Chapter 20

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Bill lied next to Dipper on the bed. He knew the other Pines wouldn't like it if they found him there, but he had his Pine tree back. That's all he cared about.

He hummed softly as he combed his fingers through the brunet's hair. It was a tune he had learned long ago, words since forgotten. But he hummed it nonetheless.

He was just starting to feel tired when Mabel came in. She gave Bill a look before grabbing her pyjamas and leaving.

Shrugging, Bill relaxed next to the sleeping teen. He gave him a soft kiss on the forehead before letting himself fall asleep.


Mabel shook her brother, a huge smile on her face. Dipper slowly opened his eyes, looking at his sister, still half asleep.

"Mabel... What time is it?" Dipper asked, rubbing his eyes as he grabbed his phone. He turned it on only for the date to catch his eye. August 31. It was their birthday.

"Happy birthday, Dipper!" Mabel said, hugging her twin. "Happy birthday, Mabel." Dipper replied with a smile, returning her hug.

"I'm going to make our cake!" She said, running out of the room. "No glitter!" Dipper yelled, though knew it was pointless.

A warmth from behind caught the teen's attention. He looked over to see the blond demon snuggled right into his back.

"You're so loud this early in the morning..." Bill groaned, his words slurring slightly. "Good morning to you too." Dipper chuckled, kissing the top of Bill's head.

Bill jumped up at that, pulling Dipper into a hug. "Happy birthday Sapling!" Bill shouted, giving Dipper a soft kiss.

Dipper blushed, looking away. Bill chuckled before getting up. "I have to pop out for a little while, but I'll be back before the party starts. I just have to get a few things."

Dipper frowned. He knew that he couldn't spend all day every day with the demon, but he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend on his last day in the town.

"Two hours at most, Sapling." Bill said, kissing Dipper's forehead. "Enjoy your birthday, Sapling. I'll be back before you know it."

Dipper nodded, smiling to Bill. He gave the teen another kiss and a soft smile before disappearing.

Dipper sighed before slowly getting up, pulling out clothes and getting dress. Once done, he made his way to the kitchen, walking in just as Mabel was putting something in the oven.

"Hey! Where's Bill?" She asked, noticing Dipper was alone. "Went out. Said he had to get a few things. He'll be back in an hour or two."

Mabel nodded slowly, not sure if she trusted her brother or not. Dipper smiled as he sat down, think of everything he and Bill could do before the party started.

"So what kind of cake are you making first?" He asked, hoping it wasn't his. "Mine. The strawberry and cherry one." She bounced as she spoke, excited about the cake.

Dipper smiled, mostly cause he was glad that his cake at least would be normal. Maybe he could get Bill to help him decorate it.

"Oh, don't forget, the party starts at three." Mabel said, trying to look serious. "So don't be late."

Dipper rolled his eyes at his sister. "Mabel. I'll be here the whole day. And the party is taking place here. I won't be late."

Mabel eyes him for a moment before giving him a nod. "Alright. But if you are..." She started, getting Dipper to raise his hands in surrender.

Mabel smiled before turning back to the counter to start on Dipper's cake. Dipper just turned his head to look outside, not paying attention to what Mabel was adding to the cake.

Mabel was just pulling out her cake when Stan and Ford walked in. "That smells good. Did you make it yourself?"

Mabel nodded, grinning to her grunkles. "Yup! And now I'm making Dipper's. Oh, that reminds me, Dipper, can you start putting up the decorations?"

Dipper looked over. "Mm? Oh, yeah. Where are they?" Mabel pointed to a box. Dipper went over to it, looking in to see everything he needed.

Grabbing the box, Dipper left, heading into the room the party would be held. He set the box down, looking around the room before looking through the box.

"Balloons, streamers, party games... Geez, Mabel. You really thought of everything..." He said to himself, starting to pull things out.


Dipper was resting on the couch while Mabel dancing around to her music. The party would be starting soon, but that wasn't what Dipper was thinking about. His thoughts were on a certain blond demon.

Dipper heard the doorbell ring and knew that the first of the guests had arrived. Getting up, he went to answer the door.

"Hey Soos, Wendy. Come on in." Dipper stepped back, letting his friends in. "Party is just in the other room. Just follow the music."

Wendy and Soos left for the party room, leaving Dipper alone. He sighed, knowing it was going to be a long afternoon of him playing doorman.    

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