Chapter 19

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Ford frowned as he watched his and great-niece trying to summon the dream demon. "I still say this is a bed idea."

Mabel looked over to Ford. "They need to talk this out, Grunkle Ford. Dipper can't move on otherwise. And Bill is just as upset." She stated matter of factly.

Ford just sighed, looking over in case Dipper came down confused as to why they were so quiet. As much as he wanted to help Dipper, he didn't think this was the right way.

Ford turned back around as Mabel finished Bill's circle. He frowned, knowing this was his last chance to stop his great-niece.

"Mabel. This is quite dangerous. I don't want you doing this. I know you're just trying to help Dipper. But bringing Cipher here is the last thing he needs right now." Ford said softly, not wanting to hurt her feelings.

Mabel just frowned at him. "I know it doesn't seem like the best plan, but it will help." She said, stepping out of the circle.

"Now, did you take down the barrier around the shack?" She asked her grunkles. "All done, pumpkin. I'm surprised he hasn't shown up already." Stan said, getting a nod from Mabel.

Ford looked down at the circle with a sigh before stepping closer to it. He didn't want Mabel to do this but knew that Mabel knew her brother best. "Mabel, I really hope you're right about this."

Ford turned back to the circle, reciting the summoning spell. This one was different slightly, as the reason for summoning him was different. He didn't want Bill in his house, so he also made sure Bill would only be able to move once Ford okayed it.

Ford finished the spell, covering his eyes as a flash of bright light filled the room. When he and the other Pines lowered their arms, they saw a confused Bill Cipher standing in the middle of the circle.

"I honestly never thought you'd try to summon me again, Sixer. And hello there Fez and Shooting Star." Bill said, giving them a large smirk. "Mabel asked me to call you." Ford answered, stepping aside so Mabel could speak to the demon.

"What happened between you and Dipper? We heard some of it, but..." Mabel started, only for Bill to hold up a hand. "Not for me to tell Shooting Star. Only Dipper can tell you."

The three Pines started at Bill in disbelief. "Bill. Dipper's been upset since you two fought. He won't speak to us, and he just locks himself away in his room all day."

Bill's face dropped upon hearing this news about Dipper. He made to leave the circle but was stopped. "Let me out, Sixer. I need to see Dipper."

Ford looked at Mabel, then to Bill. "Why should we trust you, Cipher? How do we know you won't pull a fast one on us the second we let you out?" Ford asked, crossing his arms as he stepped between Bill and Mabel.

"Whatever it takes, Sixer. Just let me talk to him." Ford looked Bill over for a moment before giving a sigh. He spoke a few words, causing the barrier to fall.

Before Ford could say anything, Bill ran off towards the twin's room. Ford made to follow, but Stan stopped him. "Give them a moment alone, Ford. They need it."

Bill reached the landing, quickly going over to the door and knocking on it. "I'm not in the mood, Mabel..." Bill frowned. He could hear how upset his Pine tree was.

Using his powers, he unlocked and opened the door. Dipper was lying down on his bed, his back to the door. His signature hat sat on the nightstand next to the bed.

Frowning, Bill walked over, sitting down next to him on the bed. Dipper jumped as he felt someone sit on the bed, then moved further away upon seeing that it was Bill.

"I just want to talk to you Sapling. I didn't know you were hurting so much..." Dipper looked away, trying not to start crying again. "I'm so sorry, Dipper. I know I should've told you. I know..."

Bill lend back against the wall, holding his arms out for Dipper. Dipper sat still for a moment before joining him. Bill held the teen, rubbing small circles into his back.

Dipper looked up at Bill, noticing that he was already looking at him. "I really am sorry, Sapling. I'm not even surprised that you hate me..."

"I... I don't..." Dipper said softly. "I don't hate you..." Dipper looked away, his face blushing.

Bill's eyes widen at the statement before pulling Dipper into a tight hug. "I thought you did. That's why I didn't come back." He let Dipper go, kissing his forehead.

"Bill... Could I... Could I ask you something?" Dipper asked, looking away once again. "Anything, Sapling. I have nothing to hide from you."

Dipper looked up at Bill, his eyes watering slightly. "Do... Do you only love me because... Because I'm... Him..."

Bill looked at Dipper confused for a moment before realization hit him. "No, Dipper, I swear to you. I love you. My feelings for you started before I knew you were him."

Bull pulled Dipper close, holding him tightly once again. "I took a human form for you. I started playing nice because I knew that's what you'd want from me. I swear, Dipper, everything I've done this past little while was for you."

Dipper stared at Bill for a moment before he felt tears building in his eyes again. He lend forward, holding Bill, crying into his chest. "Stupid Dorito..." Dipper sobbed, getting a chuckle from Bill. "I love you too, Mason."

Dipper's face flushed deeply at Bill's words. Not only because he had called Dipper by his real name, but because he had said that he loved him twice.

Dipper lowly looked back up at the demon, who was smiling kindly to the teen. "Do... Do you really...?" He asked softly.

Bill kissed the teen's forehead. "Of course I do, Sapling. I love you with all of my demon heart." Dipper chuckled softly at the mention of him being a demon.

Bill lightly played with Dipper's hair as they quietly sat there. Dipper was thinking about his feelings towards Bill. Did he love him? He looked up at the demon, feeling his heart flutter.

"Bill..." He said softly, turning so that he was fully facing the demon. "I think I... I love you too..." Dipper said before pulling the blond demon in for a kiss.    

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