His face, though happy, held some sadness.

"I wish I could tell you everything, Sapling..." He said softly, not wanting to wake the boy. "But now I know for sure that you wouldn't be able to handle it..."    

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