Chapter 21

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Dipper was somewhat enjoying himself at his party. Sure, it was fun, but he found himself often watching the door.

Bill still hadn't shown up, and he was becoming upset. Bill had said two hours. But he had been gone for almost twelve now.

Sighing, Dipper went to join Mabel to blow out the candles on their cakes. She gave him a large smile as he joins her. "Ready?" She asks, getting a nod from him.

"Make a wish!" Soos shouted to them from the crowd. Dipper smiled. "At the beginning of the summer, if you'd asked me what I'd wish for, I would've said 'adventure, mystery and true friends'. But looking here at all of you, I realized that every wish came true."

He smiled before looking at his sister. "If I had only one wish, it would be to shrink all of you with the shrink ray and bring you home with us in my pocket. But since that's not possible, my only wish is for everyone to sign my scrapbook."

She gave everyone a huge smile. "I'll never forget you guys. Wait!" She pulled out the memory gun, smashing it and stomping on it. "Now I'll never forget you guys!"

"Ready?" Dipper said to his twin. "Ready." She said. They lend over and blew out their candles, getting cheers from everyone.

Mabel ran over to dance with her friends. Dipper smiled at her, glad to see her having fun. Noticing no one was really paying him any attention, he chose that moment to sneak out of the party to get some fresh air.

"Enjoying the party?" Dipper looked over, seeing the blond demon standing on the other side of the porch.

"Bill! What the hell? Where have you been?" Dipper ran over, hugging his boyfriend. "I'm so sorry, Sapling. I went to get your birthday gift, but realized I hadn't finished it."

Bill held the teen, kissing his head. "I just hope you like it..." Dipper looked up at him, curious. "What is it?"

Bill chuckled. "You'll just have to wait and find out. In the meantime..." Bill moved Dipper's arms so that they were wrapped around the demon's neck while his own wrapped around the teen's waist.

Dipper was confused for a moment before smiling as the demon swayed the two back and forth. It wasn't really dancing, but it was close enough for Dipper.

"Hey, Bill..." Dipper said softly, looking up at the demon. "Thank you for probably the most memorable summer ever..." Dipper lend forward, giving the demon a soft kiss on his lips.

"Dipper, dude. What are you... Oh..." Wendy had stepped outside to look for Dipper, only to find him kissing Bill.

"Whoa... Sorry, dude..." She said, backing up. Dipper looked over, smiling to her. "It's okay, Wendy. I should introduce you two. Bill, this is my friend Wendy. Wendy, this is Bill, my boyfriend."

Wendy looked between the two of them before her eyes stopped on Dipper. "Boyfriend? How long have you known you..."

Dipper looked down. He knew what she was asking, but did he himself know? "I, uh... I don't know... Bill is the first guy I've ever liked in that way..."

Wendy nodded, opening the door. "Well, come on." She motioned to head inside. "People are starting to wonder where you've disappeared to."

Dipper nodded, taking Bill's hand as he followed Wendy back into the shack. Bill smiled, glad to know that Dipper was fine with people knowing that they were together.

Bill looked around before pulling Dipper over to the table with all the presents. He looked around before pulling out a blue and black box.

"Happy birthday, Sapling." He said, handing him the box. Dipper looked at the box for a moment before taking it. He slowly opened it, finding familiar blue and black tissue paper.

Pulling the tissue back, he saw a large black book. Slowly, he pulled it out of the box, looking through it.

"Bill, this book... Where did you even get something like this?" Dipper looked up at the demon, who was smiling at the teen. "I told you, it took me a while to make this for you."

Dipper looked back at the book, looking through the different pages. The book was all about Bill. Everything Dipper had wondered about Bill was written in it.

"Bill... I... Thank you... This is amazing..." Dipper put the box down, giving Bill a hug. "It's the least I could do... I know how upset you were..."

Dipper pulled Bill into a kiss, smiling happily to him. He picked up the book, walking to the side to go through the book with Bill.


Dipper and Bill were enjoying themselves as they sat at the side of the room. Dipper had said bye to some of the people who had left but hadn't really left Bill's side.

Mabel came over to them near the end of the party, a huge smile on her face. "Dipper! There you are! Have you been sitting here the whole time?"

Dipper shrugged, resting against Bill. Mabel looked at Bill, not happy to see him there. "And where have you been all day?" She asked her hands on her hips.

Bill put his arm around the sleepy brunet. "Working on Sapling's present. I didn't know it would take me all day to finish it."

Mabel looked at the demon, not trusting him. Bill sighed, resting back against the wall. "I got you a gift as well. It's on the table with the others."

Mabel glared at him for a moment before making her way over to the present table. "She's not going to trust me anytime soon, is she?"

Dipper shook his head. "Probably not." He said, sitting up. Bill shrugged. "Can't blame her. She's just protective over her little brother."

Dipper smacked him, getting a laugh from the demon. "I'm just messing with you, Sapling. Well, kind of..." Bill said, kissing Dipper softly, causing the teen to blush.

Unnoticed by both males was that small exchange had been seen by all the remaining party goers. Each one fully supporting the happy couple.    

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