Chapter 17

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Bill sat in front of Dipper, having heard the boy's dream. "And you could still feel the pain when you woke up?" Bill asked. "Yeah... Just like before..."

Bill nodded, reaching forward. "May I?" Dipper was still for a moment. "Yeah..." Bill lend forward some more, gently touching the two marks on Dipper's stomach. "Does it hurt, Dipper?"

He shook his head as Bill pulled away. "I don't know what caused this, Dipper. I've never seen anything like this before..." He spoke softly, as though he was scared the teen would run away.

Instead, Dipper moved closer to the demon, resting his head on his shoulder. "I'm just glad I'm done with those dreams. And in time for my birthday too..."

Bill combed his fingers through the brunet's hair. "You still haven't told me what you'd like for your birthday." Bill whispered, causing Dipper to blush. "I..."

"Dipper, time to head back." Mabel called, getting a groan from both boys. "Mabel, I want to enjoy my time with Bill before we have to head back."

Mabel frowned. "Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford want to talk with you." She said softly, as though worried. Dipper sighed, slowly getting up. "I'll try to get back out later."

Bill stood, deciding to walk Dipper back to the shack. Or as far as Bill could get. "Bill, don't make Ford angry. I know he's stressing because of everything going on right now. And with it being so close to us heading home..."

Bill took Dipper's hand as the three made their way to the shack. "I won't do anything, Dipper. Not if it takes you away from me." Bill squeezed Dipper's hand as the brunet blushed.

Ford was waiting for them just inside the door, hidden slightly from sight. He was wanting to see how Bill acted with the twins without him around.

He was shocked when he saw Bill and Dipper walk to the edge of the barrier together, holding hands. Mabel continued into the shack while Dipper spoke to Bill.

Bill lends over, unmistakably giving Dipper a kiss on his cheek before letting the brunet leave. This caused Dipper to be bright red as he walked into the shack.

Dipper stopped when he saw Ford's furious face. "Grunkle Ford?" Ford grabbed Dipper's arm, dragging him down into the lab. "I told you to stay clear of Cipher, Dipper. He's not to be trusted. And yet you think it's a good idea to form a relationship with him."

Dipper looked at Ford confused for a moment before realizing what Ford was talking about. "Grunkle Ford, I can explain..."

Ford let out a sigh. "He's just playing you Dipper. Messing with your emotions..." Dipper looked down. "He's different now..." He said in a soft voice.

Ford frowned at his great-nephew. "He's a demon, Dipper. He can't change." The last of Ford's anger seemed to fade away as he knelt next to the boy. "I'm sorry, Dipper. But it's true."

Dipper shook his head, not wanting to believe it. He knew Ford had a point, yet his heart told him that Ford was completely wrong. But how could he prove that to him?

"I want to do something for you, Dipper. It'll stop Bill from getting into your mind. It won't be as intense as mine, but it needs to be done." Ford said, placing a hand on Dipper's shoulder.

"If it'll get you to believe me that Bill has changed, then fine." Dipper replied, looking up at his grunkle.

Ford frowned before getting started. He was just protecting his family. He had to. It was his duty.


Dipper sat hooked up to the machine, bored out of his mind. Ford had fallen asleep, leaving Dipper alone with his thoughts. This would've been embarrassing for him if anyone came down, as his mind kept going back to Bill. And his thoughts were being projected on the computer screen.

He sighed as he rested against the machine, careful not to touch anything. He wanted to go out and spend time with Bill. Ever since he found out Bill couldn't leave Gravity Falls, he had been trying to spend as much time with him as he could.

He knew no one really cared that Bill couldn't pass the barrier. Ford even seemed please that Bill was stuck in Gravity Falls.

No one cared that this upset him. He liked this new human Bill. Yet he seemed to be the only one. Maybe Mabel. But she kept going back and forth on whether she trusted him or not.

A loud beeping startled Dipper and woke Ford. The computer read 'Process Complete'. Ford began to take the wires off Dipper.

"Can I go now?" Dipper asked hopefully. Ford gave a sharp nod and, before he could say anything, Dipper ran off. If it wasn't too late, he could still spend some time with Bill.

He was about to head out when Mabel called for him. He turned to see that she had two plates in her hands. "I made dinner. Are you hungry?"

Dipper shook his head without really thinking about it. Turning, he went outside, finding Bill waiting for him just outside the barrier. Smiling, Dipper ran over to him.

Bill gave the brunet a hug. "What did Ford want? You've been gone for hours..." Bill questioned, frowning. Dipper sighed, explaining to him what Ford had done. Bill was not pleased.

"That's was really dangerous, Dipper... If anything had gone wrong..." Bill frowned, worried about the brunet. "Just... Be careful with your mind... It's quite special to me." Bill said, kissing Dipper's forehead.

Smiling, Dipper let the blond pull him over to a nearby tree. He resting against it before pulling Dipper on to his lap.

"Dipper, will you be coming back next summer?" Bill asked softly. "Of course, Bill. There's no way I'll pass up the chance to come back here."

Bill smiled, kissing the brunet's head. "I'm going to miss you, Sapling. I know you hate when I call you that," Bill quickly added. "But it's not in a teasing manner." He said softly, combing his fingers through the brown curls.

"I... I don't mind it... You calling me Sapling... Sometimes..." Dipper said, not looking at the demon. "Of course. Now, go eat something. I can hear your stomach growling."

Bill kissed Dipper's forehead before letting the teen get up. Dipper gave the blond one more smile before heading back into the shack.    

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